ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<zzag> Has anyone looked in the past into making sure that flatpak apps use correct desktop files? For example, spotify desktop app specifies "spotify" file while the desktop file name is "com.spotify.Client"
<zzag> I tried using the security context app id but the problem is that there are applications that change their app id
<zzag> e.g. libreoffice
<zzag> it starts with some generic app id and then changes it some concrete app id
<zzag> wasn't particularly fan of that xdg_toplevel.set_app_id change but we have it in the spec now, so I wonder what can be done to fix wrong desktop files
<zzag> specifies "spotify" file -> specifies "spotify" app id
<zzag> in Plasma, we allow creating window rules to force using another desktop file, but it's not a scalable solution and it's not great for users
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<d_ed[m]> See gnome-shell get_app_for_window
<d_ed[m]> it seems they use the sandbox id as a prefix
<d_ed[m]> so you can do a sandbox of org.libreoffice
<d_ed[m]> then the app ask for org.libreoffice.excel or whatever
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<zzag> still, it's unclear how it can be of use
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<d_ed[m]> * See gnome-shell get_app_from_window_wmclass
<zzag> Oh, so gnome shell matches flatpak desktop files by WM_CLASS?
<kennylevinsen> I think you're also discussing two problems: that xdg_shell app_id will not always match the .desktop file path, and that some apps utilize multiple app_id's and switch between them at runtime, each with its own .desktop file
<zzag> kennylevinsen: yeah, part of the problem is that sandboxed applications have desktop files whose names don't match app ids in xdg_toplevel.set_app_id
<zzag> because flatpaks and snaps have different naming conventions
<kennylevinsen> that will sometimes be true even without the sandbox I think
<kennylevinsen> but what I found when glancing around was that StartupWMClass= seems to match the intended app_id
<kennylevinsen> although in one cases on my system only case insensitively
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