ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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Hi, I can see that destructor methods are declared as such in the XML. Is there a way of detecting this tag in the files generated by wayland-scanner?
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nvm I think. Basically I'm kinda unsure on what to do with "server-side" ids. I'm not really sure how to free them from the proxy, if I even should.
(this info should really be in the main wayland docs)
the question of when to destroy server-side ids depends a lot on the protocol
The wayland is essentially only about input handling and buffer management. So why Does Wayland involved with Seat? I don't understand.
thank you ifreund!
banghe: that's a part of input handling
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AFAICT the xdg_popup "topmost" concept is purely about creation/destruction of the popup object, whether or not the popup is currently mapped doesn't matter, does it?
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Is there any way to reduce the number of eglCreateImageKHR and eglDestroyImageKHR calls for the wl_drm protocol in the Wayland compositor?
hmm? what's still using the deprecated wl_drm protocol?
zzxyb: yes, just don't use wl_drm at all
100% optimization with this simple trick!
A+, cured all ailments, would buy again
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<zamundaaa[m]> "zzxyb: yes, just don't use..." <- 😀
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zzxyb[m]: do you mean not calling eglCreateImageKHR every time the same buffer is attached to a surface?
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the xdg_wm_base not_the_topmost_popup error description says "the client tried to map or destroy a non-topmost popup", should that say "tried to unmap"?
* kennylevinsen
vaguely remembers making an issue about this some time back
looks only loosely related, my questions are specifically about whether or not (un)mappedness matters for the "topmost" concept
The main phrase that is strict about it is:
> Nested popups must be destroyed in the reverse order they were created in, e.g. the only popup you are allowed to destroy at all times is the topmost one.
this effectively defines the order to be creation order
it's presumably still legal to unmap the surface, but destruction order is strict
(which I find a bit silly)
that MR also mentions that the wording originates from grabs
FWIW, mutter sends that error when the parent surface is unmapped
before the popup
yea I think that's the most common interpretation actually
I /think/ I've seen this behavior across all major compositors
been a while since I messed around real hard with popups though
oh wait I misread sorry
I mean like, unmapping still causes that error
no yea I think MrCooper meant that
yep, the spec doesn't really seem to say that yet though
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mvlad: AFAICT weston sends an XDG_SURFACE_ERROR_DEFUNCT_ROLE_OBJECT error only if the client tries to do something with the role object after destroying the xdg_surface object, the spec says it should be sent when destroying the latter though
(mutter currently never sends that error AFAICT)
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AFAICT mutter / kwin / weston never send a WL_SURFACE_ERROR_DEFUNCT_ROLE_OBJECT error, wonder what would break if that's fixed
wlroots enforces it and it works fine
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yay the proxy multiplexer thing I did seems to finally have reached a "good enough" status! I can multiplex two godot instances (admittedly with just the base protocols enabled) and can close and open the "secondary" clients fine!
Stuff seems to not (visibly) leak, at least when it comes to ids.
I don't want to celebrate victory too soon but I think that it's quite safe to say at this point that the proxy approach is indeed feasible!
I'll try to redirect a window to a subsurface _somehow_ (there are a few ways that come to mind) soon
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Is it fixed API that `wl_proxy_get_listener` returns the dispatcher user data if a dispatcher was set on a wl_proxy?