MasterR3C0RD: that actually seems to work! Without an M.2 card in, PH19 (configured as GPIO-IN) reports High, with my NVMe in the pin reads Low
directly from FEL, not further power rails or GPIOs involved
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apritzel: Is that with PERST# at logic low?
Or were you just reading PH19 without setting up any muxing?
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Well I guess at reset it would already be at logic low so that's a silly question
MasterR3C0RD: just from FEL, so most pins still in their HighZ reset config. I just configured PH19 as GPIO-IN, then read the level
Interesting; I wouldn't think PH19 would be held high by anything, I wonder if there's a pull-up I missed in the schematic, or if there's an internal pull-up set for it
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yeah, I was wondering as well. The GPIO controller can enable pull-ups or pull-downs, but it's not programmed. Maybe it's some random floating level read as high?
I think we can detect a floating state explicitly, by enabling the pull-up bit, then checking for high, then switching to the pull-down bit, and checking for low
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so I have a proper DT for the Radxa now, with all the voltages rails, USB (2.0) and SD card. However the SPL is behaving strangely: often the board turns off, or reading from SD card fails. Will debug tomorrow ...
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apritzel: is it possible that your board is unstable due to DRAM?
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jernej: blaming DRAM is always a welcome straw I like to grasp to ;-) , but I don't think that's it, really. It would explain the SD card issues, but not the FEL failures
which btw shows the same issue as the Avaota: return-to-FEL from 64-bit doesn't work. So I added another hack to let the 32-bit FEL build work with 4GB, but it oddly enough turns off
I checked all the regulators, but they seem fine, actually even the PMIC reset would already work (DCDC3 is at 1.1V already)
apritzel: ok, that's good enough reason to make JTAG adapter :)
interestingly that TV box is unimpressed by all those issues, and works nicely
jernej: also: I tried some DRAM parameters I dumped from the image, and also those found in this BSP overlay tgz, but they make things worse
so the values I use for the Avaota seem to work best
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do you have tpr13 value from your dump?
if bit 11 is set, DRAM driver does its own calibration and important timings from tpr11, tpr12 and tpr14 are overriden
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the image says it's 0xc60, so that would be the case
but I also tried the values as dumped by boot0, not sure if those are dumped before or after the init, though
oh, sorry, I didn't express myself properly. Calibrated values are then per single line, not per bundle of 8 as in tpr values case. That's why they are stored right after DRAM parameters (I think).
would it be worth to hack boot0 to go to FEL afterwards and dump the DRAM registers? Or does that not help, since those TPR values are not fine grained enough anyway?
well, I think taking some average of those would help
btw, I think there is easier solution. create fresh boot0 sd card and run it. It should do calibration again and calibration process should print out some values.
If I'm not mistaken, it should print new tpr11, 12 and 14 values.
on uart
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jernej: btw thanks for the clocking notes i implemented variable clocking in my kernel and its been working for a year or so now :D
i think it was your notes that helped
Jookia: not sure what exactly you're referring?
i can't find it, nevermind
someone posted notes on how to do variable frequency clocking on allwinner boards
or is that expected, like if (with nand) the android stuff and the allwinner stuff is incompatible?
I mean android/allwinner and mainline, ofc
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BroderTuck: well, that doesn't look that much different, does it? So I am afraid the cache was a red herring, and there is something else missing?
Now it at least manages to identify the chip.
But the cache issue seems to be symptom, not cause.
Maybe a red herring as well, but the android bootlog says "mmc 2 bias 17fb", not sure what that means
apritzel: can you dump boot0 afterwards and give me bin file?
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anyone here with 1.5 or 3 GB RAM board?
3 GB obviously on H616
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jernej: I think junari knew someone? ^^^^ And I dimly remember someone sending a hackish patch once, but can't find it quickly