ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> weston Issue #680 closed \o/ (kiosk-shell allows xdg parent surface to obscure xdg children
<wlb> weston Merge request !1261 merged \o/ (Implement proper z-order for xdg surfaces in the kiosk shell
<wlb> weston Issue #738 closed \o/ (Kiosk-shell keyboard focus lost after modal dialogs
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<sewn> what registries or point of references can i take for a wayland client that simply gets the cursor position of a wlroots compositor? been trying for the past hour and getting nowhere..
<emersion> that information is not exposed
<emersion> what is your use-case?
<sewn> drawing an image under the cursor
<emersion> can you elaborate? for which purpose?
<sewn> just a fun little cat following the cursor,,
<emersion> there is no way to do this
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<sewn> :(
<sewn> what does slurp do?
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<gschwind> I complete emersion, their is not approved protocol extension for that purpose, you need to modify a compositor with a custom protocol extension
<gschwind> aprroved mean accepted as standard extension
<emersion> sewn: it draws an overlay which intercepts pointer events
<sewn> so technically for my usecase it wouldn't be realistic to draw an overlay simply for intercepting pointer events
<emersion> it wouldn't work because the surfaces underneath wouldn't get input events
<sewn> ahh i see
<sewn> oh well...
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<drakulix[m]> Reminder, that the doodle for the wayland-protocols meeting is still running. See the wayland-devel mailing list.
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<bl4ckb0ne> very sorry about the odd hours for me, i dont mind skipping it if it suits everybody better
<bl4ckb0ne> out if work and EST makes a very weird mix
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<nick_> Hi! dunno ifi this is the right place to ask, but did something happen to foot terminal? The github is archived and on codeberg it's not available
<emersion> Nick_: just a codeberg outage it seems
<nick_> And what about the github archive?
<emersion> it's no longer hosted on GitHub
<nick_> oh I see
<nick_> Thx
<kchibisov> Was it ever hosted on github?
<kchibisov> I think even during early dev the links I was given were on codeberg.
<emersion> hm
<nick_> There is a github repo but it says it's a mirror
<emersion> i don't see it in
<emersion> so maybe a random person just mirrored the repo
<nick_> Probably
<kchibisov> Well, that's what I would suspect, since even when foot was like few month old I had a link to codeberg.
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<nick_> btw is there any other good terminal other than foot, alacritty or kitty available? I'm using kitty rn but it has some problems for me and I thought it might be time to change
<kchibisov> I develop alacritty so it's good for me.
<kchibisov> There're certainly others, like countour, but for a wayland terminal you have those 3.
<emersion> i can recommend foot
<kchibisov> And I'd reduce the list to just alacritty/foot.
<nick_> I'll check out foot (if I can find out how to config it) and if it doesn't work out I 'll probably move to alacritty
<kchibisov> foot generally has better wayland support, because it's wayland only.
<nick_> Yeah kitty used to be 'alright' but the lack of good antialiasing is driving me crazy
<kchibisov> foot and alacritty has nearly the same font rendering iirc, so you wouldn't notice any difference.
<nick_> Did alacritty move to wayland only recently? I stopped using it at some point but I don't remember having any problems
<kchibisov> it supports wayland for 3-4 years.
<kchibisov> maybe even more.
<nick_> oh
<kchibisov> The main alacritty issue is that it's crossplatform, so its development not that fast when it comes to windowing feauters..
<nick_> I never cared much about that to be honest, I just want a terminal that works and is easy to theme
<nick_> Probably I just got bored and installed whatever lol
<kchibisov> Both will work, but if you have nvidia gpu I'd suggest foot.
<nick_> I'm... using integrated graphics...
<nick_> But I'll try both
<nick_> I used to really like alacritty back when I was using it
<kchibisov> alacritty is more like termite if you ever used it.
<kchibisov> I think we have everything termite had.
<kchibisov> I'm not sure how keyboard driven the foot is, I think it has some things like opening a url with keyboard.
<psykose> url mode is a great feature
<nick_> So I checked out foot and I guess it's not bad but there are a lot more configs for alacritty on github and that's what I know better so I'm gonna stick with alacritty for now
<kchibisov> psykose: does foot allow arbitrary regex instead of url these days?
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<psykose> nope, just protocols for ${protocol}:// and uri-characters
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<nick_> Wow I had forgotten how nice and clean alacritty configs were...
<kchibisov> psykose: still it's better than nothing.
<psykose> i've never had a need for more tbh
<kchibisov> I just like to copy arbitrary hashes into clipboard.
<psykose> :-)
<kchibisov> And file pathes without a file:///.
<kchibisov> Like giant compiler output.
<psykose> maybe i'm wrong since i haven't studied every line of the config
<psykose> my ricing days are years past
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<wlb> weston Issue #785 opened by Link Mauve (linkmauve) Send wl_surface::enter right after xdg_surface creation [xdg_shell and wl_shell]
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<wlb> weston Issue #786 opened by James Hilliard (jameshilliard) `atomic: couldn't commit new state: Invalid argument` error after updating weston to 12.0.1 from 10.0.1
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