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<apritzel> ah, found the culprit for my hang: I told my new PRCM PPU driver about the analogue and PLL power domains, but without an explicit user, the kernel turned them off, and with the PLLs dead we won't have much fun
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<loki666> rha... now getting sun4i-tcon 6515000.lcd-controller: Couldn't get the TCON channel 1 clock
<loki666> what am I missing ?
<apritzel> loki666: maybe CONFIG_SUN8I_DE2_CCU?
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<veremitz> dead PLLs .. RIP ! :D
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<apritzel> yeah, it's a good sign that there is some suspend potential, the cores in the H616 can run on 32 KHz, the 16 MHz RC osc or the 24 MHz crystal, so the PLLs can be turned off completely
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<apritzel> not for Linux, really, but for some suspend code
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<loki666> apritzel: what's the role of TFA in the mix ?
<loki666> why u-boot needs it, and what it does on the kernel ?
<apritzel> loki666: TF-A is the secure *runtime* firmware, providing PSCI services
<apritzel> so it stays in SRAM, even when the kernel has taken over, and provides services, triggered by an "smc" call
<apritzel> a bit like userland asks for services to the kernel via an "svc" call, like a level higher
<apritzel> it relieves the kernel of knowing the boring details of the platform, like how to bring up other cores, or power them down a cluster in the best way
<apritzel> mostly the kernel cannot even do those things, since they are controlled by secure or EL3 registers, not accessible to the kernel, since it runs in non-secure state
<Jookia> ok, i have fixed my LCD blueness issue
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