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<nitroshift> hello guys! can anyone help me modify transmission makefile to compile the beta 2 version? here;s the link to the package archive: https://github.com/transmission/transmission/releases/download/4.1.0-beta.2/transmission-4.1.0-beta.2+rac5c9e082d.tar.xz
<nitroshift> thanks
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<nick[m]> did someone already try to recover the openwrt one nand via usb? somehow it does not work for me.
<nick[m]> here is the "reset recovery button press with usb" log https://gist.github.com/PolynomialDivision/73bf442b61adb6b2561397af242cd624
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<Rondom> soxrok2212: 1. put gpio0 to GND and power up the device, Device will respond with "Press x" on serial
<Rondom> soxrok2212: 2. press X and upload fip with some stuff removed via xmodem (fiptool remove --soc-fw-key-cert --nt-fw-key-cert --soc-fw-cert --nt-fw-cert --soc-fw --nt-fw --align 1024 bootext.ram)
<Rondom> soxrok2212: 3. board will execute the binaries and ask "Press x" again
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<Rondom> soxrok2212: 4. upload first 512MB of flash via xmodem after pressing x. After those 512KB are uploaded, they will get flashed to offset 0 of the flash
<Rondom> Fip is stored from offset 4KB to 512KB
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