ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<tokyovigilante> hi, I'm just implementing an xdg_toplevel_listener, but am a bit confused by the configure event docs - "Clients must send an ack_configure in response to this event." AFAICT no xdg_toplevel_ack_configure method exists, and xdg_surface_ack_configure is expecting an xdg_surface pointer not an xdg_toplevel one. No client I can find does this either.
<ifreund> it refers to xdg_surface.ack_configure
<tokyovigilante> thanks, so should I just cast the xdg_toplevel pointer to an xdg_surface?
<vyivel> you should use the same xdg_surface which has been used to create xdg_toplevel
<tokyovigilante> oh right, makes sense thanks. Also, which serial? or is the intent that you accumulate the latest serial from xdg_surface.configure?
<vyivel> yep
<vyivel> the flow is: you get configuration data (xdg_toplevel.configure, maybe other events if you have some extensions), then xdg_surface.configure which marks the end of a configuration sequence and carries a serial
<vyivel> then you change whatever needs to be changed, send xdg_surface.ack_configure with the received serial, and wl_surface.commit
<tokyovigilante> ah right, thanks. so practically I don't actually need to respond to the toplevel configure events, just the surface one, which I'm guaranteed to get at the end?
<vyivel> yes, in toplevel configure handler you just store the requested size but don't actually do anything yet
<tokyovigilante> great, then just use that saved state when preparing a frame, send the ack_configure, and call wl_commit
<vyivel> that's right
<tokyovigilante> nice, I get it now. thanks!
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<hacksenwerk> Hey. I red that wayland supports gui-level isolation only when the programs that should be isolated from each other are supporting that too. But it was an old post, is it still correct?
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<llyyr> what do you mean specifically?
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<selckin> what is gui-level isolation? do you mean like flatpak/appimage
<hacksenwerk> On xorg every programm that runs in a xsession can read the keyboard input every other programm runnin gin the same xsession gets.
<llyyr> the post you read was never correct, even at the time it was written
<llyyr> wayland apps can't see other wayland apps
<hacksenwerk> So for example firefox could keylog when you type in your passphrase for pass, or your root password on a xterm
<llyyr> unless you specifically allow it to, i.e. screenshare or such
<hacksenwerk> llyyr: that's good to hear :)
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<llyyr> depending on how old such post was, and the authors thoughts and feelings on wayland, I guess they meant "every wayland app is actually xwayland so none of the security benefits apply"
<llyyr> >All programs which do not support Wayland fall back to the legacy X11 protocol, which Wayland supports as a fallback, but which it cannot provide any window isolation for.
<hacksenwerk> And for the keylogger "feature" of xorg, I refer to this, what I only found out today:
<llyyr> yep :p
<hacksenwerk> But it still works.
<hacksenwerk> llyyr: so that fallback thing is still the case?
<llyyr> yes, if you run x11 applications they can see other x11 applications
<llyyr> even on a wayland session
<hacksenwerk> It's not about 'seeing' it's about that keysniffing
<llyyr> it's the same thing really, a x11 application can sniff keys from other x11 applications
<llyyr> but almost everything supports wayland these days, so this isn't really a concern. Only thing I use xwayland for is Steam nowadays
<hacksenwerk> You can test as follows: instal package xinput. Run xinput --list. Look for the keyboard id in the output that contains also AT [foobar] keyboard. Run xinput --test id_here. Open another xterm and login as root. The xinput should show the keys you are pressing, also __after__ you log in as root
<hacksenwerk> And of course also in passes TUI password prompt
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<hacksenwerk> 12:59 < llyyr> it's the same thing really, a x11 application can sniff keys from other x11 applications
<hacksenwerk> yes but can wayland apps too?
<llyyr> no
<hacksenwerk> llyyr: :) good
<hacksenwerk> llyyr: How to find out if an application uses wayland?
<llyyr> you can run xeyes and if it doesn't react to your cursor in a window, it's using wayland. But it depends on your compositor
<llyyr> on sway for example I can see with swaymsg -t get_tree
<hacksenwerk> hmm.. so there's no programm that can give you a list or something?
<llyyr> I don't think such a thing has been made yet, but it is possible with ext-foreign-toplevel-list
<mclasen> you can make a wayland program that does it without breaking the promise that clients can't see each other
<hacksenwerk> Ok.
<hacksenwerk> I never used wayland before, but that xorg issue is a dealbreaker for me and I want to switch.
<hacksenwerk> Were there any security audits done for wayland already?
<llyyr> wayland is just a protocol, the security audits would need to be done on specific compositor implementations to have any value
<hacksenwerk> llyyr: Ok.
<hacksenwerk> Just one last question, I aksed for some other user: The user needs vnc and want to know if there's a way to remote desktop yet.
<llyyr> there's a few solutions, depending on your choice of compositor
<mclasen> remoting isn't so much a display protocol question, more of a system question. There are wayland-based desktops that support remoting
<mclasen> for example, gnome supports rdp nowadays
<llyyr> wayvnc for most wlroots compositors.
<hacksenwerk> llyyr: mclasen: ok thank you I will tell that the user. I don't use vnc.
<hacksenwerk> I only use ssh
<hacksenwerk> btw: does wayland somehow depends on systemd or other poetterware?
<hacksenwerk> Because I use only systemd-free distros, or at list distros that allow me to choose what initsystem I use, without having to hustle arround.
<llyyr> no
<hacksenwerk> llyyr: awesome! :)
<hacksenwerk> llyyr: mclasen: Well thank you very much for your helping answers. My next task is now learning a bit wayland. ;)
* mclasen reminds me that I haven't talked to Lennart in a while
<hacksenwerk> gtg bye :)
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<kchibisov> If you use wayland-scanner on LGPL licensed wayland protocol xml, what the end license of generated C code is?
<ifreund> kchibisov: my take is that copyright for protocol xml is probably meaningless given that it is essentially an API, and APIs have been found in court to not be copyrightable
<ifreund> am not a lawyer and all that though
<vyivel> i'm curious where did you find a lgpl-licensed xml
<kchibisov> I think it also applies to wlroots, since it generates code from it as well and thus uses.
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<kennylevinsen> I don't understand this person
<kennylevinsen> kchibisov: The XML file to be LGPL-licensed documentation, and would not consider wayland-scanner's output to be dependent on the input it read.
<kennylevinsen> but it's an interesting question
<kennylevinsen> If a HTML file is GPL, does that make the pixels on your screen GPL-protected when your browser renders them? What if a shader modifies them?
<kchibisov> the file says in license 'program' but documentation is not 'program'
<vyivel> >“The Program” refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License.
<kchibisov> indeed.
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<vyivel> anyway kde won't sue you so you're fine :^)
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<kchibisov> fedora just complains about MIT license.
<kchibisov> because wayland-rs has an xml that is LGPL, thus entire thing should be LGPL.
<kchibisov> where I think it's not the case, because it's not present in the end binary.
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<wlb> wayland Issue #530 opened by Julian Orth (mahkoh) Adding wl_proxy_marshal_array_flags_queue to assign a queue atomically
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !463 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) shm: fix comment about wl_shm_buffer_begin_access() safety
<wlb> wayland/main: Simon Ser * scanner: use separate guards for validator functions src/scanner.c tests/data/example-server.h tests/data/small-server-core.h tests/data/small-server.h
<wlb> wayland Merge request !461 merged \o/ (scanner: use separate guards for validator functions
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<wlb> wayland/main: Julian Orth * client: document get_listener behavior for dispatchers src/wayland-client.c
<wlb> wayland Merge request !462 merged \o/ (client: document get_listener behavior for dispatchers
<wlb> wayland/main: Michel Dänzer * protocol: Clarify wl_buffer.release description protocol/wayland.xml
<wlb> wayland Merge request !447 merged \o/ (protocol: Clarify wl_buffer.release description
<wlb> wayland Merge request !464 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) protocol: drop reference to linux-explicit-synchronization [Protocol]
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