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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#97](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/259/builds/97) of `main_d1/generic` failed: failed './scripts/feeds update' (failure)
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<killgufo> hello, I noticed that dnsmasq doesn't care about the range of IPs configured for DHCP, and auto-configures with a different max number, so when I set min 21 and max 99 for an interface it translates it to,,,12h , when set min 2 max 10 it goes to,,,12h and when set min 100 max 150 (default) it goes to,,,12h
<killgufo> is this a known bug/feature? I am running openwrt 24.10.0 latest, meaning owut updated yesterday night
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<killgufo> OK, I go back to my corner, it's a SUM not a max IP in range, sorry for the noise
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<russell--> there is a v6.6.81, but it broke the x86 32-bit build because of an untested backport
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#82](https://buildbot.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/183/builds/82) of `openwrt-24.10_bcm53xx/generic` failed: failed './scripts/feeds update' (failure)
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