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BroderTuck: ah, very nice! Can you put that information in the wiki?
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apritzel: Sure, I can do that
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And done. Hope my edit looks ok
apritzel: I like the clean ups that you made. However, I'm stuck at PLL code. Manuals aren't completely consistent and BSP code also isn't "by the book"
jernej: well, this code was inspired by yours ;-)
happy to change it, of course. I was thinking for instance that writing the parameters first, then the enable bit is probably pointless
I cannot imagine the CCU doing anything with bits [15:8] unless it also sees some "action bits" set
and the write is surely atomic, so we can merge the parameter setting and the enable bits into one write
but that's all details that could be solved later, I think, unless they affect the DRAM setup?
jernej: you mentioned changes the other day that should the double size detection, were they already in that commit I took from you?
sure, code looks fine as-is, maybe just add final update bit set at the end of the pll config procedure, as mandated by frequency switch algorithm? that's also implemented in BSP
apritzel: you mean fixing size misdetection, which appeared as double size?
oh, init_something() should be removed. That's done in TF-A
and size detection should be updated
in any case, there are few improvements to be made
I love this conversation, sounds like I can soon finally replace my SyterKit-based bootsetup
BroderTuck: for the X96QPro+ you could do already: it works fine for me, and I think junari reported the same
BroderTuck: you'd get all 8 cores (as long as you don't offline them)
jernej: yes, the size misdetection, I think I saw 8GB yesterday once
jernej: and sure, they are improvements required, that's why I didn't post it yet, just pushed to my github ;-)
since I think things like the FEL GICv3 bits haven't been out there before
ah, and after fixing one thing the branch actually works on the Avaota as well, at least via SD card
* apritzel
gets lost in his boards, I meant the Radxa
I started back in T113 land today. Yay
* apritzel
waves from the 8-core Cortex-A55 land :-D
Wow, 64 bits...
I still haven't actually touched a 64-bit ARM system outside the Librem 5 dev kit I have that I booted once then shelved
Actually a 3d printer I'm trying to fix has a 64-bit ARM Linux board I think
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Jookia: it's a bit shocking that you say "wow" to 64 bits in 2025 ;-)
huh, really?
does ARM pump out any low power 64-bit cores? maybe allwinner is just cheaping out
the d1 is 64-bit
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apritzel: ditto on 8-core land :) (tf-a and u-boot recompiled and booted with)
survived 4 reboots without read errors, something the syterkit stuff wasn't really able to)
BroderTuck: oh, well done! We have a user ;-)
The only thing I changed was the value junari pointed to in u-boot, where I just changed the value without any ifs
Didn't test without the change
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and also, had to change a .mk file in tf-a since it wanted to use a triplet that was not available
BroderTuck: how so? Didn't setting CROSS_COMPILE work, like in U-Boot or the kernel?