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<wens> loki666: it requires two passive trip points, as the starting point of throttling, and the point of largest throttling target. if only one is given, the starting point is zero
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<Jookia> macromorgan: hold it in reset?
<Jookia> this happens not during prepare
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<loki666> tokyovigilante, so I've built a batocera image, using your h700-rocknix branch, it works but I'm having input issues
<loki666> I managed to get the dpad and buttons working in es, but nothing is working in retroarch, my guess is because the adc is a different input from the gpio-keys-gamepad
<loki666> /dev/input/event1:adc-joystick
<loki666> /dev/input/event2:gpio-keys-gamepad
<loki666> shouldn't be merged somehow ?
<tokyovigilante> loki666: try using sdl2 for the joypad driver, I haven't tried the sticks I confess. The inputs were set up with correctness for linux and the input system in mind, they may need some configuration in retroarch
<tokyovigilante> macromorgan might be able to chip in, he did the work for the ADC and joysticks on the -H
<loki666> indeed if I don't include adc-joystick in DTS, gamepad works in retroarch (ofc no analog sticks)
<tokyovigilante> ideally they should both be available and work well, I have only just started playing with retroarch myself
<loki666> I'll try SDL2, but I guess I'll need to patch the gamepaddatabse
<loki666> tokyovigilante: if you wanna test
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<loki666> seems like batocera configgen is overrwriting the input driver to udev, I guess we'll have to patch the dts for batcera then
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<apritzel> loki666: that sounds conceptually wrong: the DT describes the hardware, and that does not change when you boot a different system
<apritzel> if Batocera is not flexible enough to cover the Anbernic RG35xx hardware, it should learn a few more tricks
<loki666> apritzel: ok, but then analog and dpad should be on the same input, there is only one integrated jostick in the rg35xx
<loki666> currently rg35xx-h joystick is split in two different devices
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<apritzel> I don't think the hardware design or even the DT representation should force any usage patterns in software? Isn't there some device specific mapping (in userland) involved anyways?
<loki666> yes, but usually, they don't allow to mix two different inputs
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<thecheofusi> seems down
<gamiee> thecheofusi works for me
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<macromorgan> loki666: This is common for most Anbernic devices. I tried to write this to help:
<macromorgan> it's a simple C program to merge input devices into a virtual-controller that can be picked up by stuff like Retroarch. It supports multiple ADC joysticks, multiple buttons, but for now only a single vibrator motor (though I'm working on that)
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<loki666> ok thanks macromorgan, I'll have a look
<loki666> I've already found this kind of tools, my only fear is the added input lag
<loki666> ROCKNIX has developped this out of tree driver
<loki666> honestly I'm fine with patching the dts for batocera
<loki666> batocera, is already a mummy, so one patch more or less ...
<macromorgan> your call... I just wrote that code for something that could work with the in tree stuff
<macromorgan> I didn't observe any appreciable input latency when I did it. Note that the ADC joystick works by polling rather than interrupts, so there will be a tad bit of latency regardless (this is true no matter which solution you use)
<macromorgan> but for me I won't maintain out of tree code... if it can't get in the tree then it needs to be re-engineered (is my philosophy anyway)
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<loki666> well, I'm just wondering... I understand that from a HW point of view, sticks and dpad are backed by differents channels, so it makes sense to expose them as different inputs, but it feels a bit weird because in the end they are part of the same "user point of view" device, the joystick
<loki666> If that's how it should be to get it mainlined, then I won't argue, and use whatever solution for batocera or other, but all these retro firmware will have to implement their own (and probably different)
<macromorgan> not disagreeing with you... but the folks on the DT mailing list will
<loki666> arf
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<loki666> then it will be dts patching
<macromorgan> that's fine. For reference I've tested my solution on an Odroid Go Advance against a bunch of latency dependent platformers and had no issues. Compared to running the same games in Android where they were near impossible.
<loki666> yes, I don't have any metrics, and probably the wrapper service thread will wake up with a latency negligible to the 16ms of the screen refresh
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<loki666> all in all, batocera runs well (withoud sound)
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<loki666> I just have the feeling 3D is slower, but probaby becase there is no gpu dvfs yet
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<macromorgan> apritzel: Have you had any luck accessing the r_i2c bus in U-boot on an H616 board? I seem to be doing something wrong...
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<macromorgan> so minor good news I guess... I can at least say that the patches from do appear to fix the DRAM stuff... I have yet to see the RAM be detected as anything other than 1GB
<macromorgan> if those get mainlined (that you Jookia?) I can add my tested by.
<macromorgan> but I'm not comfortable pushing anything mainline for U-Boot otherwise until I can get i2c working on the r_i2c bus :-(
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<macromorgan> stumped... near as I can tell clocks and pinmux is set up correctly for i2c
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<macromorgan> according to the datasheet, the problem I'm having with the i2c bus in SPL mode is on a write or a read it's not getting an ack
<macromorgan> basically the driver is checking to see the status code is what it expects, and it's craping out because it's looking for status of 0x18 but it's getting 0x20
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<apritzel> macromorgan: that's quite odd. We are using R_I2C on all H616 boards with a PMIC. On the OrangePi Zero2, for instance, for more than three years now
<apritzel> in the SPL. The OPi Zero2 uses RSB later on (in TF-A, U-Boot proper and Linux), but the OrangePi Zero3 uses R_I2C all around, because the AXP313 does not support RSB
<apritzel> macromorgan: can you use the master branch from here?
<apritzel> and then put the defconfigs and the updated DTs on top?
<apritzel> Also it would be great if someone could send all the U-Boot patches you have so far: the U-Boot merge window opens on Monday
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<apritzel> (given the amount of U-Boot review these days I would really appreciate not sending them myself, but instead do the review and merge)
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