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<grift> nbd: can busybox please carry this patch? http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/busybox/2022-July/089800.html it is needed for local/failsafe logins for busybox-selinux. without it people cannot login localled without this patch applied. patch is reviewed and tested
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<KanjiMonster> grift: "This email may contain confidential information." not with this footer
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<merbanan> regarding the openwrt 2
<merbanan> "the PPE works with the switch using 1q special tags"
<merbanan> is there any documentation what 1q special tags are?
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<enyc> Any $news/ideas towards 24.10.1 ?
<dwfreed> considering 24.10.0 literally released 6 weeks ago...
<Habbie> enyc, is there anything specific you are expecting or hoping for?
<dwfreed> ^^^
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<enyc> Habbie: hrrm; be particularly inerested to see if https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/17757 will be taken into 24.10 -- apparently now merged into "main".
<Habbie> then instead of hoping .1 comes soon, you need to see it gets into the 24.10 branch :)
<dwfreed> ^^^
<dwfreed> open an issue, make the backport PR yourself, *something*
<enyc> + I generally got impressino 24.10.0 being quite problematic release for many cases, some devices bricking, etc..
<enyc> dwfreed: righty-ho; understood! I guess when I asked about this before wasn't in main already.
<dwfreed> rumors and anecdotes don't make great bug reports
<enyc> dwfreed: no, indeed not I agreea; but I do like to ear about things and learn about ienvironment.
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<enyc> dwfreed Habbie : on the case, thankyou for the encouragement =).
<Habbie> good luck :)
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