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<enyc> I guess so many so busy of late !!.
<robimarko> enyc?
<enyc> robimarko: I've been trying to ask what I think is a simple question, never answered here; and Chan Topic still outdated.
<robimarko> What is the question?
<enyc> robimarko: ** Is a new bug-report needed explicitly r.e. ?
<enyc> i.e. to ask for this tested regression-fix to go into 24.10 branch?
<enyc> Kernel people say Userspace should not rely on device name but AIUI OpenWrt does not yet have a complex device detection abstraction so, per their pragmatic fix upstream, pull can be equally in OpenWrt.
<enyc> One of the linked bugs suggests difficulty with Nanopi eth1 not detected at all and other related naming bugs, at least.
<robimarko> There is no point in a new issue since this thing is not even in main
<robimarko> The issue I see with this is that its yet another thing that is going to be carried forever
<enyc> Oh; I got impression changed in kernel/upstream, hrrm.
<enyc> maybe not
<enyc> robimarko: I wonder what OpenWrt can/should do in terms of providing more abstraction and ability to rename interfaces on fly suitably
<robimarko> That patch was sent upstream and last reply was in december 2024
<robimarko> enyc: well, something obviously needs to be invented
<enyc> robimarko: udev rules, right, usb device, call it -> this ... rp-pppoe-server devices, -> this not ppp0/ppp1 randomly, etc.
<robimarko> Sadly, we dont have udev
<enyc> robimarko: so; would it be pragmatic to have that patch in 24.10, and then work on whatever needed invention in main?
<enyc> I distinctly get impression 24.10.0 causing quite a lot of issues for people alas, "wide berth", unusually high number of rcs, etc.
<enyc> (albeit fixed other issues for me!).
<enyc> robimarko: wow hrrm
<robimarko> ?
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<enyc> robimarko: sorry last comment ignore, busy on other thinsg in my life, long story.
<robimarko> enyc: no worries, we are all busy
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