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<lactose> I want to try to craft a Slackware rootfs image to use with the official installer, but I'm confused as to how to do that.
<lactose> I'm looking at the Debian repo and I'm not sure how m1n1 and u-boot fit into the picture, also the official installer has no documentation that I could find
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<cy8aer> m1n1 and u-boot together with the dps from the kernel create a file /boot/efi/m1n1/boot.bin which is the second stage of m1n1. In the @Glanzmann-Repo m1n1 has not only the m1n1 binary but also the combined boot.bin which is copied to /boot/efi/m1n1 at install time (together with creating a backup). So there is a dependency of m1n1 with the kernel because different kernels have different dps
<cy8aer> The main problem is that it is difficult to find the dps at install time from the kernel packages so it is precompiled at packaging time. Other dists do it at install time. As long as the kernel dpc is not stable this must be done.
<cy8aer> And the pre compilation of boot.bin is only possible because the kernel source is lying around in the build dir at the same time with the script
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<cy8aer> has not -> there is
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<cy8aer> dp -> dtb (sorry)
<cy8aer> aka device tree binary
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<chadmed_> hm cargo-ebuild doesnt seem to tolerate workspaces properlyt
<leio> chadmed_: pycargoebuild is the current thing that's mostly used, not cargo-ebuild.
<chadmed_> leio: that doesnt either :p
<chadmed_> but at least it tells you it expects each member of the workspace to be its own package
<sam_> are you sure it doesn't handle it properly? (pycargoebuild)
<sam_> anyway file a bug if it's doing something wrong or speak to mgorny
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<chadmed_> i think its expected behaviour because if you run it in a workspace it explicitly says to only do it at the path of an actual binary package
<chadmed_> so not necessarily a bug
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<sam_> right
<sam_> i'm not really sure what else you want it to do
<chadmed_> a couple of things ive tried to package up in the last week or so have depended on cargo's workspace feature, where multiple interdependent modules get developed, built and installed from a single root
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<chadmed_> libkrun is egregious because it makes use of this _and_ vendors multiple other crates that it really really shouldnt
<chadmed_> and because cargo-ebuild and pycargoebuild cant tolerate workspaces, i had to do some weird stuff to get cargo.eclass to behave nicely with those vendored crates and the different components that the actual package expects to build
<chadmed_> whereas cargo proper, you just run cargo build/install from the root and it iterates over the workspace members and it resolves all the dependencies and interdependencies, builds them in the correct order, then installs them
<sam_> but isn't it quite unusual for multiple binaries to be needed?
<sam_> this doesn't sound related to that part
<sam_> it sounds more related to stupid shenanigans like git crates
<sam_> but maybe i'm missing something, i'm no rust expert
<sam_> but you should file a bug if you think it should handle it better and it doesn't
<sam_> not clear to me what else it should do differently (every time I've hit a workspace, just picking the things I actually want worked fine for me) but if you have an idea in mind, go nuts
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<lactose> I've done a little more research about m1n1 and U-Boot, so I think I understand them a bit better now. If I wanted to craft an image to be used with the installer, I need to set up stage 2 m1n1 + U-Boot and an EFI compatible bootloader (i.e. GRUB)?
<j`ey> along with the rootfs, yeah
<lactose> Well I figured that was a given haha. From what I could gather the installer handles stage 1 m1n1 so I wouldn't have to worry about that, is that right?
<j`ey> yup
<lactose> Alright cool, thanks a lot
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<lactose> Oh wow I never knew that existed, thanks
<lactose> I have plans to make a Slackware image so this will be incredibly useful
<j`ey> I dont know where/if there are any slackbuilds
<lactose> That first repo doesn't build an install image, it instead creates a squashfs and uses a different distro to handle the bootloader stuff
<j`ey> yup
<lactose> At least that's what I could make out of it. I don't really understand how it works. I know it's based on chadmed's asahi-gentoosupport though
<lactose> I've never worked with squashfs and I've certainly never seen one used as root
<j`ey> it's just a way of getting a live-ish environment
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