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<wlb> weston Issue #783 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) clients/stacking various improvements [Toytoolkit], [Clients]
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<leon-anavi> hi, I am trying to get VNC working in Weston 12. Is this the right place to ask a question?
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1313 merged \o/ (Automatically schedule view repaints on property changes
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1317 merged \o/ (ivi-shell: Automatically schedule view repaints on property changes
<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * ivi-layout: Use weston_view_add/remove_transform() ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * ivi-layout: Use weston_view_set_alpha() ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * ivi-layout: Use weston_view_move_to_layer() ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * ivi-layout: Remove weston_view_schedule_repaint() ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
<mvlad> leon-anavi, sure, go ahead.
<leon-anavi> mvlad, thanks
<leon-anavi> I configured weston.ini but when I try to start screen sharing over VNC I always get the following error:
<leon-anavi> Screen share failed: No wl_shm found
<leon-anavi> I tried on 2 different ARM platforms rockchip rk3399 and nxp imx8mp.
<leon-anavi> btw there are no issue if I am using RDP instead of VNC in weston.ini.
<leon-anavi> What is causing the error "No wl_shm found" with VNC?
<mvlad> that's from screen share module not from VNC. The VNC backend is similarly configurable like the RDP one.
<mvlad> did you configure it like that?
<mvlad> maybe you can paste out your ini file and the weston log
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<leon-anavi> yes, just a second to paste the weston.ini
<leon-anavi> I have in core.
<leon-anavi> For VNC in [screen-share] I have: command=/usr/bin/weston --no-clients-resize --vnc-tls-cert=/etc/freerdp/keys/vnc.crt --vnc-tls-key=/etc/freerdp/keys/vnc.key
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<mvlad> leon-anavi, yeah suspect that screen share won't work the VNC back-end, like it does with the RDP one. For something similar to that, you'd need which hasn't landed yet.
<leon-anavi> hm
<leon-anavi> how is the current implementation of vnc supposed to work in Weston 12 right now?
<mvlad> leon-anavi, no idea at this point why it doesn't work though, if you say it does work with RDP one.
<mvlad> I'll give it a try on my end a bit later.
<leon-anavi> yes, RDP works fine if I uncomment the the line for it, comment to VNC line in weston.ini and restart weston.
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<mvlad> leon-anavi, like the other back-ends. But you won't have local output (like you would with DRM one).
<leon-anavi> ouch, I see
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<pH5> leon-anavi: --no-clients-resize is not a valid vnc option, I guess you just saw that too.
<mvlad> leon-anavi, the longer plan is to scratch screen share module entirely, and use that MR I've pointed as a way to achieve the same functionality.
<leon-anavi> so at the moment it is either VNC or display output with DRM (for example HDMI). Do I understand right the current state?
<leon-anavi> pH5, actually no, I will remove it. thanks.
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<mvlad> ... if the VNC backend instance can't start maybe screen share won't work either.
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<leon-anavi> for the test, what should I edit in weston.ini for weston 12 to get VNC backend instance running (even without the local output)?
<mvlad> comment out the screen-share module or set start-on-startup to false.
<pH5> leon-anavi: or just removing the --no-clients-resize option should make it work
<pH5> mvlad is right that the "No wl_shm found" is just a follow-up failure after the VNC backend errors out.
<leon-anavi> Just removing "--no-clients-resize" doesn't make any difference if weston.ini contains Screen share failed: No wl_shm found
<pH5> The VNC backend doesn't support client-resize at all because NeatVNC 0.6.0 is missing support for it.
<pH5> leon-anavi: are there any other error messages before that?
<leon-anavi> pH5, no
<pH5> does starting the screen-share weston command line manually work at all?
<leon-anavi> I have tried yet, I guess no, let me try
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<pH5> leon-anavi: ah, "Neat VNC built without TLS support"
<pH5> We should change the error message to make clear that this is required.
<leon-anavi> pH5, in general, is it possible to use VNC in Weston 12 if Neat VNC has been built without TLS support?
<leon-anavi> I guess I should built Neat VNC with TLS support to get pass this error that I am having right now, right?
<pH5> leon-anavi: Yes, building Neat VNC with -Dtls=enabled should fix this, requires gnutls.
<leon-anavi> ok, I will have a look and get back to you with some feedback in the afternoon
<leon-anavi> thank you for taking the time to point me.
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<leon-anavi> pH5, rebuilding Neat VNC with TLS support was quick and there is some progress:
<leon-anavi> however, I don't see an open VNC port that I can access from another computer in the same network.
<leon-anavi> Is there anything to explicitly configure VNC backend in Weston 12 to open a VNC port?
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<pH5> leon-anavi: firewall? netstat -nlt should show it listening on port 5900 on all interfaces by default.
<mvlad> yeah, pH5 has a point, the vnc backend would've been able to bound to an address otherwise. The logs shows it started, so probably there's something else.
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<ukiran> hello
<ukiran> pq, we have enabled the color-management from the config file to check how the color space changes appears on the system. we have provided WideGamutRGB.icc (/usr/share/color/icc/colord) file from the config. My monitor supports BT.2020 color profile(based on the EDID)
<ukiran> I observed that the lighter tone of colors at the output.
<ukiran> i have taken the screenshots and sharing here.. ( With_CM_enabled)
<ukiran> here is the image without_cm_enabled.
<ukiran> pq, based on my understanding, the output should become sharper
<ukiran> pq, could you please let us know if this is expected ? or how can we verify visually for such color conversion from simple colors ?
<kennylevinsen> why would BT.2020 or Adobe Wide Gamut RGB make anything sharper? If color management is done correctly and the screen is well behaved, sRGB content should look the same either way, using an appropriate subset of the BT.2020 color space.
<leon-anavi> pH5, mvlad no firewall. I am using a Yocto Poky master setup with core-image-weston.
<kennylevinsen> if your monitor was mishandling sRGB as native colorspace values, maybe you'll end up with considerably duller but more correct sRGB content...
<zamundaaa[m]> ukiran: this looks entirely expected to me. Unless you changed monitor settings, the colors looking more dull is exactly what should happen if you tell the compositor that the color space of the monitor is wider
<kennylevinsen> although it seems wrong that the screenshot is affected - unless the screenshot color space was reported correctly and was just lost sometime before it reached my eyeball
<ukiran> kennylevinsen, as per my understanding, widergamut means, representing the input colors into more wider color space so that the color sharpness gets increased.
<ukiran> kennylevinsen, we are using LCMS and GPU for this conversion. i think, monitor has no role to play. I have used weston-screenshooter client app to capture the screenshot.
<ukiran> zamundaaa[m], we are setting the widerGamut output color profile, because the monitor supports its
<ukiran> it*
<kennylevinsen> ukiran: if color mapping is done correctly, when using a wider gamut for your monitor, "narrow" gamut colors will be remappped appropriately. Only wider gamut *content* should use the increased gamut range.
<kennylevinsen> say, full green in sRGB is maybe only 50% green in BT.2020. So, sRGB colors need to be "reduced" - otherwise they would be oversaturated, way greener than intended.
<kennylevinsen> but if you then take that remapped output and look at it *without* having a wider gamut, or if you previously had improper color management making 100% sRGB -> 100% BT.2020, then the result is duller colors.
<kennylevinsen> I don't know how weston is currently handling colors, nor if weston-screenshooter knows about color spaces
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<ukiran> kennylevinsen, you mean to say, eventhough the FB content is in BT.2020 but monitor is still showing SRGB content which is resulting in the lighter colors ?
<ukiran> do we need to communicate to the monitor by setting the colorspace property on the connector with BT.2020 ?
<kennylevinsen> If your framebuffer is BT.2020, and you render surfaces that are sRGB, then these surfaces must first be converted to BT.2020, "dulling" the colors.
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<kennylevinsen> When proper color management is in effect, a monitor in sRGB mode with sRGB frame buffer showing sRGB surfaces should not look any different to a monitor in BT.2020 mode with BT.2020 frame buffer showing sRGB surfaces.
<kennylevinsen> If it looks different to your eyeballs, it might be because you are comparing between no color management (which shows everything wrong) and color management, or because your monitor configuration did not change appropiately
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<kennylevinsen> or a combination thereof
<kennylevinsen> you might want to look into getting a colorimeter to measure the result if you are going to work with colors and colorspaces
<kennylevinsen> you need your monitor to be calibrated anyway, and you will definitely not be able to eyeball if colors are correct...
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<ukiran> kennylevinsen, thanks for your useful info. i will check the monitor configuration.
<kennylevinsen> ukiran: and yes, if your monitor interprets BT.2020 as sRGB, it'll look very light. It could also be that it is correct now, but your monitor previously interpreted sRGB as BT.2020 causing it to oversaturate.
<ukiran> Okay, i did not think of this. I need to check both the cases.
<kennylevinsen> (or some "native color space" setting - monitors have a tendency to have overly vivid default behaviors, as humans like vivid colors)
<leon-anavi> pH5, mvlad after changing some file permissions I was able to manually start weston 12 instance with vnc backend as user weston and to listen on port 5900. However, I still can't connect from another computer and I don't see any logs related to VNC when I try to connect.
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<mvlad> leon-anavi, it's probably a networking problem if you can't connect to the machine. Can you connect with something else (ssh or something similar)?
<leon-anavi> yes, SSH is fine
<leon-anavi> the other thing is that if using the same command I enable start-on-startup=true in weston.ini the port 5900 for VNC doesn't open
<leon-anavi> It appears only if I run manually from a command-line terminal the same command as in weston.ini
<leon-anavi> should be disabled when using VNC backend on Weston 12,right?
<mvlad> leon-anavi, not really "disabled". If you do not specify it in modules, or that start-on-startup is false it won't load it.
<leon-anavi> ok
<leon-anavi> I don't have it in modules, I will not set start-on-startup.
<pH5> leon-anavi: the whole [screen-share] ini section is only used by the module. if you don't load it, the section is ignored.
<leon-anavi> I am confused
<mvlad> pH5, any chance we might add some debugging messages within that vnc-backend debug scope to help out with this?
<leon-anavi> at the end of the day to get vnc backend working one way or another on Weston 12 do we need to be loaded in modules from weston.ini?
<mvlad> leon-anavi, no.
<leon-anavi> but if is not loaded will the whole [screen-share] ini section be ignored?
<mvlad> yes, it will ignored.
<mvlad> screen share modules loads *another* instance of weston (besides the one already started) as to scrape the output contents and relay them to a remote client.
<leon-anavi> ok
<pH5> mvlad: are you suggesting error explainers like: "Error: Neat VNC built without TLS support" -> "To fix this, build neatvnc with -Dtls=enabled"?
<mvlad> pH5, no, things like port opened, waiting for connections, incoming connection, more like connection issues.
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<leon-anavi> so what is the proper way to run Weston 12 with backend VNC on port 5900 and to be able to connect to it from another computer?
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<leon-anavi> If is not loaded and [screen-share] ini section is ignored then should I start weston with VNC back-end either manually or from a separate script?
<mvlad> leon-anavi, at least try first manually (until you figure out networking issues) then use a systemd unit for it.
<pH5> mvlad: ah, an info message with bind address and port might be helpful. inbound connections/authentication is already announced with neatvnc info messages.
<mvlad> pH5, aha, so that that should be a clear indication. thanks!
<leon-anavi> mvlad, there are no networking issues. SSH and RDP both work fine.
<leon-anavi> If I enable and the rpd command in [screen-share], the remote desktop connection works like a charm.
<leon-anavi> But not for VNC so it is not a networking issue for sure.
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<mvlad> leon-anavi, rdp works over different ports than vnc. Here's what weston prints when a client connects to it:
<mvlad> I'm going to play a bit with screen share module and the vnc backend, see if there's something I can replicate on my end.
<pH5> leon-anavi, mvlad: note that neatvnc only prints the DEBUG: messages when compiled without NDEBUG (meson: -Dbuildtype=debug or debugoptimized)
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<any1> What does "ss -ntl" say when weston is running?
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<leon-anavi> pH5, ok, thank you. I will try building NeatVNC with debug to get more logs.
<leon-anavi> right now I have no clue why VNC isn't working
<pH5> leon-anavi: me either. I'd double-check that weston is listening (as any1 suggested above) and then if that is ok, double-check that there are no netfilter rules blocking port 5900.
<leon-anavi> in the case when I ran weston with vnc backend manually form the command line it listens to port 5900 and this port is seen by other computers in the same network.
<mvlad> leon-anavi, and you can connect with a vnc client to it?
<leon-anavi> mvlad, no, I can't connect :(
<mvlad> leon-anavi, then how it is "seen" by other computers in the same network then?
<mvlad> fyi, I've just tried using screen share and the vnc backend (similar to the rdp one). The only change I had to do is to remove that `no-clients-resize` and it works just fine. Connecting with a vnc client, and displaying locally using the drm backend.
<leon-anavi> mvlad, I see that the 5900 port is open with nmap from another computer in the same network.
<leon-anavi> mvlad, can you please share your weston.ini that worked for you? on what kind of hardware did you test it?
<leon-anavi> I am testing with Weston 12.0.1 on rock-pi-4b (rockchip rk3399)
<pH5> leon-anavi: which vnc client are you using? can you try with tigervnc?
<leon-anavi> vinagre and vncviewer on ubuntu 22.04
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<pH5> maybe the client doesn't like the certificate and doesn't communicate that properly.
<pH5> vinagre doesn't work here either. vncviewer (tigervnc) does, though.
<leon-anavi> vncviewer didn't work for.
<leon-anavi> sounds like I am missing some kind of a configuration
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<leon-anavi> vncviewer fails to connect with a vague error message, may be about the certificates: Unable to connect to VNC Server using your chosen security setting.
<leon-anavi> Either upgrade VNC Server to a more recent version from RealVNC, or select a weaker level of encryption.
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<pH5> leon-anavi: vinagre can give more information with --gtk-vnc-debug
<leon-anavi> thanks! This is useful
<pH5> to make vinagre work I had to create a CA key/cert pair, put the CA cert into ~/.pki/CA/cacert.pem, and create the server certificate with that CA key/cert.
<leon-anavi> vinagre fails on my side due to the ceritifates: Error: The certificate is not trusted
<mvlad> oh this is about the client, rather than the server.
<pH5> (openssl -CA and -CAkey options instead of -signkey)
<leon-anavi> yes, this is on the client
<leon-anavi> ok, probably this is the problem on my side too
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<leon-anavi> after adding certificates I moved a step further with vinagre: Error: The certificate's owner does not match hostname
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<MrCooper> if a client attaches multiple buffers to the same surface in a single commit, should the compositor send a release event for all attached buffers, or only for the last one (once it becomes unused again later)?
<wlb> weston Issue #784 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) Document VNC client set-up with the VNC backend [Documentation]
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<zamundaaa[m]> MrCooper: only for the actually committed one
<MrCooper> ah, I was looking for that but couldn't find it, thanks!
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<newbthenewbd> hai, here to bash wayland in an atypically polite manner, and more seriously inquire about the unabashedly awesome libinput
<newbthenewbd> I got this cth-661 wacom pen tablet, and with libinput its finger touch feature is actually really nice, near apple-level if only it clicked :-), but (there's always a but)
<newbthenewbd> it, er, features not only these high-frequency tiny-change jitters as resolved by fuzz, but also occasionally these quite big jumps back and forth especially with multitouch scroll
<newbthenewbd> which somehow penetrate through even with an unreasonably high fuzz, even though the average reported position tends to be roughly the same, maybe due to their lower frequency? I wondered if there were some other existing quirks to try, or whether some crazy hacks to try and detect that kind of thing rather than fuzzing would possibly get accepted :)?
<newbthenewbd> (tl;dr halp plz scrolling wiki jitters hugely back and forth)
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<newbthenewbd> something I notice with debug-gui is that the jitters (some of them?) come from the fingers' position on the vertical axis seemingly being swapped back and forth while the horizontal remains, so random dont-quote-me-on hack idea, if uncertain which finger is which, default to the less different from last.. or maybe it's properly fixable in the driver lol
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<newbthenewbd> wanted to take a thousand words at 60fps, so now it works fine basically all time lol
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !330 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) scanner: specify enum underlying type for C23
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !331 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) util: use C23 typeof if available
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