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in ext-workspace-v1, can an output belong to multiple workspace groups?
i don't see anything prohibiting it but not sure if it's intentionally allowed
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jadahl: the "read only" banner is gone. can we have a new w-p release some time soon? 🙃
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vyivel: I believe the intention was to support that for tiling compositors using tags and allowing to display multiple tags on the same output.
But to be sure, I would also have to read through all the comments on the protocols MR again..
zzag: ah, great
For wayland event loop to integrate with some external event loop, you'd need to call wl_display_prepare_read_queue, before going to sleep. That implies that each toolkit would need to expose its `wl_event_queue` somehow (to check if we have events enqueued from other threads). However if `wl_display_prepare_read_queue` could fail if someone on the same thread called it (basically state in TLS), it could integrate simelessly(at least I think
so) if upon exiting from library, the library would call prepare_read itself. External loop (if it was wayland one) would fail, and if taking guard failed in library it'll indicate that it needs to re-dispatched. The existing code that calls on the `prepare_read` on the same thread is pretty much broken anyway, since it deadlocks, so maybe altering is not that bad?
kchibisov, are you replying to something ooor?
To simplify. User has an Event Loop. It calls my wayland event loop from the same thread and then goes blocking.
User has also some code that runs the default prepara_read event loop on other thread.
To know, whether user in its event loop need to wake-up immidiately they'd need to call prepare_read of my library before they go back to `poll`.
I think a toolkit that has its own event loop should offer the event loop integration API in general, and not special-case wayland-client.
Since just e.g. put fd into their epoll won't work.
However, if my library will call `prepare_read` before returning control back to external event loop and tell that it should wake-up it'll mostly work.
Mostly is that if external loop also does wayland reading, it'll block.
So, one way to avoid that is to make `prepare_read` fail due to TLS state that same thread already called it.
Right now such code will deadlock, so I asked if tuning it a bit is possible.
The problem is e.g. game engines, etc, which have their own event loop, and generally, just _poll_ wayland stuff occasionally. So e.g. your windowing library is not in charge of the loop.
deadlock is due to read_events waiting on condvar to reach count of `0`, but because you called it twice on the same loop it won't ever make it.
on the same thread*
So the fundamental problem is that one might prepare_read twice from the same thread, before actually reading. Reading will block, because the last intention to read cannot proceed to reading due to being in the same thread.
prepare_read twice from the same thread seems like a bug always, so I think you have a solid case. We'll ignore the possibility of passing the "context" to another thread for the actual read.
yeah, but if you have a lot of layers, it could be _tricky_.
Do we use TLS for anything in libwayland-client yet?
I think the issue is cancecl_read as well, since you can cancel other thread.
but maybe it's not a big issue.
like if you just call cancel_read you have a chance of canceling read intent of others thread.
You want to ensure that both prepare_read and read/cancel always happen in the same thread?
I want prepare_read to fail if someone already called it on the same thread.
yes, that's you goal 1, what about goal2?
And `cancel_read` to only decrement if current thread called `prepare_read`.
oh, that sounds nasty
I want 1, 2 I just noticed.
since thread 1 calls prepare_read, but thread 2 for whatever reason called cancel_read, it'll mess up everything pretty much.
I think other issue is if you call `cancel_read`, but then `read_events`, it'll deadlock.
Though, I could be wrong about that, I'm not that strong with wayland internals, but given that we pass `*wl_display` around, I think that's how it works.
Clients written so far tend to call prepare_read in a loop until it succeeds. They would end us busy-deadlocking on prepare_read instead of deadlocking on read, no?
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Ah, because of the dispatch_pending_loop....
since it implies that you try until you make it.
All this should be in a libwayland issue, this is running out of IRC.
yeah, I'll open one, I was curious what should be done here in general, since integrating your event loop into external event loop, is a bit more than just put your epoll into other's epoll.
kchibisov, would it help to have a rule of thumb that if someone passes you a wl_display then you must not prepare_read unless you move it to a separate thread, and if you created the wl_display then you should prepare_read & read on it? But this applies only to event loop integration. If my call is blocking, then I can prepare_read & read, but I must not be called from an event loop prepare-to-block vfunc.
the problem is when you have other thread doing blocking reads.
why? They are their own threads, so how'd they deadlock?
do you mean cross-thread synchronous calls?
if other thread will read and enqueue events for you, you won't know that in your external loop.
unless you call `wl_display_prepare_read` on the library's event_queue.
Why is that a problem?
you'll just not wake-up when you have events, and you can block for a while due to that.
since you usually wait for READ readiness, but it got read by other thread, so you don't know that.
right, and the prepare_read dance is a solution to that, but in this case it fails because..?
If you expose all wl_event_queue's from libraries you're using to the outer most event loop there's no problem, other than being really ugly.
on the same thread, I mean.
but you just said "other thread"?
keep in mind, that outer most event loop doesn't do any wayland in my case, so it wasn't the one creating wl_display, etc, etc.
I have |thread_1: while (wait_for_event) { winit.poll_events();(does the prepare_read dance) } ; thread_2;; // does this prepare read dance.
by the time I go from poll_events() back to `wait_for_event` clipboard could have enqueued events for winit's queue.
so I won't wake-up due to READ, because clipboard already did so, so I'll be waiting for another event to arrive, while I already have some.
To solve this, I'd need to call `prepare_read` right when I exit from `poll_events()` in winit.
But if my while(wait_for_event) loop had its own wayland stuff it could block.
The blocking poll() syscall is part of the prepare_read dance, right? Done in both threads?
The problem is external loop, that doesn't know about that semantic.
since for all of that to work, prepare_read must be called before going to sleep in external event loop as well, which doesn't even know about wayland.
That's what event loop integration interfaces should be for.
yeah, and I could as a library say that `you must not do a blocking poll`.
no, why?
I mean, if I call `prepare_read` right when I exit from `poll_events()` I know for sure if I have events or not.
And even if I don't, the `epoll` waiting for readiness will be _sound_, since other thread won't be able to read.
I have a very specific model of event loop integration interface in mind, I think Glib has it...
do you integrate into glib or you integrate glib into something?
There's no issue if integrate into the wayland loop, the problem when you put your wayland loop into some other loop.
Shouldn't matter, I assume the interface is good in both directions when implemented by both components.
Yeah, I guess my issue is the convinience of how it's usually done.
you could always add moar threads :-p
it's indeed an option.
it's just, if prepare_read failed if someone called it on the same thread, I think it'll just work.
Though, the existing assumption that you must re-try kind of breaks it a bit.
Though, if you have a destinct error code for `AlreadyCalled`, library can adjust to that.
it won't change anything that is existing, but new code can check for e.g. `-2` and know that something called it on this thread already, and instead of polling, it'll just repeat its iteration.
repeat iteration of calling to other external libs, etc, etc, since they are the ones calling `prepare_read`.
Oh, actually, if you instead of making it an error, make it so prepare_read only increments once on the calling thread, and subsequent call on the same thread doesn't fail, but doesn't increment it either, it'll make existing loops work.
Since it doesn't matter who will call read_events on the same thread.
I'm not sure what to think of it. I'd prefer either full-blown event loop integration, or if one cannot do that then hack around with more threads. Doing a mixture of them with trial-and-no-harm-done could lead to rare mysterious problems when the safety net fails under conditions that were never foreseen.
I won't object, though, if others are happy.
I think if prepare_read calls on the same thread won't do extra anything unless you call `read_events`/`cancel_read` on the same thread, it won't change much, other than avoid deadlock.
since you won't have a new error case.
and who calls the `read_events` doesn't really matter as long as it's on the same thread.
It allows sloppy code though, where problem could be hidden deeper by adding more redundant calls.
I'll open for discussion at least.
sure, this is just my personal opinion, and I'm not gatekeeping
I'm not against involved event loop integrations, but if you e.g. have multiple windowing libs, etc, etc, as backends in your engine it becomes messy.
if every lib did it the same way...
well, it's all nice when you can just put epoll into epoll.
but with wayland such trick doesn't really work.
why does it work elsewhere? Is it because Wayland uses blocking readmsg() while others use non-blocking?
you usually don't share the same fd across multiple threads.
maybe blocking readmsg() was the reason for the prepare_read thing in the first place.
you don't?
how do you achieve reading as needed?
I mean, you just have it dedicated to its own thread, having multiple readers from the same connection is not that common.
though, I could be wrong.
and instead of the fd, you'd use condvars to wake up any thread waiting?
I really can not think of a case where you'd spawn more threads to read from the same fd, just to do different things.
in X11 world, we were just opening more connections.
I think you could do that with Wayland, too. You just get to arrange the cross-thread message yourself: go run your wl_display_dispatch_queue_pending() now.
yeah, but you need to tell somehow to bind new stuff.
What for?
Hm, true, you can do that yourself.
though, such interface must be supported by all libraries you're using, including mesa.
When ever the reading thread does a cycle, it could broadcast a message "I read" to everyone interested. The other threads would be interested if they have their own wl_event_queue and do only dispatch_pending().
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the problem is that roundtrip is very common.
when you setup your lib to deal with registry, etc.
roundtrip is a bug if called from any other context that the default wl_event_queue one.
yeah, all components would need to cooperate
yeah, it's just I understand that it's possible, but reality is what we have.
those that don't cooperate will need their guaranteed own thread I guess
which also removes the need to integrate event loops