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<slh> indy: dev2mem ist disabled -by default- intentionally, as full/ raw memory access is usually unwanted on production images (security)
<slh> indy: yes, there are reasons when it's needed, that's why you can enable it for your own builds
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* russell-- just sent a pull request to bump the kernel to 6.6.82 to fix the soekris net48xx warm boot bug
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<indy> slh, thanks for answer. so also devmem in kernel configs?
<Znevna> russell--: 10 hours late
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<stintel> <command-line>: error: "_FORTIFY_SOURCE" redefined [-Werror]
<stintel> while compiling ucode in master
<stintel> during host-compile actually
<robimarko> Hm, builds fine for me
<robimarko> Both host and target
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#99]( of `main_armsr/armv8` failed: failed Kmods built (failure)
<stintel> I don't see it twice
<robimarko> Rather weird
<stintel> lrwxrwxrwx 1 stijn users 11 jan 4 15:59 /home/stijn/Development/OpenWrt/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/gcc -> /usr/bin/cc
<stintel> so it uses my host GCC, which has FORTIFY_SOURCE enabled by default
<stintel> is that expected to be host GCC though ?
<robimarko> Yes, as we dont build GCC for the host
<robimarko> Now it makes sense since we pass -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
<stintel> wonder why I've not hit this before though
<stintel> interestingly enough if I compile some test program it claims it's not defined
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<stintel> ok I'm just going to patch it out of ucode, it seems prohibitively difficult to detect it
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<stintel> sysupgrade doesn't seem to work on my OpenWrt one, getting a ton of NOTICE: UBI: Bad EC magic in block
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<stintel> ## Error: "led_loop_done" not defined
<stintel> great stuff
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<stintel> I guess some stuff was too old, recovery in NOR mode with -snand-preloader.bin and -factory.bin helped
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#100]( of `main_ipq40xx/chromium` completed successfully.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#99]( of `main_bcm27xx/bcm2710` failed: failed './scripts/feeds update' (failure)
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<schmars[m]> i think i'm back to connection problems. 1) hanging apk installs, 2) zst data corruption on an imagebuilder tarball - - ipq50xx is the zst fail, the others are apk
<schmars[m]> damn, the message right above me is also the known thing of curl failing against
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