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<wigyori> does anyone have a cubieboard4 or a merrii optimus for sale? these are a80-based boards - mine got fried
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<vpeter> wigyori: Depends from where you are. I do have one almost unused A80 device somewhere.
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<wigyori> vpeter: .hu
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<vpeter> Let me find it and then we can discuss more. If no one else has it.
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<paulk> hi just got an orange pi one plus (h6) and u-boot/atf/linux cannot manage to talk to the pmic (rsb errors)
<paulk> it's the first time I'm booting the board so it could be a hardware defect
<paulk> are there known issues with rsb?
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<wigyori> vpeter: thanks in advance :)
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<gamiee> Hi paulk, I remember there was discussion about it
<gamiee> 2023-01-02
<paulk> ah interesting
<paulk> thanks gamiee
<gamiee> no problem :)
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