ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<newbthenewbd> managed to record my-yesterday's quirk near the end of the video and otherwise another, wrongly detects pinches
<newbthenewbd> whot pls :( am open to long walks thru the logs, debugging tools, code and other cliches :)
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<leon-anavi> mvlad, pH5 thank you for your help. After generating certificates with correct hostname I was able to connect vinagre over VNC to my embedded device with rk3399 and Weston 12.
<whot> newbthenewbd: I'm at a conference this week, really hard to do this synchronously, best to file a bug, sorry
<mvlad> leon-anavi, nice, thanks for the follow-up.
<newbthenewbd> whot: I wasn't sure if it was worth a bug lol, well have a nice time over there and thanks a lot for libinput!
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<newbthenewbd> mm took a little more look, so if I just added the wacom here... seems like the very same thing
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<MrCooper> whot's talk about libei is live
<newbthenewbd> that's a great talk :o now I didn't even manage to start that recompile
<bittin_GUADEC> MrCooper, so it is
<bittin_GUADEC> newbthenewbd, sorry :p
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<MrCooper> has any wayland-protocols proposal ever been explicitly nacked?
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<emersion> DRM stuff maybe
<MrCooper> no GitLab MR or issue has the Nacked label, maybe it happened earlier on the mailing list though?
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<emersion> in général there is no need to explicitly NACK
<emersion> hrm phone autocorrect
<d_ed[m]> There's definitely protocols with people saying "I wouldn't accept blah blah blah"
<emersion> just giving feedback early is enough to avoid this problem in almost all cases
<d_ed[m]> and then a lot of death by silence
<emersion> yeah, but that's not an explicit, formal NACK
<emersion> yea
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<istasi> Hello, im an newbie, and im unsure as to where i should or if i should report an issue im encountering, everytime i put my pc to sleep, when it comes up again, the GUI is locked up, with mouse leaving a trail behind, it only happens when im using wayland kde, not when im using x11 kde, this says its more likely an issue with the compositor but i dont know enough to continue
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<wlb> wayland Issue #401 opened by darkk99 (darkk99) (Suggestion) Add raw mouse input support
<wlb> wayland Issue #401 closed \o/ ((Suggestion) Add raw mouse input support
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