ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<orowith2os> Ishq you'll have to ask your compositor developers, Wayland doesn't allow arbitrary clients to interact with others.
<orowith2os> wlroots probably has some way (for all wlroots compositors) to do that, GNOME has some stuff built in I think, and KDE most definitely does
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<danieldg> wlroots doesn't have a way for all, that's only in more specific protocols (sway ipc, for example)
<danieldg> you can get the *focused* window with foreign-toplevel (the taskbar protocol) but that's not hover
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<zzag> Has the meeting date and time been decided?
<zzag> Oh blind me.. Thanks!
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<Ishq> orowith2os: got it. Thanks. I was afraid of that. I've read about the xdg-foreign protocol which might be interesting though
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<Ishq> Seems there is no API to query exported surfaces :(
<jadahl> Ishq: what is it exactly you want to do?
<emersion> xdg-foreign is for one specific use-case
<emersion> parenting toplevels from two different processes
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<pq> Ishq, it would help to explain what you want to do from an end user experience point of view, before you decide you need a specific API.
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<Ishq> I'm trying to update my multitouch gesture recognition app to work on Wayland. One of the features is that it can have per-app gestures. In X11, I would be able to query the "focused" app and use that to figure out what gestures to use. I'm looking for analogous functionality in Wayland
<Ishq> Technically, the app itself works fine in wayland except for the perapp gesture thing
<emersion> there is no cross-desktop API for this atm
<emersion> wlroots and other compositors have a foreign-toplevel protocol
<Ishq> I guess that's fine...I plan to use sway anyways. I was hoping for something better than parsing get_tree. I'll read the wlroots code to see what they do with foreign surfaces and if there is an API to query them.
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<pq> I'm slightly curious how that app can work on Wayland at all.
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<immibis> that sounds like something that should be in the compositor?
<Max1> daniels / jadahl: I mentioned here last week that in this line:, `shsurf` might be NULL in some edge cases (popups are involved, fullscreen xdg-toplevels probably as well). Not sure if there's a fix already underway or if I should file a bug so we can keep track of this?
<daniels> Max1: yeah, please file a bug - it's definitely NULL in case of popups but I'm not entirely sure what the proper fix is for it
<daniels> (and my timeslot expired)
<Max1> Ok, will do, thanks!
<daniels> np, thank you!
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<wlb> weston Issue #775 opened by Max Ihlenfeldt (mihlenfeldt) NULL pointer dereference during surface activation sync for popups
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<pq> Eh heh. To my latest understanding of EDID, the "default RGB colorimetry" was the closest thing to having source based color management until SBTM becomes usable. The WCG and HDR modes introduced in between just made things more unknowable by invalidating the old colorimetry and offering nothing in its place.
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<pq> I think we are really going to need tools that end users, who happen to care but not enough to buy profiling equipment, can get an estimate of the color gamut limits in BT.2020 mode.
<pq> assumptions galore, but maybe it might lead to subjectively better picture sometimes
<pq> I also think we've been using HDR static metadata in infoframes wrong all the time, except video players that just set what the video says.
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<ukiran> hello pq
<ukiran> need little help in reading the color primaries and other transfer characterstics from the LCMS
<ukiran> have enabled color-management in the weston server and created a color profile from the icc file..
<ukiran> now when i want to read the color primaries from the color profile created from icc file, am getting some values..
<ukiran> but the color primaries read from the color profile and the primaries of the widergamut are not matching.. Is it is expected ?
<ukiran> reading these cp using lcms lib
<ukiran1> pq, btw, i have used /usr/share/color/icc/colord/WideGamutRGB.icc as an icc_file
<pq> ukiran, do not try to disassemble an ICC profile to go back to primaries and white point.
<ukiran> okay. just wanted to know how a compositor will take a decision on the preferred color space, other color characteristics to create the preferred-image-description
<pq> I'm not even sure what you are trying to do.
<pq> A surface's preferred image description could be simply the image description of the output where the surface is synchronized to.
<pq> Or if a compositor uses a single global blending space, the preferred image description could be derived from that.
<pq> If you have an ICC profile, then send the ICC profile as-is to the client, and do not send any other parameters at all.
<ukiran> If the client wants to get the image descrption, then the bunch of events needs to be sent to the client with all the color params right ?
<ukiran> In this case, do we need send only icc_fd followed by done event ?
<pq> No. Only those parameters the compositor had.
<pq> If a compositor has an ICC profile, then it has nothing else.
<pq> yes
<pq> Deriving device primaries and white point from an ICC profile is often not even possible.
<ukiran> Yes.. i have got some but dont know whether they are proper or not
<ukiran> used some icc-tags to read those..
<pq> yeah, and the tags may or may not exist, and then you might be throwing something else away that the profile is doing
<ukiran> if the compositor is not using an ICC profile, then how the compositor will create the preferred-image-description ? is it is based on the color space supported by the monitor ?
<pq> exactly the same way I explained
<pq> you need an image description for each output, and you decide to choose one output as the main output for the surface, and use that output's image description as the surface's preferred one.
<pq> *you can decide to choose
<pq> Where to get the output image description is a much harder problem. EDID is practically useless.
<pq> well, theoretically useless, I don't know about practise yet
<pq> there might be something that libdisplay-info does not parse yet, but lacking that, I guess one has to either guess (pick something from a short list of standards), or measure (needs equipment).
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<ukiran> could you please point me what libdisplay-info is not parsing yet ?
<ukiran> i have included libdisplay-info as part of my experiments and able to read the color-space information
<pq> ukiran, I don't know what libdisplay-info is not parsing yet that would be relevant here.
<pq> ukiran, please, read the docs of the proposed API here:
<pq> There is nothing useful that I know of for any HDR mode.
<ukiran> okay
<ukiran> if we know the colorspace of the monitor,can we hardcode the primaries, tf, other parameters hard coded to create the image description object.
<pq> sure
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1305 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) xwayland: Fix assert with some parented windows [XWayland]
<ukiran> pq, based on the protocol, how can we create an image_description based on the icc_profile ? wp_image_description_factory_icc_v1_interface:: Create()
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<pq> ukiran, you mean how a client can create an ICC-based image description? Yes, with wp_image_description_creator_icc_v1.
<pq> after checking that it actually is advertised as supported
<pq> new_icc_creator request gives you a wp_image_description_creator_icc_v1
<wlb> weston Merge request !1306 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) rdp: Mark the current mode as current [RDP backend]
<wlb> weston Merge request !1291 merged \o/ (Allow overlapping outputs
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1307 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) frontend: Add tls-cert and tls-key config options
<wlb> weston Merge request !1308 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) Extract weston_output_set_single_mode() from RDP, to share with VNC
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1309 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) backend-x11: fix output repaint timing
<wlb> weston Merge request !1310 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) backend-pipewire: make sure to finish frames with timestamps in the past
<wlb> weston Merge request !1311 opened by Philipp Zabel (pH5) backend-rdp: make sure to finish frames with timestamps in the past
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1289 merged \o/ (Fix surface/view handling for test-surface
<wlb> weston/main: Daniel Stone * tests: Move surface mapping earlier in surface-shell tests/weston-test.c
<wlb> weston/main: Daniel Stone * tests: Use weston_view_move_to_layer() tests/weston-test.c
<wlb> weston/main: Daniel Stone * tests: Don't remap surfaces with NULL buffer tests/weston-test.c
<wlb> weston/main: Daniel Stone * tests: Check that test-surface unmaps on NULL tests/paint-node-test.c
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1306 closed (rdp: Mark the current mode as current)
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<wlb> weston Issue #758 closed \o/ (Weston 12 rdp can't star visual studio code (electron)
<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * backend-rdp: extract weston_output_set_single_mode() libweston/ backend-rdp/rdp.c compositor.c libweston-internal.h
<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * backend-vnc: use weston_output_set_single_mode() libweston/backend-vnc/vnc.c
<wlb> weston Merge request !1308 merged \o/ (Extract weston_output_set_single_mode() from RDP, to share with VNC
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<wlb> wayland Issue #393 opened by Tim Chernykh (j3su5cr1st) Failed to start X Wayland: Directory "/tmp/.X11-unix" is not writable
<wlb> wayland/main: Peter Hutterer * Add a triage-policies file for bugbot .triage-policies.yml
<wlb> wayland Merge request !327 merged \o/ (Add a triage-policies file for bugbot
<wlb> wayland Issue #393 closed \o/ (Failed to start X Wayland: Directory "/tmp/.X11-unix" is not writable
<emersion> seems to work
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<Ishq> pq: it's because it directly hooks into libinput and doesn't rely on wayland, that said, I haven't given it significant mileage under wayland...( It's worked great for the last few years, but given how everything was moving to wayland, I figure I'd port it over so I could use it on wayland
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<jadahl> vyivel: hmm, true, part of the removed "meaning" should be morphed into the earlier paragraph
<vyivel> that sounds like it would require a version bump
<jadahl> why?
<jadahl> !151 attempted to deduplicate, but missed part of it
<vyivel> a compositor which implements the latest xdg-shell.xml has full rights to kill a client which tries to create a grabbing popup on top of a non-grabbing one
<vyivel> if the client wants to do that, it must be sure the compositor actually supports this case
<jadahl> !151 didn't change anything, so no it doesn't
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<vyivel> weston and smithay don't seem to allow that fwiw
<vyivel> "xdg_popup was not created on the topmost popup"
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !236 opened by Kirill Primak (vyivel) xdg-shell: clarify parent requirements for grabbing popups
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<_DOOM_> Is it possible to create a library using some wayland protocols generated with wayland-scanner
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