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<Hypfer> is there a way to use the sunxi-tools suite to do what the phoenixsuit windows utility does without requiring a windows computer and that proprietary tool?
<Hypfer> I did find but given its last commit in 2014 and the dkms requirement, it seemed like a dead end. Granted, I haven't tried it yet so that might be a wrong assumption
<mansr> what do you want to do?
<Hypfer> mansr basically the same thing that the second tab of the application does. Select image file, plug in device in FEL mode, boot the thing
<mansr> I have no idea what that application does
<mansr> better to ask specific questions
<Hypfer> Okay what I _actually_ want to do push a u-boot on the A133 via FEL and execute that. That phoenixsuit tool manages to do that but sunxi-fel unfortunately doesn't
<mansr> why do you need to do it that way?
<mansr> why not run u-boot directly?
<Hypfer> because running it directly so far did not work
<mansr> then I'd be trying to figure out why
<Hypfer> yeah that would be plan B. Plan A was to see if there's an implementation of the tool that does work for some reason, but I'll take that as a no then
<mansr> there might be, but I don't know
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<apritzel> Hypfer: my understanding is that PhoenixSuite is about *flashing* images on the device, so it writes to eMMC or NAND flash, and then reboots
<apritzel> sunxi-tool does NOT do that
<apritzel> it just allows to load something in SRAM (and DRAM, later), then execute that
<apritzel> what you can do is to use sunxi-fel to upload a working U-Boot, plus some payload (image file), then use that U-Boot to write the uploaded payload from RAM to some storage
<apritzel> if that makes sense ...
<apritzel> but you need a working U-Boot port for that
<apritzel> Hypfer: sunxi-fel supports SPI flash access, so you can write directly to SPI-NOR, without any U-Boot port requirement
<apritzel> given that the SoC's SPI controller and the SPI flash chip is supported, of course, but that's relatively easy to add
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<machinehum> I orderd one of those D1 development boards on aliexpress
<Jookia> nice!
<Jookia> which board?
<machinehum> The one with the two M.2 connectors
<machinehum> And the USB-C
<Jookia> uh neat. those connect to the lichee dock i think
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