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Finally some free time; going to take a fine toothed comb through the A527 DRAM code and see if I can catch anything...
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jernej: If I were a betting man, I'd say the issues we're running into on the Cubie are related to the DRAM special case
s/DRAM/address mapping/
I mentioned it before here on the A133, but essentially it shifts around some of the column/row bits in the mapping. It was necessary to get working DRAM init on the 4GB board that was being used by someone else
Hmm wait... I might be wrong
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Okay no, the special case on A527 is just for 3GiB models it seems. Strange; on the A133 there was definitely something strange with address mapping
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Okay; I've patched together a few things and I can confirm it is 100% memory corruption. I took the DRAM test I used on the A133 (which was copied from some other repo) and threw it into the A523 DRAM code. Doesn't seem to be aliasing
MasterR3C0RD: have you compared register values between BSP and your code?
besides some delay fine tunning, it should match perfectly
I have recieved cubie board, so I can also start experimenting soon
I haven't yet, no; I was running into issues even getting U-Boot from the vendor image working initially, though I finally got it working (dumb PhoenixCard tool made bad SD image, as did OpenixCard initially; still can't boot into Linux)
well, for entering U-Boot, you don't need PhoenixCard. Last time it worked that I just concatenated GPT, boot0 and U-Boot parts together and flashed that.
Ahhh... wait... it appears that the issues I was running into were entirely my fault
I had reset the changes I made for MR14 so I could test my Avaota, and forgot to switch it back
No more memory test errors
great! what's the next issue? :)
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Not getting past "trying to boot from MMC1"; investigating...
are you booting from SD or FEL?
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SD card, FEL doesn't work at all
well, it works if you use 32-bit SPL and then for jumping to TF-A you use reset64 command
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I'm running into some issues compiling ATF now actually... not entirely sure why
Figured it out; environment variables
It's been a long week LOL
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which version of cubie a5e board did you receive? I have v1.1
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jernej: I have v1.1 as well. I "diff'ed" both versions of the schematics in gimp, there are not many differences:
1) PJ25 is EEPROM write detect (though I am not sure there is an EEPROM even)?
2) the SD card detect is different - maybe it's the push/push vs. push/pull difference? Might create a different polarity for the CD pin then: active low vs. active high
3) R75 on page 14, on the VBUS_5V to 5V_USB regulator, is 6.8K vs 3.6K
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(EEPROM write *protect above, of course)
those are the only differences, so not much to worry about, I think. If the SD CD pin is indeed different polarity, it might become a slightly annoying DT problem, though
apritzel: ah, thanks, I was just about to start diff'ing
well, it wouldn't be the first time to have multiple DTs for different revisions
EEPROM can be very unassuming, so it's entirely possible that's there
yeah, but they would differ in just one bit, literally, that's sounds annoying. Maybe we can somehow detect it, and patch the DT at runtime
jernej: are you in the U-Boot shell on the Cubie?
no, I haven't had time to start playing with it
no worries, I just think MasterR3C0RD reported something like this, and it would help to check those things (SD CD polarity, EEPROM)
I am making slow, but steady progress with cleaning up the A523 U-Boot patches. Rewrote most of the H6 PLL clock code yesterday, to accommodate all of H6, H616, T113/D1, A523, aligning with the manual
jernej: your PLL code in your "avaota WIP" patch was very helpful, though I ended up changing it quite a bit, to include H6/H616
oh, that's nice
apritzel: do you know what frequency should DSU have in comparison to little or big cores?
and I got rid of "struct sunxi_ccm_reg" entirely, which has always bugged me. At least for H6 and friends
not from the top of my head, but I can find that out, I guess there might be hints in the A55 TRM
jernej: did you look at what the BSP does there?
not yet, no
I mean, DSU clock init code is similar to boot0
but I haven't checked kernel code yet
apritzel: SD card difference really looks like inverter
apritzel: now that I'm looking to schematic, it looks like there is no pull up on sd-det pin, so it has to be enabled internally
Thanks, should I also creates a axp717.dtsi or embed it in board DTS like it was done for h700 ? Or this completely irrelevant now
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no AXP .dtsi, do it like H700 does it
<apritzel> "or use ®_dldo1, which is..." <- Tried and failed ;-)
But noticed mmc1 (used by the wifi interface) uses dldo1 too, and disabled that and (e)mmc2
And with all other interfaces disabled, mmc0 seems to be stable so far - at least just survived a testing update. Thanks!
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hlauer: that sounds very odd! Does it help to just disable MMC1?
and what is the actual voltage of DLDO1? The DT is very unhelpful (wrong?) here by saying "between 1.8V and 3.3V", which probably means it stays at the reset default
It'll need to be ported to work with U-Boot and SPL, but you'll certainly need to use the BSP as a reference since there's no reference manual available for the TCS
what DRAM parameters did you use? the ones shown in the BSP bootlog, or the ones extracted from the image, via sunxi-fw
it seems to happens since I declared mmc2
but even when it detect the ram, ok it still doesn't boot from mmc2
in U-Boot's drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c, change the line "cfg->host_caps = MMC_MODE_8BIT;" to use MMC_MODE_4BIT instead
the SPL assumes that MMC2 is eMMC, and always uses 8-bit
which won't work on an SD card
loki666: did you manage to extract a DT from the BSP image? Do you have a link to some image file?
loki666: That's a RAM misdetection; it happens sometimes for some reason. I'll try and port jernej's patches for RAM detection at some point to see if that improves things