junari: so many thanks for pushing your DDR3 code! It works for me, and allows me to use the TV box for my return-to-FEL experiments, instead of the flaky Avaota ...
(should have tried that earlier, really)
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Most of the work was done by jernej
There are still some ddr3 spots that need some work, but in its current state the memory looks working
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yes, it works for me, that all that counts at the moment ;-) There is always room for improvement, but having working DRAM init unblocks a lot of other development, so many thanks for that!
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tokyovigilante_: with A100 DE2 display support patch incomming, I fear your patch is going to conflicts at some points... do you have update on this ? Can I help with something ?
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loki666: thanks, I will probably just cross that bridge if/when I come to it, hopefully the changes are orthogonal. I will try to look at the DE33 code again this week but am away for two weeks after that.
will try and resend the jack detection patch for the RG35XX too, and then possibly look at the DE33 for u-boot, I have that partially working
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Thanks let me know if I can help
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Several new tablets based on A733 have been released, teclast t60ai and alldocube iplay 70s
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junari: any known datasheet, user manual or even android image for A733?
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hah, found
android image
apritzel: hint, teclast id is G5B1
jernej: yeah, I have this tablet now, but didn't have much time to look at it yet.
I had already spotted that number in a video review somewhere, but at this time there was no update image available, I think
I guess the more interesting code bits have appeared in the Syterkit repo: the Avaota NAS is apparently using the A733
well, it doesn't have cedarx binaries :)
and github code search for sun60iw2 returns some hits, for clocks and pinctrl drivers - though it seems to be early silicon or even FPGA based only - at least the one pinctrl driver I looked at
jernej: looking at video codecs for the A733 at this point it time seems a bit premature: I guess we should try walking before we run and get it into FEL first ;-)
Ah, I just wonder when will be AV1 supported. Sadly, A733 won't support it.
at least with VP9 stopgap solution was used, but not for AV1
but memory clocks are even more impressive. Teclast P50AI has 2400 MHz LPDDR5
at least I assume memory type 9 is LPDDR5
jernej: that what the A76 cores are for: you run the codecs there, and then have the typical Allwinner quad-little cores for the rest :-D
apritzel: no joking, that's RPi5 reasoning
I know :-(
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hello :)
Is the rtc working for you? I wonder if it's just something I borked by making my kernel the way I did.
apritzel: ^
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can't remember exactly, need to check that
BroderTuck: this clock issue you found seems odd, though, can you maybe dig down on this? Did you look at /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary? Are there any suspicious messages in dmesg?
well, yes, but why is this? Can you chase down the code, in the "-r" clock driver?
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Yeah, I can keep digging. Didn't really see anything immediately obvious when I looked at it earler, tho.
Not being battery-powered makes the rtc less useful anyway, but still...
but there is a foot print for a battery holder on the PCB, isn't there? Anyway, I guess for those TV Boxes the idea is that they should stay powered all the time
and we need the RTC for clock gating and such, aside from the calendar feature
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Huh, there IS. No such thing on my poor little h3 box, tho.
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jernej: ah, there are both eGON and TOC0 images in the Teclast update image, and of course the tablet requires TOC0, but with a particular load address