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<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: hey so i got stuff mostly working but i still cant boot into linux... i get "Working FDT set to 0
<youmukonpaku1337> FDT and ATAGS support not compiled in
<youmukonpaku1337> resetting ...
<youmukonpaku1337> and then it boots into standard pocketbook os
<youmukonpaku1337> do i need to enable FDT in kernel or uboot...?
<youmukonpaku1337> also heres the cmdline
<youmukonpaku1337> console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/ram0 initrd=0x43300000 rw rootfstype=cpio rootwait panic=3 quiet loglevel=0
<youmukonpaku1337> also do i need to define initrd size and somehow define where DTB is located in memory?
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<youmukonpaku1337> hmm
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<youmukonpaku1337> weechat is a cool client
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<youmukonpaku1337> hmm
<youmukonpaku1337> OH fdt is flattened device tree
<youmukonpaku1337> fun
<youmukonpaku1337> (or not)
<youmukonpaku1337> huh.
<youmukonpaku1337> LIBFDT is enabled in kernel
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<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: so uh any ideas?
<Jookia> youmukonpaku1337: you might need to post your full boot log
<youmukonpaku1337> oh yea true
<youmukonpaku1337> i will in a bit
<Jookia> including the commands you typed to boot :)
<youmukonpaku1337> also sorry for all the rejoin spamming i was trying to setup certFP in weechat lol
<Jookia> i have joins hidden :)
<Jookia> it's good to hide joins/parts if you hang around IRC for long periods
<youmukonpaku1337> true
<DarkNeutrino> Joins are fine. Most of us have them muted for exactly this reason :) When im travelling my phone IRC client loves to reconnect each chance it gets.
<youmukonpaku1337> yeah lol
<youmukonpaku1337> i am now using weechat hosted in a debian chroot on my phone because holy fuck does revolution irc love to rejoin
<youmukonpaku1337> + the relay client for android is beautiful
<apritzel> youmukonpaku1337: what's your kernel config? something you custom made?
<youmukonpaku1337> kernel config is the kernel build by megi
<youmukonpaku1337> one sec
<apritzel> please use sunxi_defconfig, if in doubt
<youmukonpaku1337> great now im gonna have to build a kernel wont i
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<apritzel> youmukonpaku1337: for a start it would help to show what exactly you are doing in U-Boot
<apritzel> where you load the kernel, what you type to boot, etc
<youmukonpaku1337> okay so i load uboot with this command doas sunxi-fel -v uboot u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin \ write 0x42000000 zImage \
<youmukonpaku1337> write 0x43000000 sun5i-a13-pocketbook-616.dtb \
<youmukonpaku1337> write 0x43100000 boot.scr \
<youmukonpaku1337> write 0x43300000 rootfs.cpio
<youmukonpaku1337> then do bootz 0x42000000 in it
<Jookia> youmukonpaku1337: building a kernel isn't too hard if you've already boot u-boot you have everything you need
<Jookia> you need to pass the cpio + dtb address when booting
<youmukonpaku1337> (boot.scr only sets kernel cmdline by the way)
<youmukonpaku1337> oh
<youmukonpaku1337> how can i do that
<youmukonpaku1337> in kernel cmdline i defined cpio start address and dev/ram0 as root
<Jookia> bootz 0x42000000 0x43300000 0x43000000
<Jookia> if you want to use boot.scr you should be booting that
<apritzel> youmukonpaku1337: yeah, your recipe smells like 10 year old embedded kernel blunder
<Jookia> you also might want to double check that your loads aren't overlapping each other :)
<apritzel> common issue indeed
<apritzel> I'd suggest you take it easy, just load a kernel (no script, no rootfs, no DTB)
<Jookia> you only have 16mb for the zImage
<apritzel> then boot that, using U-Boot's built-in DTB
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<youmukonpaku1337> my zImage is 6.2m so shouldnt be an issue, but yeah let me try just booting it
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<Jookia> congrats on getting this far :)
<youmukonpaku1337> "this far" isn't far enough to play touhou on an ebook :p
<youmukonpaku1337> anyway ill probably go buy a heatsink for my pi then get to work on this
<linkmauve> youmukonpaku1337, using PyTouhou? :)
<Jookia> booting linux is by far the most annoying part of embedded linux IMHO
<youmukonpaku1337> hell no we're running box86 and wine on 256mb of ram WOOOO
<linkmauve> :(
<youmukonpaku1337> pytouhou is cool but i suck at touhou so bombs are needed
<linkmauve> Patches welcome~
<youmukonpaku1337> wait you made pytouhou??
<youmukonpaku1337> holy FUCK you did
<youmukonpaku1337> wow
<Jookia> i fixed the bb demo to work on 64-bit systems for anyone wanting to run that demo
<youmukonpaku1337> tbf i doubt ill get playable performance on box86 anyway
<Jookia> unfortunately the sound synth is too slow for a lot of embedded systems
<youmukonpaku1337> so might try pytouhou
<linkmauve> It being native (and much more performant than the original engine, and supporting GLES 2.0 natively) will make it a much easier first step.
<youmukonpaku1337> oh true
<youmukonpaku1337> worth a try i suppose
<youmukonpaku1337> wair doesnt the a13 like
<youmukonpaku1337> not have hardware 2d accel
<DarkNeutrino> I did get box86 and 64 running on H616 with GPU and etc. It still preforms like absolute crap. And i dont think any AW SoC will change that. They are all very slow compared to like Qcom sadly.
<Jookia> a13 has a mali 400 gpu
<Jookia> no 2d accel though
<youmukonpaku1337> yea
<youmukonpaku1337> oh
<Jookia> not sure games would use 2d accel
<DarkNeutrino> They may for UI. Tho thats rare these days. Its mostly done in 3D
<linkmauve> PyTouhou uses exclusively 3D acceleration, on any driver exposing the OpenGL, GLES or Glide APIs.
<youmukonpaku1337> DarkNeutrino: think i can manage a 2002 2d game? :-)
<linkmauve> youmukonpaku1337, Touhou is 3D since Touhou 6.
<DarkNeutrino> Eh it should run.
<DarkNeutrino> Tho dont expect much. Even tuxkart on lowest settings runs poorly on H616
<youmukonpaku1337> linkmauve: thats good
<linkmauve> The original engine uses d3d8.
<DarkNeutrino> With gpu opp and cpu opp ofc
<youmukonpaku1337> anyway i wonder if i can turn the usb wifi interface into a proper usb port
<youmukonpaku1337> might be useful for GUD because i need as much bandwidth as possible
<youmukonpaku1337> oh wait
<youmukonpaku1337> its gonns be usingt he same controller anywya lmao
<karlp> linkmauve: is you as well?
<linkmauve> No, that’s a friend of mine, why?
<karlp> (it needs it's letsencrypt certs expanded to either wildcard, or add the code.gio... domain to the cert)
<linkmauve> Ah, I’ll tell him, thanks.
<linkmauve> How did you end up there btw?
<karlp> serched for pytouhou to see what you were talking about, clicked the github link, which said "all closed, no github updates -> go here:"
<linkmauve> karlp, you should go to the official website, which links to the upstream hg repository.
<linkmauve> GitHub just has more SEO for your search engine.
<karlp> I saw that too, but had both tabs open :)
<karlp> linkmauve was on top, the other was numbeer 2. I opened both :)
<linkmauve> Heh. :)
<linkmauve> I never host my personal projects on a proprietary forge, but I gave up on not using said proprietary forge when projects hosted there started rejecting my patches because I wasn’t going through their process.
<linkmauve> Being able to contribute to free software was more important to me.
<youmukonpaku1337> linkmauve: never expected a touhou fan to be in linux-sunxi of all things lmao
<linkmauve> Why not? :)
<linkmauve> Your nickname outed you immediately though. :p
<youmukonpaku1337> true
<youmukonpaku1337> linkmauve: wen pytouhou for pcb xp
<linkmauve> It already supports parts of it, you can play the first few stages already.
<youmukonpaku1337> oooh interesting
<linkmauve> More RE needed though.
<youmukonpaku1337> i also got touhou running on my phone some time ago :p
<linkmauve> Same here, running PyTouhou on my PinePhone was as uneventful as expected.
<youmukonpaku1337> that was on android with a chroot :p
<youmukonpaku1337> thanks to the mesa folks
<youmukonpaku1337> ngl pinephone seems quite cool but its really expensive especially pro :(
<linkmauve> Yeah, that’s why I have the normal one.
<Jookia> i have to buy a new phone next year because they're killing off 3g where i live
<linkmauve> Which is based on an A64.
<youmukonpaku1337> getting a poco f1 or a oneplus 6 for linux trickery is much better value than a pinephone atm but no camera or gps, and im not sure if calls work properly yet so its not the greatest daily driver
<youmukonpaku1337> i did run postmarket with sxmo-sway for a month or 2, was fun
<Jookia> maybe i'll just hack up a landline to voip adapter lmao
<youmukonpaku1337> lmao
<Jookia> my hands are too big for phones and so i just get frustrated typing on them and using them
<youmukonpaku1337> also apparently the dev of a pretty good lineage fork for my phone will port mainline eventually so if its dualbootable might mess with that on here
<Jookia> using an acutal computer has spoiled me and made me not want to use phones
<linkmauve> I wrote a uinput keyboard emulator which I run over ssh on my phone, so that I can use my laptop’s keyboard to send SMS and such.
<linkmauve> Works pretty well.
<Jookia> i've seen those, and remote control things
<linkmauve> But most of my communication happens on XMPP, which doesn’t force me to use a phone so it’s much better.
<Jookia> google really seems set on killing off userspace linux on phones and things like that
<youmukonpaku1337> yeah that sucks
<youmukonpaku1337> like for the love of god google youre literally working on porting mainline to your phones why the hell are you killing off the ability to do cool stuff with it???
<Jookia> well they want an android userspace not a unix-like userspace
<youmukonpaku1337> eh still it does not affect normal users in any way
<Jookia> i don't know, the strict security policies in android and ios really annouy me
<Jookia> these are not self-hosting or self-modifying systems
<Jookia> you can't write android apps on your phone like you can with desktops
<youmukonpaku1337> god i wish there was a decent value high performance arm sbc that i could build my own phone with
<youmukonpaku1337> Jookia: yeah android security is complete bs lmao
<Jookia> maybe fuchsia will work out better
<youmukonpaku1337> i doubt fuchsia is going to be real any time soon
<Jookia> but it really sucks that to develop applications people have to buy separate hardware
<youmukonpaku1337> technically you can run it in a chroot but thats still not great
<youmukonpaku1337> worst part about most ARM socs is theyre either fucking horrible in terms of performance or they need 60 partitions, a kernel that doesnt have published sources and some other bullshit to boot properly
<youmukonpaku1337> ever ran lsblk on an android phone? yea...
<DarkNeutrino> None of that is actually true. ARM SoCs are incredibly powerful. The AllWinner ones arent cause their purpose was not to be a mobile SoC or etc. H616 is decoder SoC... Ever ran Qcom SoC on normal linux distro ? When you enable all the necessary stuff they are really powerful.
<DarkNeutrino> Mediatek is coming close but they have some weird hacks on older SoCs
<libv> youmukonpaku1337: there was a time when there really was no source for anything that ran android
<DarkNeutrino> ^
<libv> linux-sunxi was pretty much the first
<libv> of anything that was cheap and easily available
<libv> when i started looking into liberating arm gpus, i did so on android, even before bionic had LD_PRELOAD
<libv> on a telechips chip which never did adhere to the gpl
<libv> no proper linux in sight
<youmukonpaku1337> DarkNeutrino: latest qcom soc that runs linux well is the sd845, and while it is powerful there has been barely anything with great linux support after that
<libv> when mid 2012, allwinner sources were produced by two different device vendors, we were off
<youmukonpaku1337> as for mediatek, mali is not the greatest at the moment
<DarkNeutrino> linaro quite literally adds nearly entire SoC support... Its just that folks dont port Devices
<libv> but before that, i was happy to get a bastard "port" of android 2.3 which did have ld_preload for telechips
<DarkNeutrino> No gpu in mobile SoC is great. Until we get something from AMD. Which could be actually fun
<youmukonpaku1337> which more recent SOCs have decent mainline but not many devices ported?
<libv> i revealed lima 4 months before there was a proper linux for allwinner
<DarkNeutrino> But you can run full blown java minecraft at like 100fps on SM8125
<libv> and linaro has always been very... let's be kind... off-hand? when it came to gpu support and especially arm mali
<DarkNeutrino> YEP
<DarkNeutrino> They are not hired to do that.
<libv> as back in the day jem davies was still running ARM MPD and he hated everything open source as he believes that this is what killed riscos
<youmukonpaku1337> yes that's fair you can run mcjava at like 8rd and 120fps on an sd845 but thats still not amazing
<youmukonpaku1337> especially with sodium
<DarkNeutrino> Wdym its not amazing LOL. Do you realize how much power that is in such a small package ?
<DarkNeutrino> 0 mods
<youmukonpaku1337> 0 mods.... i highly doubt that unless mojang actually did some optimization
<youmukonpaku1337> which is rare
<DarkNeutrino> Not to mention if some company actually decides to unlock the TDP of their SoC and make it actually bigger *cough* apple *cough* you can reach quite insane performance.
<DarkNeutrino> Even freaking nintendo switch can run PC games at playable FPS.
<youmukonpaku1337> that'd be cool i dont deny that
<DarkNeutrino> Tho you ofc have to overclock it
<youmukonpaku1337> nintendo switch is a really funny case because it has not had an upgrade in 8 years
<youmukonpaku1337> i have absolutely no idea what trickery devs do but its quite cool
<DarkNeutrino> Or well bring it up to its normal speed (Nintendo undervolted it and lowered the clocks so they have good battery life)
<youmukonpaku1337> true
<DarkNeutrino> But the hardware in there is VERY capable
<youmukonpaku1337> anyway it would be really nice to just have an soc (+ an sbc using it) with full or almost full mainline
<DarkNeutrino> If you told some folks that you would be running a full blown X86 AAA game on mobile SoC they would laugh at you
<DarkNeutrino> Now its a reality
<youmukonpaku1337> so that i no longer need to go insane over OEMs and build my own horrible 3d printed phone instead :D
<DarkNeutrino> "anyway it would be really nice to just have an soc (+ an sbc using it) with full or almost full mainline" The source is there. Make it a reality :)
<youmukonpaku1337> i have absolutely no experience with kernels except applying random patches and building them on 8192 threads (do not ask why)
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<DarkNeutrino> We all started where you are right now :)
<youmukonpaku1337> yeah thats fair i suppose
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<youmukonpaku1337> DarkNeutrino: still, you mentioned some SOCs having pretty good mainline but no devices being ported, what are those?
<DarkNeutrino> Some mediatek SoCs are pretty well mainlined. At least from what i heard. But it all comes down to device customizations.
<DarkNeutrino> You may have a damn near perfect SoC support and yet 99% of your device wont work cause you are missing display drivers. Keyboard connected via not USB and etc
<DarkNeutrino> Thus its unusable really
<youmukonpaku1337> ehhh
<youmukonpaku1337> theres always ssh over usb :D
<DarkNeutrino> No.
<DarkNeutrino> There is nearly always UART :)
<DarkNeutrino> That is your true friend
<youmukonpaku1337> true
<youmukonpaku1337> uart my beloved
<youmukonpaku1337> as long as you dont break off a contact pad by soldering badly lol
<Jookia> usb ssh and usb serial is pretty good
<youmukonpaku1337> i wonder, what do most recent phones expose over uart?
<DarkNeutrino> Usually nothing. Just for debugging.
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<smaeul> depending on the chip, avcc also powers the LRADC, thermal sensor, PLLs, and 24 MHz oscillator
<youmukonpaku1337> oooh
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<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: am now on a computer, how would i go about building a kernel for this device?
<youmukonpaku1337> as in pb616
<youmukonpaku1337> also with what config
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<apritzel> youmukonpaku1337: if your kernel is halfway decent, you wouldn't need to build one. Using one from megi that worked on a similar device counts as decent
<apritzel> have you tried booting differently, with just the kernel and using the DT you put into U-Boot?
<youmukonpaku1337> as in just bootz and then the mem address?
<apritzel> setenv bootargs "console=ttyS1,115200n8"
<youmukonpaku1337> or do i also define the mem address for dt
<apritzel> bootz <addr> - $fdtcontroladdr
<youmukonpaku1337> whats fdtcontroladdr
<apritzel> guess...
<youmukonpaku1337> flattened device tree control address?
<youmukonpaku1337> i suppose the mem address i write the tree to?
<apritzel> well, $fdtcontroladdr is a U-Boot variable, pointing to the DTB in memory that U-Boot uses itself
<youmukonpaku1337> oh ok
<youmukonpaku1337> so i just boot uboot and write kernel?
<apritzel> yes, you upload the kernel via FEL, then use that address as the first argument
<youmukonpaku1337> alr
<apritzel> make sure to set the command line (setenv bootargs)
<apritzel> otherwise you probably won't see much output from the kernel
<apritzel> you might want to add "earlycon=uart,mmio32,0x1c28400"
<apritzel> to see output earlier
<youmukonpaku1337> alr sure
<youmukonpaku1337> one sec
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: i add that to bootargs ill guess?
<apritzel> yes
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<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: seems like it starts just fine
<youmukonpaku1337> now what
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: do i send full boot log?
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<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: heeeey
<youmukonpaku1337> ya there?
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<Jookia> youmukonpaku1337: paste the bootlog
<Jookia> in pastebin or soething
<youmukonpaku1337> sure in a sec
<youmukonpaku1337> Jookia: apritzel:
<Jookia> one moent
<Jookia> you got linux booted, that's pretty good. now to figure out why it hung :)
<Jookia> what bootargs was that
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<apritzel> youmukonpaku1337: so you don't have uart0 enabled in the DT, have you?
<apritzel> then you should use "console=ttyS0,115200n8 ..."
<youmukonpaku1337> i do apritzel
<apritzel> I mean the only uart set to status="okay"; is uart1, right?
<apritzel> and you probably have that "serial0 = &uart1;" in the aliases, so uart1 becomes ttyS0
<apritzel> so the command line I told you above is wrong, it should read "console=ttyS0,115200 earlycon=uart,mmio32,0x1c28400"
<apritzel> the last line you see hints at that, in any case
<youmukonpaku1337> oh
<youmukonpaku1337> i see
<youmukonpaku1337> yeah i only have uart1 apritzel
<youmukonpaku1337> alr lemme test that in a minute
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<apritzel> if that's the culprit, the kernel should continue booting, then panic, because it finds no rootfs
<apritzel> then it's time to add the initramfs
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