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hrrm; are we going to see 23.05.6 tagged soon, I wonder ... been a while of security matters etc.
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impressive how much enabling slab debug slows down devices
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this seems lightweight (but not in 6.6)
unclear this would help to diagnose slab leaks
at least it seems I know the culprit: hostapd. But I want to provide more insight into what's happening for a proper bug report
imagine running on TP-Link EAP615-Wall with 128MB RAM :P
well I'm not that far off. I'm diagnosing 256M devices :)
then again, at least this works with MTK
QCA garbage can't even do 11ax properly on 256MB devices
it's all well and nice until our userspace craps itself out
or you get memory pressure and shit becomes so slow nothing works anymore
that's not nearly as bad as having slab grow out of control eventually panic'ing the system :P
(which is what I'm investigating)
oh welp, past midnight again
didn't even have proper dinner
still yesterday here ;)
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gonna call it a day too. ttyl!
and gl tomorrow
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stintel: oh, I bought 2 more fireboxes
dwfreed: \o/
I might have been spamming you via the Gentoo Bugzilla :P
currently writing a blog post about the major PITA to get Gentoo installed on the Radxa ROCK 5B+
everything is just shit these days
i just realised that much like armel and intel, stintel must also be little endian
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stintel: I don't actually read gentoo bug email very often
Habbie: haha
Habbie: I'm mostly little annoyedian
it's a good trick for remembering x86 endianness
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