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<tokyovigilante> loki666: in the meantime, any time you see this and then it crashes, comment that bin out from the opp table
<tokyovigilante> 2.417164] cpufreq: cpufreq_online: CPU0: Running at unlisted initial frequency: 408000 KHz, changing to: 480000 KHz
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<loki666> Ok thanks
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<gnarface> dunno if anyone remembers or cares about that pine64+ board's SDIO wifi device throughput issue i was trying to debug a while back, but i did end up upgrading the kernel to 6.1 and it helped a little; i don't get the steady 6MB/s throughput out of it like others have reported, but i managed to get a wobbly 5.5MB/s out of it max, which would be plenty if it were stable at that speed, but it's not. (not that it
<gnarface> crashes, i mean the bandwidth is all over the place, varying wildly and often even dipping way back down to the 2MB/s max i had before)
<gnarface> still, it's an improvement... just wish i had some idea whether it was an update to the driver or to my build options that's making the difference
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<gnarface> setting cpufreq to performance on both ends helped with the average bandwidth the new kernel, whereas with the old one it didn't matter, but i couldn't find any way to make it steady
<gnarface> *with the average bandwidth on the new kernel
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<gnarface> (environmental interference is suspected, the nearby networks list is crowded)
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<chewitt> gnarface newer kernels will probably improve upon things
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<chewitt> although the driver seems to be stuck in staging for a while now
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<apritzel_> chewitt: I think there are ongoing efforts to merge support for the 8723*BS* into the rtw88 driver, which already supports other 8723 variants
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