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<burlak_> here is the thing. I'm trying to port OpenWRT, what I basically did so far was copied what I can from device tree I've got in device to oopenwrt, it's one of those ubi. and I boot in to the initramfs kernel image without any issues. However partitions are not mounted and looks like services that I would expect from default openwrt are also not running. Is this normal because
<burlak_> I'm in initramfs and I should continue development under sysupgrade image? or it's expected that iniramfs would behave similiar as if I do sysupgeade ?
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<f00b4r0> looking at the specs it seems that our support for the Comfast CF393AX https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commit;h=d8f4453bf2de9fd9baf3d660ed12e0797ff2cfdb doesn't match the specs of the hardware (NAND vs NOR flash, less RAM, dual GigE vs GigE+2.5G)
<f00b4r0> the CF395AX looks to be the actual supported hardware (dual GigE though)
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<soxrok2212> Ansuel: for an7581, have you have evidence of secure boot? i see you're working on porting u-boot and it would make the w1700k so much better. the vendor bootloader suggest secure boot is in use, at least for the kernel, but it can be bypassed. dont want to replace the bootloader if it is typically signed
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<Rondom> soxrok2212: vendor SDK does indeed sign all kernels and vendor u-boot enforces it, but it is most likely the default example key shipped by airoha.
<soxrok2212> is that key leaked somewhere
<Rondom> not yet, I think. I suggest to look for an7581 gpl dumps
<Rondom> I think you should be able to replace u-boot though
<soxrok2212> ill have to pull the chip and make a backup before i try
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<Rondom> you might not need to
<Rondom> do you know if there is a button attached to GPIO 0?
<Rondom> you can flash a new image by pressing the button in such a case
<Rondom> the board will first request a special FIP with some components removed via XModem and then boot from that binary which will then request 512KB via XModem to write to offset 0 of the NAND/eMMC?
<Rondom> in any case, even if no button is attached to gpio 0, if you happen to find GPIO 0 on the PCB somewhere and pull it to GND you should be able to enter that mode
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<Rondom> It can be disabled in software btw using some flag in the FIP that is on flash
<Rondom> problem is that you cannot compile the whole boot chain. From what I know, Airoha does not release complete ATF sources at this point.
<Rondom> In any case, you should be fine as long as the boot rom prints "Secure key not exist" (sic!), if it prints "Secure key exist" on the other hand, then it really uses secure boot and there is a key fused into the SoC
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<soxrok2212> Secure key exist is printed during boot
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<soxrok2212> i was able to bypass loading a signed kernel by using flash read + bootm instead of flash imgread
<soxrok2212> their u-boot has terrible networking drivers that makes booting an initramfs hard... they crash after a couple seconds
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<soxrok2212> Rondom: i actually did attempt using x/ymodem to transfer an image via serial and can confirm that NONE of the options worked
<soxrok2212> i dont think any buttons are attached to gpio 0
<soxrok2212> serial transfers all timed out
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