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<mps> I see mesa asahi-20240123 is tagged. Is it ok to use it witj asahi-6.6-15 kernel
<mps> with*
<cy8aer> looks like, I just try it out...
<mps> cy8aer: yes, also I rebooted to this combo
<cy8aer> ... still compiling ...
<mps> for now all works
<mps> except soffice, but this is another story, probably I messed something, it didn't worked earlier so no problem
<cy8aer> Ok, it is now in my unstable repo and it looks like it is working. How can I check if pipewire uses CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASKS?
<cy8aer> Yep, I had a typo in my config. Need to compile the kernel with CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASK again!
<j`ey> you manually edit the config?
<cy8aer> No the Glanzman construct has a config.txt which is then put into the kernel's .config
<cy8aer> But it is a text file. And the kernel compilation does changes in the config then.
<cy8aer> What about CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASK_GROUP - it is not set by now?
<j`ey> fedora does also set tha
<cy8aer> sound logical somehow if you want to set a cgroup...
<mps> I didn't set UCLAMP_TASK_GROUP
<cy8aer> (sounds)
<mps> enabled*
<cy8aer> "UCLAMP_TASK_GROUP" (and the other UCLAMP stuff) enables the user space setting which enables a process running on low power cores with low frequencies. Saves power when running pipewire sound (I think it is running on the low power cores with 200MHz then?)
<j`ey> I dont think they go that low, I think it's 600mhz, but it just places them on the E cores, they might still be at 1-2ghz
<cy8aer> Oh, then I misinterpreted some old mastodon post (?) of marcan.
<mps> I never seen lower than 600MHz
<cy8aer> but audio is then stuck on the E-cores.
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<opticron> For some reason, I didn't think it *forced* it to be on the e-cores, just told the kernel that its time-averaged processor demand was small enough to run on an e-core at its lowest freq
<j`ey> yes that sounds correct
<cy8aer> Is there a way to see if this works?
<opticron> glad I have some amount of information retention :D
<j`ey> forcing it would be with taskset
<chadmed> cy8aer: uclampset -p [pid of pipewire]
<cy8aer> chadmed: thanks for the command - and it works.
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<ashi> cy8aer: Thank you for the new packages, everything works as expected in linux, however for some strange reason in m1n1 I cannot use the keyboard on my M2 Air 13" anymore. Good that grub auto-boots ;)
<j`ey> did you update u-boot?
<cy8aer> Oups, let me see...
<cy8aer> I am still on asahi-v2023.07.02-4 - what should I use?
<j`ey> well I was trying to figure out what changed for ashi
<ashi> j`ey: yes I did. I can call update-m1n1 again.
<ashi> u-boot-asahi:arm64 2024.01+dfsg-1 arm64
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<j`ey> is that from cy8aer or the team banaanas stuff?
<cy8aer> my stuff is Glanzmann and does not use update-m1n1!
<ashi> j`ey: debian upstream
<j`ey> is slooooow
<j`ey> it might be that debian's uboot is using upstream u-boot
<cy8aer> I'll try upstream...
<j`ey> that seems to just be using upstream u-boot
<j`ey> so yeah, keyboard wont work
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<j`ey> (I cant see the package on because it's slow/not working)
<cy8aer> but from the asahi branch, right?
<ashi> j`ey_ thanks
<ashi> is super slow, I know but eventually it loads - after ages
<j`ey> trying to view this page
<ashi> j`ey: now I got a timeout also
<ashi> cy8aer: which package do you use? your own?
<j`ey> I cant figure out how to find the debian equivalent of a PKGBUILD
<j`ey> but the fact that this shows a bunch of packages means they arent using the asahi branch
<cy8aer> hm, I'll try the asahi branch.
<cy8aer> 325a2800d2 should be the last commit
<j`ey> cy8aer: I meant asahi repo
<j`ey> that debian package is built from upstream u-boot
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<cy8aer> and for my packaging I mean the asah repo and branch asahi.
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<ashi> cy8aer: I am confused, do you have your own u-boot-asahi package?
<mps> mainline u-boot have some M2 support added but I'm not sure it works
<mps> I don't have M2 to test
<cy8aer> ashi: yes because the Glanzmann stuff builds the boot.bin at kernel packaging time
<cy8aer> (just a moment - I need to test it)
<j`ey> ashi: so did that upstream debian install automatically, or did you manually do it?
<ashi> linux-image-asahi depends on u-boot-asahi so it gets pulled in
<j`ey> ah, and it's a later version so takes over from the ones built by that script i guess
<ashi> anyway there is more confusion, because looking at /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-m1n1 it will call update-m1n1
<ashi> there is a check for glanzmanns m1n1 package but the m1n1 package is from debian also
<cy8aer> yes and no: The postrm and preinstall script look for boot.bin and m1n1.bin in /usr/lib/m1n1 and exits 0 because this situation is on glanzmann installs
<cy8aer> (scripts)
<ashi> but then are in /usr/lib/m1n1
<ashi> it does not exit
<ashi> if [ ! -e /usr/lib/m1n1/m1n1.bin ] && [ -e /usr/lib/m1n1/boot.bin ]; then
<ashi> but is does exist so it does not exit
<cy8aer> so what m1n1 version do you have installed?
<ashi> ii m1n1 1.4.11-6 arm64 Apple silicon boot loader
<ashi> testing/main arm64 m1n1 arm64 1.4.11-6 [455 kB]
<cy8aer> yes and this has: /usr/lib/m1n1/boot.bin and /usr/lib/m1n1/m1n1.bin and let zz-update-m1n1 ignore the update-m1n1
<ashi> if [ ! -e /usr/lib/m1n1/m1n1.bin ]
<ashi> doesnt this mean "if this file does not exist"
<ashi> there is a "!"
<ashi> anyway, it is getting late, and I did not want to take your time. I can figure this out myself, and if everything is fine at your side, I probably did something weird.
<cy8aer> hm, is is possible that I edited some stuff there. Please look at /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-m1n1. Is there the '!' too?
<cy8aer> (it is possible)
<ashi> yes, it is there also, I will reinstall asahi-scripts just to make sure
<cy8aer> crazy: wth my u-boot-asahi (the new one I just built) update-m1n1 works, with the debian upstream one it fails (because it cannot find /usr/lib/u-boot-asahi/u-boot-nodtb.bin - just a moment
<ashi> cy8aer: yes paths are different - I put a symlink there :P
<cy8aer> I am working with the upstream asahi-scripts and there is the wrong path?
<ashi> seems so
<ashi> u-boot-asahi:arm64: /usr/lib/u-boot/apple_m1/u-boot-nodtb.bin
<ashi> but update-m1n1 from asahi-scripts wants /usr/lib/u-boot-asahi/u-boot-nodtb.bin
<cy8aer> I put this information into #debian-bananas right now. Let's see what the devs do with this.
<ashi> I symlinked u-boot-asahi -> u-boot/apple_m1 in /usr/lib
<ashi> then everything "worked", it got triggered and no keyboard before kernel boot
<ashi> I dont know what would happen if I put an exit 0 in the postrm/postinst scripts in the first line - if I would have ended up with a working u-boot/m1n1
<j`ey> (no keyboard is expected)
<cy8aer> because update-m1n1 works now I probably would be able to forget the pre built boot.bin now. But my first tries ended up with killing my stub without an efi backup - some people may remember this in august 😉
<ashi> j`ey: might be but it is a regression for me after updaten the packages (and creating the symlink to make postinst work)
<j`ey> ashi: for sure, just saying that it's an expected one if you use their packages
<ashi> For debian there are only "their packages" for that part because cy8aer removes pacakges as soon as they got upstreamed (if I understood that correctly)
<cy8aer> ashi: my m1n1 builts a boot.bin at compile time and copies it to /boot/efi/m1n1 at install time (with backup boot.bin-2024...). update-m1n1 creates the boot.bin at kernel install time from the kernel dtbs and the m1n1.bin and the u-boot.bin and a backup boot.bin.old. Actually both work (if the paths are set right)
<cy8aer> more or less as soon as they got upstreamed, right
<j`ey> well cy8aer should keep uboot :P
<cy8aer> I do not build the audio stack anymore.
<cy8aer> Yes, I'll do until there is a agreement what to do at future time.
<ashi> cy8aer: so if i put an exit 0 in the hooks and then reinstall m1n1 from your repo, then it is expected to have keyboard back?
<cy8aer> My version of m1n1/u-boot works.
<ashi> I mean I will end up with a different boot.bin then?
<cy8aer> Yes. And - just wait. I'll upload a new m1n1/u-boot with faster keyboard response.
<cy8aer> By default my m1n1/u-boot is not priorised but m1n1 has a subversion greater than upstream. And this trick priorises my m1n1. I did not document a pinning of my packages
<ashi> cy8aer: but you do not have a u-boot-asahi package right?
<cy8aer> It should be shown with apt policy u-boot-asahi with my repo defined
<cy8aer> (that is the new version)
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<cy8aer> But if you define my repo it has priority 500 so the deb upstream may win.
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<ashi> cy8aer: just rebooted and confirmed, putting the exit 0 there and reinstalling m1n1 brings keyboard back
<ashi> so, as soon as this is fixed upstream it should just work using update-m1n1
<ashi> Thank you cy8aer and j`ey! Need to sleep. good night!
<cy8aer> same for me. good night
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<j`ey> nite
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