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<u154ss> @sven thanks for the information.
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<u154ss> M2-Mini again, as reported already, Fedora 39 with Plasma KDE works, however, Debian with KDE Plasma has the same problem(s) as XFCE - libunwind/OsLookupColor.
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<j`ey> u154ss: boot with arm64.nobti on the kernel command line
<u154ss> @j`ey will give it a try. Thanks.
<j`ey> I havent been following, but thats worth a try
<u154ss> @j`ey with arm64.nobti - same result, no change. Same error message/backtrace etc.
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<RoundDuckKira> is there fedora specific settings in the Linux compile config for Fedora Asahi
<RoundDuckKira> I want to know about this because I'm interested in porting the Asahi kernel to void linux
<j`ey> RoundDuckKira: kinda? you should start with the void config and add all the asahi related options
<RoundDuckKira> got it
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<RoundDuckKira> looking at the kernel from the asahi linux git project, it's called 6.6.0 internally despite being the 14th revision
<RoundDuckKira> what's going on there
<RoundDuckKira> what's the meaning of these revisions
<RoundDuckKira> :/
<j`ey> asahi-6.6-14 is asahi based on upstream v6.6
<j`ey> the -14 is the asahi version
<RoundDuckKira> ah, but no point release updates?
<RoundDuckKira> that stinks
<RoundDuckKira> what does fedora asahi pull from j`ey
<RoundDuckKira> I am trying to read the .spec file but yeah I am pretty new to rpm packaging and that's not what I want to mess with
<RoundDuckKira> I just want to figure out the repo so I can pull from that and get the kernel Fedora has so I can compile and repackage it for Void
<RoundDuckKira> with Void's configs except for the Asahi bits ofc
<j`ey> no point releases indeed
<RoundDuckKira> so where does 6.6.3 that Fedora uses come from
<j`ey> fedora takes the patches and applies them on top of the fedora kernel instead
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<RoundDuckKira> like how does it work
<RoundDuckKira> oh
<RoundDuckKira> ooooh
<RoundDuckKira> wait
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<RoundDuckKira> is there a list of asahi patches
<RoundDuckKira> I wonder where
<j`ey> well it's generated from the asahi-6.6-14 tag
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<j`ey> I mean you can just look at the commits from v6.6
<RoundDuckKira> oh wait you make a diff patch of asahi's changes to 6.6 and apply them to any 6.6.x version?
<j`ey> something like that
<RoundDuckKira> I wonder how without like accidently regressing a kernel to 6.6.0
<RoundDuckKira> like just asahi patches
<RoundDuckKira> ah
<j`ey> the fedora way seems quite complex tbh
<RoundDuckKira> yeah... but this looks simpler
<RoundDuckKira> like taking this as like just a mere linux source tree and compiling it
<j`ey> you can do that with the asahi tags
<RoundDuckKira> will have the least needed modifications to preexisting void scripts
<RoundDuckKira> will have the least needed modifications to preexisting void scripts
<j`ey> (but theyre on 6.6 of course..)
<RoundDuckKira> crap I forget I am not on discord ofc
<j`ey> I dont know what other patches this kernel has
<j`ey> (as in, that link contains other fedora changes)
<RoundDuckKira> well lemme see if I can normally build the kernel
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<RoundDuckKira> j`ey I realized you can make diffs from the asahi repo and add them to any 6.6.x version
<RoundDuckKira> nice
<RoundDuckKira> well actually more like a friend did
<j`ey> RoundDuckKira: you said that an hour ago too!
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<RoundDuckKira> j`ey, yeah I did but like friend said that I could use git esp since asahi's vx.x kernels are vanilla kernels
<RoundDuckKira> but yeah true RIP
<RoundDuckKira> but yeah I didn't realize that and it gave a pretty easy diff that I could use
<RoundDuckKira> I am a moron lol
<j`ey> RoundDuckKira: good luck with the build!
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