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schmars[m]: out of curiosity, do you still see issues with mt7915e? 24.10 is unfortunately mostly unuseable for us still, looks like we'll have to downgrade back to 21.02 until we phase out the devices
T-Bone is now known as f00b4r0
f00b4r0 was that you
that was me :)
i havent seen issues over the winter, but i haven't been looking for them either
but on the other hand nothing that people complained to me about, and nothing that would show up in the graphs
basically the devices no longer crash, but end up in a weird state were clients cannot connect anymore even though the logs show nothing unusual (beyond the continuous hostapd messages)
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seen that as well but i assumed it was my non-standard WPA3 setup. seeing that with ath79 as well though
we're on open network
so definitely not related to encryption
yeah same, but it's WPA3 OWE will transition mode fallback to plain
with "older" clients?
as in, android phones, old thinkpads and the like
well the issue is that it's hard to know which clients are causing this, given it's an open hotspot
when we get feedback (because ppl can't connect anymore), the client(s) likely to have triggered this are long gone
i had someone sitting next to me in the office the other day with his old thinkpad, and we looked at logs together while he tried to connect, but didn't have the time to dig deeper
i'll ask him to come over again, or lend my his laptop hehe
do you bridge your wifi interfaces to vlan interfaces?
using a single vlan-aware bridge
the really weird thing is that the hostapd messages suggest the clients authenticate, get associated, disassociated and deauth *due to inactivity timer* all within a couple seconds.
either the hostapd message is misleading or there is a serious problem with said inactivity timer, cause 2 seconds doesn't make any sense
yeah that's exactly what we saw with that thinkpad, reproducibly
good. Then we're talking about the same thing :)
i'll add the vlan bridge thing to the things to look at - we got some feedback about our vlan config recently, that we're holding it slighly wrong
and it's not specific to your WPA3 setup
yeah I think I inadvertently contributed to that ;D
hah ok i see :)
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digitalTARDIS: I'll try to update the ToH when I push WAX610, but basically if you flash it now without UART you'd need to pull power after a few seconds 4x, then let it boot up normally the 5th. Partition switching isn't happening after flashing so you have to force it.