ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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Are there actually any good uses for desync subsurfaces?
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firefox's main surface /s
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media playback, anyone using subsurfaces to do decoration, embeds such as webviews, etc
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daniels: don't you have to use sync mode when resizing the window then? E.g. OBS uses a desync subsurface for its stream preview, and it's super glitchy when resizing the window
And if you have to move to sync for this, then why not just keep it in sync mode? Just signal the main surface to do a commit when necessary
ifreund: firefox main surface also likes to glitch out during resizes a little bit
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YaLTeR[m]: you do have to move it to sync for resize yes, but then you don’t have to wake up the containing host for every single frame in the steady state
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Hm. Doesn't sound like that big a deal to me considering the event loop already woke up anyway, and it's just a wl_surface.commit call
Though I'm not sure if this would help much with the logic the window has to do to synchronize resizes
or make glitchy subsurface resize code any harder to write
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well, some clients implementing sync badly is a separate question from whether or not desync has any value
but yeah, if you have a video playing inside a web view inside your native UI, that's minimum three steps you have to go through to get your content up
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Hi, how can i get my display id with wayland?
YaLTeR[m]: if you redraw just e.g. titlebar?
e.g. just text in titlebar, etc. alacritty does desync for example in such case.
I just want to start an graphical application
i just thought that having sync only would make it easier to write correct resizing code, but on a second thought not really
yeah, but if you don't resize you'd waste resources.
but yeah, the logic is usually, if we resize => sync, if we draw text in titlebar => desync.
It tried loginctl show-session :/
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YaLTeR[m]: yes, Firefox doing everything in a desync subsurface sucks, hence the /s
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YaLTeR[m], there is also some expectation that the desync sub-surface is driven from another thread.
Dany, it's the environment variable WAYLAND_DISPLAY which is set up by the compositor or the DE.
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mvlad: Hi, I am looking at the mirror-of in weston 14 , is it capable of mirroring output from /dev/dri/cardX to /dev/dri/cardY as well , or do both outputs have to be on the same /dev/dri/cardN ?
marex, neither. It only works for mirroring a DRM native output to a remote type of output (outputs created by VNC/RDP/PipeWire backend). Mirroring DRM native outputs to other DRM native outputs is something that I'd like to tackle soon.
fwiw, if hw supports it, you might want to look into cloning (though in practice that's pretty uncommon)
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mvlad: oh
cloning won't work across cards
pq: that much I did figure out, yes, that is what prompted my question about the mirror-of
mvlad: pq: thank you both
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