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<_gastonmelo> hi to all Im using linux kernel 6.5 on armv7 and I installed php
<_gastonmelo> I checked the php info and is php-cgi
<_gastonmelo> i remove the COntent-type and X-powered from php.ini but for some reason Im still getting this char at the output
<_gastonmelo> ^M
<_gastonmelo> im using apache and php
<_gastonmelo> i tried to use remove_header but is not working. I tried to use str_remove with <br/ >
<_gastonmelo> but that wont work either
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<apritzel> _gastonmelo: that doesn't look like sunxi (or even ARM) specific at all, it's probably more like a buildroot/PHP issue
<apritzel> Have you tried that on your host machine? Might be easier to debug there?
<apritzel> _gastonmelo: or ask in the #buildroot channel
<apritzel> you could also use buildroot to create an x86 image and run that in a container or QEMU
<_gastonmelo> hi
<_gastonmelo> thanks for reply
<_gastonmelo> im using the lichee pi board
<_gastonmelo> and had installed php
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<_gastonmelo> if I run from terminal php test.php i just get the output correct, without headers
<_gastonmelo> if i run php-cgi test.php i got this strange header
<_gastonmelo> im using apache with php
<_gastonmelo> i configure php.ini to remove Content-type and X-powered from header
<_gastonmelo> but still getting this strange header
<apritzel> again, this looks like a generic PHP installation issue, people in this (sunxi) channel probably cannot help you with that
<_gastonmelo> can I just configure apache httpd to use php and not cgi?
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<gnarface> _gastonmelo: yes, you can, but that's a question specific to your linux distro, not arm. go hit up your linux distro's IRC channel for support. (i can tell you that if it's a debian derivative the apache support is in a separate package from the cgi stuff)
<_gastonmelo> i just download from torvald page the linux kernel
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<apritzel> _gastonmelo: that statement doesn't make any sense, please go to #buildroot and ask there ...
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<buZz> quite sure 'how do i config apache' has nothing to do with kernel or allwinner :P
<buZz> also, getting a '^M' in output is 100% normal
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<_gastonmelo> sure
<_gastonmelo> by checking it seems that the python script with import headers is not working
<_gastonmelo> i tried to use the libgpiod library
<_gastonmelo> and I installed from buildroot
<_gastonmelo> i removed the lines where i use the library and it works like it should be
<_gastonmelo> is there other way I can use gpio control without using the libgpiod?
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