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<mangix> tested a bunch of the caps, they;re working
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<mangix> 11.5-11.7V
<mangix> that burned part is completely done, no current through 0 ohm resistor
<Ansuel> 12v where
<Ansuel> right ?
<Ansuel> bottom ?
<mangix> the input?
<Ansuel> yes where you touched to get 12v
<mangix> oh https://i.imgur.com/gvDAl7D.jpg <-- on the underside of the capacitors
<mangix> the black thing is the power connector
<mangix> same size as typical routers funny enough
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<mrnuke> svanheule: I need some help with this tplink switch -- I think it's a RTL8380M. The bootloader is stuck with the "BOOTUTILS" u-boot. Can't really do tftp/bootm. I got the GPL sources from the vendor (had to ask). I try to build u-boot from sources, flash it, but the device is stuck in a bootloop. Is there some form os secureboot on this device, or some way to tell why u-boot is crashing and fix it?
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<Ansuel> lol....
<Ansuel> the attention span of a fish. 23 patches sounds like the series would
<Ansuel> fail on the attention span count.
<Ansuel> Please optimize the patches for a reviewer with average intelligence and
<mangix> uhhh, what?
<mangix> you have a link to this patch series meant for a reviewer with above average intelligence and the attension span greater than a fish?
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<Ansuel> Mangix it's the code split for qca8k
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<Ansuel> and as always reviwer asked me to split the changes and i split them too much ahahah
<mrnuke> Ansuel: thing with "split the changes" -- it's so subjective. Everyone has a different preference on how much to split. You just gotta adapt to each reviewer, sadly
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<Tapper> So people and Ansuel I have worked out what is bootlooping the r7800
<Tapper> It's kernel 5.15
<Tapper> I did a build with kernel 5.10 and used tftp to flash and it works. RC5 will boot to. If I flash a build using kernel 5.15 it bootloops
<Tapper> I have dun this twice just make shure.
<Tapper> It's the factory.img I am using to flash over tftp not the sysupgrade.
<Ansuel> do you have an initramfs image?
<Ansuel> curious to check what is the output from the serial
<Tapper> If i sysupgrade from a kernel 5.10 build to a kernel 5.15 build = bootloop. This started in master some time in the lest 10 days or so.
<Tapper> last*
<Ansuel> something bad in the flash process?
<Tapper> Ansuel I don't have a ttl cable
<Tapper> Ansuel sorry that's all I know.
<Tapper> Rite now I need sleep. laters
<Ansuel> gn
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<digitalcircuit> slh, Ansuel (offline), and such - update on the ipq806x CPU crash reset bug (context: https://github.com/digitalcircuit/openwrt-ipq806x-qa-cpu-reset ):
<digitalcircuit> OpenWRT 22.03.0rc5 (without workaround) _appears_ to fix the issue, no hard CPU resets during roughly 14 test runs of Deja Dup SFTP backups to USB drive (averaging around 2 tests a day, lost track of exact count).
<digitalcircuit> I'll try the CPU frequency stress-test script next (which might've been an unrelated issue), and after that, I'll try swapping my NBG6817s back (one has serial headers added, other doesn't).
<slh> :)
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* digitalcircuit might still try some basic bisecting to find what fixed the issue, since it's kind of unsatisfying to simply find out "oh it works now" and not know why. But.. that research might not end up happening :)
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<slh> better make sure that master and kernel v5.15 are also fine, so that it remains fixed
<digitalcircuit> Good point! Is ipq806x on master with v5.15 switched to DSA yet? (I.e. will I need to redo config, or keep it for testing.)
<slh> no, still swconfig
<slh> v5.15 is still guarded by TESTING_KERNEL
<digitalcircuit> Noted!
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_ath79.html has been updated. (99.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<svanheule> mrnuke: no secure boot on rtl8380, only scrambled register spaces for security-by-obscurity. There was someone who built their own bootloader for a TPL switch on the forums too, maybe you can check with them.
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<xavier_> There is a commit from march where it states the need to execute the sync command after boot (https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commit;h=f44f8b07b0277d38fafb3d613a303454d3b9faaf). I have had some issues related to this, loosing recently modified files after a power cut. I would like to know if it was not an option to mount the ubifs partitions with the sync flag, instead of executing the sync command only after
<xavier_> boot and certain scripts.
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<Tapper> Hi could this be what is bootlooping my r7800? https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/79af0593a30bfe382b350e9540ecfafa133b6ac0
<Tapper> Could this be the fix?
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<aiyion_> Good morning.
<aiyion_> Looking into the ap121 again,
<aiyion_> the ath79-nand target does build a tar file for this device.
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<aiyion_> What would be a good starting point on altering the tar file in openwrets buildprocess?
<aiyion_> *OpenWrt's
<aiyion_> I'd like to add a symlink to it in order for it to allow upgrade from ar71xx
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<enyc> digitalcircuit: I know what you mean... e.g. "I can't get it to go wrong now!?!?!?" goes on ;o
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<aiyion> like the image ext
<aiyion> *currently extracts to sysupgrade-aerohive_hiveap-121 I'd like it to do so, but to extract a symlink to this directory called sysupgrade-hiveap-121
<aiyion> where would I inject such a symlink?
<EqUaTe> aiyion: iirc the config structure has changed quite drastically, I wouldn't try doing a sysupgrade approach.
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<aiyion> EqUaTe: mhm, I know it did. Rebuilding the network section from scratch works sufficiently well though.
<aiyion> So if I'd like to go on, how would I add such a symlink in a reasonable way?
<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_sunxi.html has been updated. (0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<tmn505> aiyion: look at BOARD_NAME var also sysupgrade-tar in include/images-commands.mk and in scripts. sysupgrade-tar accepts only two files as input, You'll need to modify it.
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_omap.html has been updated. (11.1% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<aiyion> tmn505: thank you very much, will look into it later this evening :)
<enyc> https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/9956 labelled 22.03/release -- does that mean try to sort out *for* the release, or during point-releases, or what?
<enyc> OpenWRT have a pragmatic solution/workaround ??
<stintel> it means the problem happens on release/22.03
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<valku> Mangix : after commit c0ba4201f8372eee579584b7f5900e073b207b0c, 155 packages fail to build with 'package/feeds/packages/<PKGNAME>/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'libiconv', which does not exist
<stintel> rm -rf tmp/
<f00b4r0> hi stintel ! How do you like your heat? Have you been toasted today? :)
<stintel> f00b4r0: I went out for a walk when the temp was the highest :)
<f00b4r0> lol you *are* crazy ;)
<stintel> valku: that rm -rf tmp/ was for you btw
<valku> stintel: thank you, I'm still observing "collecting package info: ..."
<valku> slow machine
<stintel> valku: yeah that takes a while even on a not so slow machine
<f00b4r0> i stepped outside to fix a flapping shutter, and I felt like I was being choked ;P
<stintel> but should silence the warnings
<valku> stintel: that worked, thank you! Jee, I thought that "make clean" would clean tmp/ too. Turns out that it does not.
<stintel> valku: tmp/ is annoying
<stintel> when something weird is going on, rm -rf tmp/ should probably be your first or second action
<valku> Perhaps "make clean" **should** clean up tmp/
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<stintel> valku: dirclean cleans it up
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<stintel> maybe we should move that to clean, yes
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<stintel> it's in toplevel Makefile, feel free to send a patch for that
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<hurricos> stintel: I have no idea where my BSAP is. o_o
<stintel> :(
<valku> stintel: dirclean is "nuclear" in the sense that it deletes everything except .config, which puts it in the same category as distclean. Yes, I agree, cleaning tmp/ belongs to "make clean" as "rm -r tmp/" is relatively harmless, it only increases exec time for defconfig
<hurricos> I reorganized my room and packed things.
<hurricos> Let me check the garage.
<hurricos> mrnuke: is https://github.com/Hurricos/realtek-poe/pull/19 intended to be draft right now?
<stintel> hurricos: the earliest I can get my hands on the one Slimey sent me is 5/08 ;)
<stintel> if I don't decide to stick around in Croatia
<hurricos> lol I found it
<hurricos> yeah, hauled it into the garage with my merakis as soon as I'd found sapce
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<stintel> I've been looking for another one but seems unobtanium :P
<hurricos> Lemme boot this thing up and see if I can poke the WDT
<hurricos> if so we can do memory recovery easy
<hurricos> also, I haven't torn it down yet, but does this thing have soldered jtag headers?
<hurricos> not 100% sure if I mpc85xx firmware will work for driving T1042 JTAG with the BDI, but if it does ...
<stintel> looks like I forgot to make photos
<hurricos> lol no problem there's teardowns online
<hurricos> let's try WDT first
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<stintel> mind documenting what you mean by that? wgetpaste blah.txt is good enough but I have no idea what you're talking about right now
<hurricos> Absolutely
<hurricos> long story short poke memory region from u-boot with particular sequence
<hurricos> will cause watchdog timer to start ticking down
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<hurricos> linux hangs? soft reboot
<hurricos> soft reboot? RAM not wiped
<hurricos> RAM not wiped? System.map has __log_buf region you can use to read kernel memory buffer
<hurricos> err.
<hurricos> Log buffer.
<stintel> gotcha
<hurricos> You can use that to figure out why the hang :^)
<hurricos> that's how I did the WS-AP3825i
<hurricos> do have to disable SMP, otherwise it's garbage
<hurricos> but that's easy
<stintel> on the fccid.io photos there's some populated header but can't read
<hurricos> Yep, that's JTAG
<stintel> cool - that's something I've never used before, guess I'll have to look into that at some point
<hurricos> This box is an FPGA+M68K that will drive JTAG for pretty much anything. Abatron is out of business but their hardware and firmware are everywhere
<hurricos> c.f. https://fohdeesha.com/docs/jtag.html -- you can ask those folks for help if you have firmware that you can't source
<hurricos> You flash the box over serial, power it with USB, put it on the LAN and can use it to halt the CPU and single-step stuff
<hurricos> One day I'll finish porting u-boot for the MSM466 / AP330 / all the mpc85xx stuff
<mrnuke> hurricos: yeah, still in draft pending some further testing
<hurricos> and then we'll have a standard, clean interface :^)
<hurricos> mrnuke: got it. OK.
<hurricos> I'll test #20 now.
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<mrnuke> hurricos: would like to get https://github.com/Hurricos/realtek-poe/pull/20 in, rebase pull/19 on top of that, and politely ask walterav to give it a test :)
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<hurricos> ;^) ahead of you
<mrnuke> hurricos: ahead? That was my plan for weeks :D
<hurricos> well
<hurricos> behind you, yes, but seconds ahead of your comment.
<hurricos> *seconds*.
<hurricos> Wars have been won over less!!
<hurricos> coughs. anyways.
<hurricos> ahem
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<mrnuke> good thing I'm not fighting a war :p
<hurricos> I'd hvae lost. You are, after all, mr nuke
<mrnuke> svanheule: Thanks! Do you remember who it was? I'll search the thread. I do feel like a nobody on that thread. You guys are working on 10G SoCs, and here come I with a puny 8-port contraption :p
<ldir> it's not the size it's the ....
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<mrnuke> ldir: ... the bootloader?
<svanheule> mrnuke: your wallet will thank you for not having those 10G devices
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<mrnuke> svanheule: wallet or electricity provider?
<svanheule> mrnuke: actually I have the impression these realtek switches are rather low power, even for providing 10G
<enyc> stintel: aah, hrrm, i see, still raises question in faffy situations like that who comes up with pragmatic workarounds for releases to work usefully ;o
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<svanheule> mrnuke: the XGS1250-12 for example only has the tiniest fan (but there a slab of aluminium in the housing as a heatsing)
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<svanheule> best thing is, that wee fan doesn't even start properly on my device
<hurricos> stintel: brought all of my USB to RJ45 RS232 cables to the Lab =_=
<hurricos> I'll hop over there.
<mrnuke> svanheule: nothing gets me to jump off a bridge fatser that a fan in a network switch
<svanheule> mrnuke: best stick with the 1G models then :)
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<stintel> enyc: I guess none of the developers use that hardware
<mrnuke> hurricos: okay, I think I can un-draft PR19, given that you've already tested it :)
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<KGB-0> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_lantiq.html has been updated. (96.2% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<mrnuke> hurricos: I'm nervously watching to see if the world will blow up following that rebase :p
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#606](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/10/builds/606) of `bcm63xx/smp` failed.
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<mrnuke> svanheule: Given you weren't happy about enabling the SFP laser by default, I have this PCB with unpopulated SFP slots: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2610559/179830158-2abe022a-5fd2-48bf-bffc-80abcb8a9853.jpg
<mrnuke> svanheule: notice how there's a footprint for a resistor to pull TX-Disable to the permanently enabled position :)
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<digitalcircuit> enyc: Yup!
<hurricos> mrnuke: It looks good so far
<hurricos> stintel: BTW, the TRACE32 can also drive JTAG. https://www2.lauterbach.com/pdf/debugger_ppcpq3.pdf
<hurricos> This pdf https://www2.lauterbach.com/pdf/debugger_ppcpq3.pdf actually describes how the JTAG is implemented, it looks like. Pretty simple, looks like it's just an SPI connection!
<hurricos> Love me some on-chip breakpoints :D
<hurricos> :D
<hurricos> $20 JTAG
<hurricos> I mean, ultimately this is all pointing to one fact, OpenOCD support should be fairly easy if you have a working reference implementation
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#609](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/51/builds/609) of `ramips/rt3883` failed.
<PaulFertser> hurricos: what target do you have in mind?
<hurricos> mpc85xx.
<hurricos> Ultimately.
<PaulFertser> Oh, that doesn't sound easy, the debug documentation wasn't published for it.
<hurricos> Still, documentations for the many implementations out there do exist :P
<PaulFertser> JTAG is easy, but the debugging protocols that use it as a transport can be quite complicated.
<hurricos> I'm thankful I have a working (well, so far) BDI2000
<hurricos> still, it's been a pain for lots of people, and the platform isn't exactly dead.
<hurricos> It's everywhere to this day
<PaulFertser> OpenOCD has some support for avr32 but I think nobody managed to use it for a PPC or other Nexus target so far.
<enyc> digitalcircuit: is there an answer to who comes up with pragmatic workaround ?
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#605](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/49/builds/605) of `mvebu/cortexa53` failed.
<digitalcircuit> enyc: I'm not sure what you are asking - do you mean.. is it known why the ipq806x CPU crash stopped happening? (I don't know yet.) Or something else..?
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#602](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/56/builds/602) of `kirkwood/generic` failed.
<enyc> digitalcircuit: you replied "yup" appranetly to me "still raises question in faffy situations like that who comes up with pragmatic workarounds for releases to work usefully" which was acutally after stintels's replies following my mention of https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/9956
<digitalcircuit> enyc: Whoops, my bad - I meant my "yup" to be responding to your much earlier ping (where you remarked on knowing the feeling of something working but wanting to know /why/ it started working)
<digitalcircuit> Next time I'll fit in more context than a single word
<enyc> ;o
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#599](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/62/builds/599) of `tegra/generic` failed.
<mrnuke> hurricos: when port status freezes, do you get any good stuff from "logread -te tek-poe" ?
<hurricos> mrnuke: Thank you again for all your work. After #15, I plan to spin up a PR on openwrt/packages (or you can do the honors if you prefer)
<hurricos> mrnuke: Absolutely.
<hurricos> :^)
<hurricos> It doesn't help that I've never had a reboot where I've not had realtek-poe MCU errors in logread.
<mrnuke> hurricos: speaking of PR's , just take this one over: https://github.com/openwrt/packages/pull/18763
<hurricos> Oh.
<hurricos> Right. :^)
<hurricos> And Ansuel has feedback!
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<mrnuke> hurricos: BTW if the tek-poe logs only show failures after commands 26, 30, or 28, then the PSE is properly configured.
<mrnuke> so my morbid curiosity is if we'll see any failures outside of those commands. If not, we drop command 26, and that should solve the "spamming" issue that svanheule identified
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<mrnuke> hurricos: okay, I guess add 23 to that list. That also comes after PSE is configured (23 == poe_cmd_power_stats)
<mrnuke> Hehe. Those failure rates align nicely with how often we're sending a specific command. So it does appear that the probablility of getting a failure on a command is not related to the command itself :D
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<KGB-1> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_bcm47xx.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#616](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/65/builds/616) of `archs38/generic` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#609](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/23/builds/609) of `mpc85xx/p2020` failed.
<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#607](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/17/builds/607) of `ramips/rt305x` failed.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#613](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/13/builds/613) of `lantiq/xway_legacy` failed.
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<owrt-snap-builds> Build [#610](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/master/images/#builders/24/builds/610) of `ramips/rt288x` failed.
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