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<youmukonpaku1337> hmm should i add a fan to this allwinner a13
<youmukonpaku1337> i mean, overkill is good right
<youmukonpaku1337> xD
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<youmukonpaku1337> active ebook cooling
<youmukonpaku1337> anyway for some reason it takes like 5 tries to boot into pocketbook os
<youmukonpaku1337> but fel works just fine so eh
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<youmukonpaku1337> megi: is this overkill
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<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: is this a bit overkill
<Jookia> an active fan is probably overkill compared to a large passive heatsink
<youmukonpaku1337> i dont have a heatsink for this so eh
<youmukonpaku1337> what i do have is a sheet of aluminium and a fan
<Jookia> you should definitely be using a heatsink not just a sheet of aluminium
<Jookia> i'm guessing it won't matter for a low powered chip though
<apritzel> youmukonpaku1337: why? did you experience heat issues?
<youmukonpaku1337> why not :p
<youmukonpaku1337> had a fan lying around
<apritzel> and I thought one advantage of those (otherwise wimpy) boards is that you don't need a fan ...
<apritzel> youmukonpaku1337: but on a more important matter: did using console=ttyS0... help?
<youmukonpaku1337> idk will test right now
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: sure but might give me headroom for stuff like overclocking :D
<apritzel> I see you got your priorities sorted
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<youmukonpaku1337> yo
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: alright so with ttys0 it panics because unable to mount root - thats good right?
<youmukonpaku1337> at least its progress
<youmukonpaku1337> so now i write my rootfs to ram and boot with that ill assume?
<youmukonpaku1337> lets test i assume
<apritzel> yes, that panic is expected, and means the kernel is ready for userland
<apritzel> and yes, you upload your .cpio.gz file to some address via FEL, then use it with bootz:
<apritzel> bootz <kernel address> <initramfs-addr>:<initramfs-size> $fdtcontroladdr
<apritzel> you can use $kernel_addr_r and $ramdisk_addr_r, but I don't know how good the default values are for 64MB DRAM
<youmukonpaku1337> do i need to define address in cmdline?
<youmukonpaku1337> also do i set initramfs size in bytes or..
<apritzel> no, that's ancient, I believe
<youmukonpaku1337> cool
<apritzel> yes, in bytes, but U-Boot defaults to hex, even without a 0x prefix
<apritzel> but overstating that value isn't critical
<apritzel> the kernel will see that it ends early and just print a warning
<youmukonpaku1337> kay
<youmukonpaku1337> what would be the cmdline again? idont feel like going through log
<youmukonpaku1337> nvm got it
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel:what would be 8760 bytes in hex?
<youmukonpaku1337> just 0x2238?
<youmukonpaku1337> heeey
<youmukonpaku1337> guess ill try that
<youmukonpaku1337> wha
<youmukonpaku1337> ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) ]---
<youmukonpaku1337> i did => setenv bootargs "earlycon=uart,mmio32,0x1c28400 console=ttyS0,115200n8"
<youmukonpaku1337> => bootz 0x42000000 0x43300000:0x2238 $fdtcontroladdr
<apritzel> that number sounds very small for an initramfs
<apritzel> where is that from?
<youmukonpaku1337> an alpine rootfs
<youmukonpaku1337> OH WAIT
<youmukonpaku1337> that was probs in kilobytes lmao
<youmukonpaku1337> goddamit
<apritzel> yeah, you need it in bytes
<youmukonpaku1337> tis 8967168
<youmukonpaku1337> lol
<apritzel> that sounds more like it ...
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: same thing
<youmukonpaku1337> even with right byte size of 0x88D400
<youmukonpaku1337> oh
<youmukonpaku1337> /dev/root: Can't open blockdev
<youmukonpaku1337> VFS: Cannot open root device "(null)" or unknown-block(0,0): error -6
<youmukonpaku1337> Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:
<youmukonpaku1337> Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
<youmukonpaku1337> greaat
<apritzel> you have to carefully go through dmesg, something went wrong with your initramfs, and it printed something
<apritzel> or you upload the bootlog somewhere and let the crowd do the work ;-)
<youmukonpaku1337> nothing about initramfs though
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: ideas?
<apritzel> megi: does your kernel not support an initramfs?
<apritzel> youmukonpaku1337: you could also try: setenv initrd_high 0xffffffff
<apritzel> before the bootz line
<youmukonpaku1337> wha
<youmukonpaku1337> what does that do
<apritzel> it prevents U-Boot from moving the initrd around
<apritzel> normally U-Boot tries to be clever and make sure that the kernel and initrd and the DT don't overlap or overwrite each other
<apritzel> but with just 64MB DRAM this logic is sometimes flawed
<apritzel> by setting this variable to -1 you tell U-Boot to not touch the initrd
<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: wdym by 64mb dram? i have 256
<apritzel> oh, right, mixed that up
<apritzel> it's worth a try in any case
<youmukonpaku1337> alright
<youmukonpaku1337> will test in a few minutes
<megi> it does support initramfs
<apritzel> megi: thanks for the info!
<youmukonpaku1337> alr gonna test now
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<youmukonpaku1337> apritzel: nope not it
<youmukonpaku1337> hmmm
<youmukonpaku1337> any ideas