ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<zzag> jadahl: can we get a new wayland-protocols release so we can implement the cursor shape protocol changes?
<zzag> or rather land them
<MrCooper> FWIW, mutter 48.0 landed them with a local copy of the protocol XML
<jadahl> zzag: sure
<zzag> jadahl: thank you!
<jadahl> MrCooper: we only tend to do that when things happen after the release candidate and bumping dependencies is complicated
<jadahl> zzag: there is nothing more cursor shape:y to land, is there?
<llyyr> it seems both mutter/kwin have an issue where HDR yuv surfaces have a green tint to them, but there's no such visual issue if mpv's dmabuf-wayland VO converts to rgb on its own
<llyyr> could someone take a look at ?
<zzag> nope, just the new two cursor shapes
<zzag> jadahl: ^
<llyyr> OP reproduced the issue on gnome, I could reproduce on kwin
<jadahl> zzag: hrm, gitlab fdo says we should consider it read only for now
<jadahl> let me ask if releases etc are expected to continue to exist
<MrCooper> I'd say bentiss just answered it on #freedesktop, tl;dr: no
<kennylevinsen> I assume it might be arbitrarily restored to previous snapshots or some such fun
<zzag> jadahl: ah, shoot. we can wait a few days then :)
<kennylevinsen> especially if they're going to test backups
<jadahl> MrCooper: answer is "avoid making releases"
<jadahl> zzag: yea, I'll monitor the progress and make one once the migration are "ready enough"
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<whot> jadahl: the rel dial tablet patches would be a nice to have too...
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<whot> yup, that one
<jadahl> there seems to be a couple of open issues
<jadahl> one about missing enum=.. and one about the bustype description
<whot> doh, how did I miss those
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<whot> fg
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<whot> hehe
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<zamundaaa[m]> llyyr: did you test that on KWin git master?
<llyyr> no, I tested on 6.3.3
<zamundaaa[m]> 6.3 doesn't support P010
<llyyr> hmm
<zamundaaa[m]> Color representation missing could also make a difference
<llyyr> I couldn't reproduce on sway/wlroots with the HDR10 MR
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<zamundaaa[m]> llyyr: wlroots supports P010 afaict
<zamundaaa[m]> So it could be the conversion from P010 to NV12 that causes issues?
<llyyr> yeah it does, and mutter does as well based on the screenshot in the issue
<llyyr> I'm not too sure, perhaps the issue is with the vaapi conversion.
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<jadahl> someone not KDE not GNOME who wants to ack relative tablet dials? one more is needed
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