ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> weston Issue #778 closed \o/ (The mouse button release signal is not called after moving the surface
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<wlb> weston Issue #779 opened by Tomohito Esaki (etom) Build error when xwayland is disabled.
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<ofourdan> jadahl: hey jonas, may I ask you to do a review of considering this is mostly about using libdecor?
<ofourdan> (it's a small MR, I know you choked on Xwayland not applying the configuration before)
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<jadahl> ofourdan: sure
<emersion> feel free to edit as usual
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<jadahl> the point about hiding from screenshots/screencat/screencopy:
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<jadahl> imo makes sense as a generic protocol
<jadahl> drakulix[m]: ^
<drakulix[m]> That is not exactly the same issue, I want to hide layer-shell surfaces from only certain types of captures and there is nothing sensitive about the contents.
<drakulix[m]> But imo that is a good idea for a protocol, I just won't use it for that specific issue.
<emersion> jadahl: basically Victoria's problem is that the workspace overview is a layer-shell surface, and uses screen capture to render itself, but doesn't want to capture itself
<jadahl> aah, ok, a bit special indeed
<emersion> drakulix[m]: tbh i think this use-case would be better implemented with a special kind of surface contents
<jadahl> drakulix[m]: yea, such a generic protocol doesn't make sense for your use case
<emersion> attach_capture_source(wl_surface, capture_source) in place of wl_surface.attach for instance
<emersion> not sure how this can look like exactly, but would avoid the compositor → client → compositor roundtrip
<emersion> ideas from years ago would be to expose a new kind of wl_buffer
<jadahl> a special kind of wl_buffer sounds scary
<emersion> yeah, how it's updated is unclear
<jadahl> think about all the layers that needs plumbing
<emersion> i dunno, would be trivial in wlroots
<jadahl> i mean client side
<drakulix[m]> So the idea would be that capturing apps could hide their UI by attaching in a special way?
<emersion> client side, it would be, wl_buffer=create_buffer_from_capture_source(capture_source), then wl_surface.attahc
<emersion> OTOH, this restricts to very basic UI
<emersion> no effects, displaying stuff on top of the mirrored area requires sub-surfaces etc
<drakulix[m]> I suppose that could be useful for screenshotting tools and afaik OBS can also hide its own window from captures on some platforms.
<drakulix[m]> But these clients probably want to hide a normal xdg-toplevel.
<emersion> drakulix[m]: the idea would be to not use screencopy in clients providing a workspace overview, or toplevel preview, or such
<emersion> but instead have the clients say "please mirror the screencopy source into this surface"
<any1> That's a neat idea
<emersion> a recent example of this concept, but on the web:
<drakulix[m]> ah right. that would indeed eliminate the delay you get otherwise.
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<emersion> there are upsides and downsides
<emersion> anyways, just food for thought :P
<drakulix[m]> But that would only hide the surfaces rendering the previews right? If you render UI around that previews, that would be captured like normal.
<any1> you still have to render the image source though before composting it elsewhere.
<emersion> yeah, sorry, i should've made that clear: it doesn't solve your issue, it's just an alternative to screencopy
<emersion> any1: yeah, i think in Victoria's case the compositor would always need to use a separate swapchain for screen capture anyways
<emersion> you can't filter out arbitrary surfaces if you just use the output's swapchain as usual
<drakulix[m]> Right, so if namespace disappears from layer-shell (which I don't mind) this fits best into a private protocol.
<emersion> yeah, "please ignore this surface" is best in a private protocol for now i think
<drakulix[m]> I think there is still value from marking surfaces as to-be-excluded from screenshotting in general though.
<emersion> right, but for your specific use-case of a client rendering an overview-like UI right?
<emersion> (this would be privileged, like layer-shell)
<jadahl> drakulix[m]: I imagine the implementation would differ for a generic protocol, e.g. showing a place holder instead of cropping/hiding
<emersion> (this wouldn't include "this window has sensitive data", which wouldn't be privileged and would leave the effective behavior up to the compositor's policy)
<drakulix[m]> jadahl: Right, thats why I can't really abuse a generic protocol for that use-case. I am just saying that should exist as well.
<emersion> yup, i agree this warrants two separate protocols
<jadahl> drakulix[m]: in a way you can: if (surface.is_sensitive()) if (surface.is_dock()) crop() else surface.show_place_holder() :P
<drakulix[m]> emersion: Right for my use-case the client needs to be integrated with the compositor anyway, so all of that is privileged anyway.
<emersion> jadahl: what if my layer-shell surface has sensitive data, but is not an overview?
<jadahl> emersion: end of the world
<jadahl> as whe know it
<emersion> i
<jadahl> s/whe/we/
<emersion> i'd prefer for the two cases to be explicitly split
<emersion> :P
<drakulix[m]> Yeah, me too.
<emersion> drakulix[m]: i think there's definitely a good use-case for a standard privileged protocol, but i wonder if you're the only interested party
<drakulix[m]> Which is why I will do what we discussed about vendored namespace, once we switch to ext-layer-shell and I need to build said protocol:
<drakulix[m]> Try to get it into ext and if nobody cares, put it public into a new cosmic namespace.
<emersion> alternatively, i could also ACK it since i think it's useful
<emersion> even if i don't plan to use it
<drakulix[m]> I don't mind either way.
<drakulix[m]> Though if sway would implement the protocol, I think 99% of our shell UI would also work with it. Which might be interesting to some users.
<emersion> i'd like to think about other use-cases which could overlap, i wonder
<emersion> toplevel preview will not hit this case
<emersion> maybe screencast UI?
<drakulix[m]> I guess OBS hiding itself doesn't want a placeholder to be shown.
<drakulix[m]> So if we also expose this functionality in the portal, that might be interesting for some clients?
<emersion> hm, and that's not really privileged anymore… depends how OBS shows its UI though
<drakulix[m]> I mean a compositor could deny the portal request. Or limit it to clients, that already have privileges to do screen-capture.
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<zamundaaa[m]> drakulix: I'd even tie it to the specific screen cast for obs. It should maybe be hidden in its own screencast but not in screencasts from other apps
<emersion> right… like a VNC session
<drakulix[m]> Right that sounds reasonable. So basically a client could only ever hide itself from its own capture session.
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<emersion> hm, but what about "caster tools"?
<emersion> like a timer or chat overlay for casters, which is completely separate from the capture client
<emersion> maybe at some point it ought to be compositor configuration
<drakulix[m]> Sounds like they would need a layer-shell surface anyway, so maybe privileged is good enough here?
<drakulix[m]> This could still be a portal request though. I think the big difference here is, capture clients hiding themselves should not need user confirmation, while other surfaces might need it?
<kchibisov> if it matters, the 'exclude from screencast' is sort of common in other windowing systems.
<kchibisov> it's usually called 'content protection'.
<jadahl> kchibisov: the difference is *hiding* and showing a place holder obscuring the content
<kchibisov> I know some clients show splash screen.
<kchibisov> So the window is present, but it shows something else.
<jadahl> you mean the client provides its own place holder?
<jadahl> yea, your use case got derailed into another topic :P
<jadahl> erm, that was a reply to something in my scroll back, sorry
<drakulix[m]> Hmm for visual consistency I feel like the compositor should render the placeholder, but maybe that's just me?
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<jadahl> drakulix[m]: that had been my assumption too
<kchibisov> jadahl: I think on mobile some hook to a screenshot service/etc to render something arbitrary when they are notified that 'it's about to take screenshot'.
<kchibisov> On macOS they have a flag saying how you can access a particular surface content, None, RO, RW.
<jadahl> RW surface content? O_o
<kchibisov> it's weird.
<kchibisov> I don't think it really works on macOS.
<kchibisov> They have this exposed, but...
<kchibisov> Though, it's true that it's not really a security feature.
<jadahl> it says it's about content protection
<dottedmag> emersion: I was already thinking along the lines of a configuration dialogue "these applications (list) have sensitive surfaces. for each application select which screencast clients can actually see them"
<kchibisov> I mean, you can still take a photo.
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<jadahl> kchibisov: I imagine most if not all compositors would allow the user to ignore the hint of the client to take a proper screenshot anyway
<kchibisov> Well, the ms docs mention that the real use for this is overlays you might want to ignore.
<kchibisov> Because they serve no value in the screenshot.
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<kchibisov> Though, given that Wayland established that overlay is done via separate set of protocols, it's not like you can disable layer-shell from being captured.
<jadahl> kchibisov: what I read was "This function and GetWindowDisplayAffinity are designed to support the window content protection feature that is new to Windows 7."
<kchibisov> Ah, it works by not showing a window on a screenshot or capture.
<jadahl> yea
<jadahl> what is practically what is asked for in too
<kchibisov> The same wrt macOS api, but macOS api is way more weird.
<kchibisov> Such protocol is a bit tricky, because it must operate on role object.
<kchibisov> Well, for xdg-shell on toplevel.
<kchibisov> because subsurface is also a role...
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<pq> emersion, swick[m], FYI, after Wednesday I'll be off for three weeks.
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<emersion> ack
<wlb> weston Merge request !1322 opened by Marius Vlad (mvlad) backend-drm: Don't assume DRM_CAP_ATOMIC_ASYNC_PAGE_FLIP is available [Backport to weston 12], [DRM/KMS backend]
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1323 opened by Daniel Stone (daniels) frontend: Fix build error when Xwayland disabled [XWayland]
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<wlb> weston Issue #779 closed \o/ (Build error when xwayland is disabled.
<wlb> weston Merge request !1323 merged \o/ (frontend: Fix build error when Xwayland disabled
<wlb> weston/main: Daniel Stone * frontend: Fix build error when Xwayland disabled compositor/main.c
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<wlb> weston/main: Marius Vlad * backend-drm: Make DRM_CAP_ATOMIC_ASYNC_PAGE_FLIP inert libweston/backend-drm/kms.c
<wlb> weston Merge request !1322 merged \o/ (backend-drm: Don't assume DRM_CAP_ATOMIC_ASYNC_PAGE_FLIP is available
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !238 opened by Xaver Hugl (Zamundaaa) staging: add window id protocol
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #153 opened by Colin Kinloch (ColinKinloch) Primary or audience display
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<havona> hello i'm new to wayland and i'm using weston and if i chvt to tty and back to weston my once focused terminal in weston loses focus and i have to super+tab to focus it again every time
<havona> i'm just curious if that's a wayland thing or a weston thing or what's up
<jadahl> a weston thing
<havona> is that by design or a bug?
<jadahl> my guess is it's an oversight
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<havona> okay thank you
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<havona> sway seems to have some issues restoring focus on chvt
<havona> it works most of the time but sometimes not
<havona> i'm just saying
<havona> so in sway if i `doas chvt 3` to the sway vt my terminal is unfocused until i hit a key but that key is not sent to the terminal
<havona> so in sway if i `doas chvt 3` to the sway vt my terminal is unfocused until i hit a key but that key is not sent to the terminal
<havona> oops
<havona> BASICALLY seems like restoring focus on chvt in wayland is gonna be different with every compositor unlike with x11 where it wasn't ever an issue
<dottedmag> not surprising
<vyivel> havona: iirc changing vts removes and re-adds keyboard devices which can affect focus logic
<havona> i just hafta get used to it i'm a new wayland person
<havona> and i switch vts a LOT
<havona> sway seems nice once i managed to hide the titlebars just saying
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<wlb> wayland Issue #397 opened by NekoKitty (nekokittymiku) Wayland extremely laggy on a GTX760 + KDE
<wlb> wayland Issue #397 closed \o/ (Wayland extremely laggy on a GTX760 + KDE
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<cambrian_invader> I'm trying to debug weston failing to start, but I don't see any logs from my systemd service
<cambrian_invader> I'm launching weston like `/usr/bin/weston --continue-without-input`
<cambrian_invader> however, it exits with a failure code and no output at all
<cambrian_invader> when I launch weston manually, I see output as usual
<daniels> cambrian_invader: did you set Type=notify in the service?
<cambrian_invader> yes
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<cambrian_invader> ok, so I added --wait-for-debugger, but even though I can attach, I can't see the "waiting for debugger" message in the journal
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<cambrian_invader> well, I fixed my actual problem by setting use-pixman=true
<cambrian_invader> still no logs...
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<anarsoul|2> cambrian_invader: you'll get software rendering with use-pixmap=true
<cambrian_invader> ah
<anarsoul|2> *pixman
<cambrian_invader> well, I'm having trouble debugging the drm backend
<cambrian_invader> I tried running it under apitrace, but it didn't have the same behavior
<daniels> which driver are you using?
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