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Regarding OpenWrt GitHub issue #14541 (which is pretty heard from users): how may we proceed? I sent the BDFs for the 3 revisions of the C60 and tested the V3 version that seemd to work fine. However, some decisions had to be taken about variants and so on, and this problem is clearly more widespread than the C60s.
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okay, this is bizarre. i have a batman-adv mesh node, maybe not related, running a month-old openwrt (circa feb 2), and despite a static ip network config, with a gateway, "ip r" is showing no default route
ah, maybe because i had temporarily removed its ipv4 address manually, adding it back manually with ip addr add ...
yes, i can replicate that. makes sense.
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Please devs, can I know correct process for fixes into 24.10.1;