ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<_DOOM_> I apologize in advance, as my question isn't entirely on topic. I'm trying to use pixman for rendering on a wayland client, but I can't seem to get it to render.
<_DOOM_> I was wondering if I could get some help and other eyes on the code to see if I'm doing anything wrong.
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<bl4ckb0ne> surd
<bl4ckb0ne> sure*
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<_DOOM_> bl4ckb0ne: Sorry for the late response, The code is here:
<_DOOM_> The main rendering is in bar_draw, the buffers are allocated correctly as I've tried rendering with cairo and it was fine.
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<bl4ckb0ne> i think the stride is wrong
<bl4ckb0ne> hmm no, maybe a format issue
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<_DOOM_> bl4ckb0ne: How so? The formats between pixman and wl_shm_pool_create_buffer match.
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<emersion> _DOOM_: i suggest you check the formats with
<emersion> it's not obvious which are equivalent between 2 given APIs
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<_DOOM_> emersion: on it
<emersion> ah, and WL_SHM is same as DRM_
<emersion> in terms of format names
<_DOOM_> ok
<_DOOM_> pixman and wl_shm formats that I am using are compatible.
<_DOOM_> but thanks for the site I am going to keep this somewhere
<_DOOM_> *and thanks...
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<wlb> wayland Issue #398 opened by Kirill Chibisov (kchibisov) What client should do when receiving `null` offer in `wl_data_device::enter`
<DodoGTA> Is there a Wayland equivalent of XDisplayName()?
<jadahl> no, you'll have to derive that yourself
<jadahl> i.e. check the env for WAYLAND_SOCKET, WAYLAND_DISPLAY and the "wayland-0" fallback
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<MrCooper> ofourdan: re I wonder if handle_libdecor_configure needs to commit at all? Is there a problem if we just wait for a commit from somewhere else?
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<MrCooper> ah, I guess it's needed for any libdecor state changes to take effect
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<ofourdan> yeah, I took example on libdecor's own demo program
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<jadahl> MrCooper: waiting for a commit "later" is fine, the libdecor_frame_commit() just stages the subsurfaces so they'll be applied on the next toplevel commit
<MrCooper> the latter may never happen though, if the size doesn't change and Xwayland doesn't need to draw anything
<jadahl> then it needs a "damage" so that it does draw soon enough
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<ofourdan> actually, I think we should just remove the wl_surface_commit() entirely
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<cambrian_invader> pq: yes, it's the real binary
<cambrian_invader> pq: when I run it as a user service the logs go to the user journal\
<cambrian_invader> pq: however, when I run it as a system service there are no logs
<cambrian_invader> daniels: I'm using drm
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1326 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) Fix damage when switching back to primary plane [Core compositor]
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