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<mangix> initial failures arrived. surprisingly fewer than I thought...
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<dhewg> is it just those 2 host issues?
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<mangix> dhewg: what?
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<dhewg> I mean the two packages with the libiconv/host usage
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<mangix> dhewg: so it turns out both of them do not need a host iconv. However, there may be platforms like macOS that have no iconv. In which case compilation would fail. Actually...I don't really know.
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<dhewg> huh, well, no clue about macos either. remove it and see if anyone complains?
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<Harm_> mrkiko: the device i'm working on is this:
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<m_> Harm_: Is there a topic created on the OpenWRT forum about this device KPN Arcadyan WE420223-99?
<Harm_> m_: No topic as far as I know of, there is a topic at ( )
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<Harm_> m_: that device is different, my device has a single WiFi chip: the mt7615e
<m_> Harm_: Two close clones have already been added to OpenWRT:
<m_> Harm_: Two close clones have already been added to OpenWRT:
<m_> Arcadyan WG443223 - Beeline SmartBox Flash
<m_> Arcadyan WG430223 - MTS WG430223
<Harm_> m: thanks. I've been looking at the smartbox code already, did not look at the other one
<m_> Harm_: I propose to create a topic on the OpenWRT forum)
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<Harm_> m_: for what purpose? Just a thread to talk about this device?
<Harm_> By the way, compared to the smartbox this device is easier: the mac address is stored as plain text on a partition :). No need to decrypt any stuff that's there
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<m_> Harm_: Discussions of the device, differences from clones, PCB photos, logs, discussions of PR and factory image.
<m_> In which case we will help with porting
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<Harm_> Ok, sure! My port is basically done. The LEDs all work from sysfs, I just need to figure out how to mimic original behaviour (one LED for WiFi on/off, one LED to indicate a device is associated). And of course documentation. A really nice addition would be a way to flash it without desoldering flash :D
<Harm_> (sysupgrade works great, just the initial flashing)
<m_> Harm_: That's why it's worth creating a topic on the device for notes and discussions)
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<m_> Harm_: After creating a topic on this device, on the forum, call @MaxS0niX @csharper2005,we will try to help)
<Harm_> m_: Nice! I'll let you know, don't have time at this very moment but will do it later
<m_> Harm_: Ok)
<Harm_> How legal is it to post flash dumps online?
<m_> I don’t know how to do it legally) Usually they use services for exchanging files. If someone tells me how to do it right / better, I will be glad!
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<m_> There is such a service files are stored no more than two weeks
<m_> Sorry if this is an advertisement
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<rmilecki> Ansuel: hey
<rmilecki> Ansuel: to confirm I reverted ea718c699055c8566eb64432388a04974c43b2ea ("Revert "Revert "driver core: Set fw_devlink=on by default""") from the top of 5.13.19 and it fixes probing ethernet devices
<rmilecki> i expect that to work for 5.15 as well
<rmilecki> i'll have to repor this upstream to Greg now
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<Ansuel> hi
<Ansuel> wow
<Ansuel> how the hell we could immagine that was related
<Ansuel> so it wasn't something about cells and stuff?
<rmilecki> Ansuel: unrelated to cells
<rmilecki> Ansuel: i wouldn't figure it out without a full "git bisect"
<Ansuel> well the error doesn't make sense... should we revert that in the mean time to fix the broken targets?
<rmilecki> revert confirmed to "fix" 5.15.50
<Ansuel> actually do we have targets that use 5.15.50? anyway i'm abusing github actions to get info on what can be removed from the nvmem monster pr
<Ansuel> problem is that 9 hours to build all targets
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<rmilecki> Ansuel: i suggest let's wait till Monday
<Ansuel> rmilecki nice error report!
<rmilecki> it's weekend
<rmilecki> i shouldn't even work on that on Saturday ;)
<rmilecki> Ansuel: thanks
<Ansuel> ahahahah if we are lucky they will even answer with a simple solution
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<hurricos> P1020 JTAG works :^)
<Habbie> nice!
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<Ansuel> why the hell my ci fails only for this specific target and with this error
<Ansuel> strange
<Ansuel> (error with ubox package)
<Ansuel> (on archs38/generic)
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<Ansuel> i mean i can try to fix the error but it doesn't make sense that it's only on that target...
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<Ansuel> TARGET_CFLAGS+= -fhonour-copts -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-result
<Ansuel> found the culprit but why we have these no error?
<Ansuel> time to send a mail to the mailing list...
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