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<RoundDuckKira> hi lactose! just saying hi to tell you I am in this channel now
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<sam_> chadmed: accepted..
<chadmed_> next easy tagets will be m1n1, speakersafetyd, asahi-scripts, asahi-configs and lzfse
<chadmed_> actually let me get a few of them ready now
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<leio> chadmed: fyi, I want to sort out gstreamer first, then I'll get to your pile
<leio> and sam_ is also bothering me with some test failure fun in core gnome stuff and holding gnome 45 stable ransom :D
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<chadmed> leio: no worries at al
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<r0ni> woohoo, got the slackware kernel buildscript coaxed into finally making me packages
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<r0ni> uploaded kernel packages (no source pkg thx to github 100mb rules), mesa,m1n1, for now. No installer yet. Not really my wheelhouse there, need to craft the needed dracut setup yet
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<lactose> I'm about to make a m1n1 SlackBuild and was looking at the Fedora package as a reference and noticed that boot.bin was put in /usr/lib64. I don't know much about FHS but I wasn't really expecting it to be there.
<lactose> I would have expected it to be in /usr/share but I suppose that that directory is meant for architecture independent data so maybe not...
<leio> lactose: I think something like update-m1n1 would take that and add u-boot and the dts for the real boot.bin
<leio> lactose: /usr/share should not contain arch-specific binaries.
<j`ey> leio: youve seen there's a slacbuild here
<leio> even systemd unit files are in lib
<lactose> I know what the purpose of boot.bin I'm just wondering why it's in /usr/lib64 in particular
<leio> I have not, I'm talking FHS type of stuff
<j`ey> leio: that was meant for lactose, sorry
<j`ey> lactose: it doesnt make sense in /usr/bin
<j`ey> its kinda a library
<lactose> Well that's a good reference, I'm still gonna try to make my own SlackBuild mainly because I want to get more familiar with them
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<lactose> Also good it seems they have done a similar approach to what I did for the kernel
<r0ni> lactose: i updated that yesterday, and there really isn't much to building m1n1 but /usr/lib64 is the path for libs on slackware but /usr/lib is used as well more for *system* related stuffs
<lactose> I see, makes sense
<r0ni> both are valid but /usr/lib64 is generally preferred... your choice. it's easier to use with other drop-in scripts there, or can be in the other
<r0ni> Ive also built kernel packages and put them up
<r0ni> based on alpine's config
<lactose> I do think it's a little odd that your m1n1 SlackBuild can build for other archs even though it's only really made for Apple Silicon
<lactose> You used Alpine's config? Neat, I used Debian's
<lactose> I haven't got a clue about how to configure a kernel so I'm happy to use someone else's .config
<r0ni> lactose that's generally in ALL slackbuilds, it's made from a template I use... not really a reason to exist except it's in all my scripts
<r0ni> it's... not fun... and hasn't been fun for decades
<lactose> What's not fun?
<r0ni> configuring kernels
<lactose> Oh I believe you
<r0ni> and the slackware arm default kernel is janky at best, i use an outside kernel on every install
<r0ni> and generally have used debian ones in the past, but i've found gentoo works great for me on arm VMs
<lactose> Slackware ARM kernel is also pretty out of date, even on current
<lactose> I think it's like what, 6.1.69?
<r0ni> maybe, he's got 6.6 just not released
<j`ey> 6.1 is still an LTS
<r0ni> i still need to compare whats needed for him to add asahi to the official pkg, and add it to mesa as well
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<r0ni> he'll add it eventually tho, as he's said he's interest in supporting the platform now
<j`ey> you can maybe supprort m1 mini with upstream, but thats about it for now
<lactose> That's good to hear, I'm glad I'm not the only one interested in Slackware on M1
<r0ni> lmao that's almost exactly what I said two years ago "I cant be the only one interested in slackware on macs am I?"
<lactose> 2 years ago Linux wasn't even on my mind haha
<r0ni> there's 3 of us now lol
<lactose> The funny thing is I barely know how to use Slackware
<r0ni> you'll need to make a dracut package for the initrd on updates... the included slackware scripts are less than desirable, dracut is easy
<lactose> Yeah... dracut is in the SlackBuilds repo though, is it not?
<r0ni> yeah but not with the conf files you'd need for the kernel modules
<r0ni> and slackbuilds don't build right out of the box on arm64
<r0ni> anyway, if your ever stuck on something gimme a holler, i'll help out if i'm around. Look thru my github repos there's tons of stuff there for slackware
<r0ni> i basically maintain my system from source so i keep scripts with up to date software for bunches of things i use
<r0ni> but it's past my naptime now, so I'm going to drift away... ttl
<lactose> Alright, later!
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<mps> anyone can tell me how asahi installer 'embeds' boot partition in EFI/BOOT/BOOTAA64.EFI
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<j`ey> it's not in grub
<j`ey> m1n1 passes some info onto u-boot, which loads the right EFI/ESP partition
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<mps> if it load right ESP it must use BOOTAA64.EFI to find on which partition is grub. or I'm wrong about this
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<j`ey> depends what BOOTAA64.EFI is, it could just be grub itself
<mps> ah yes. but then that means the grub is installed on ESP?
<j`ey> yup
<j`ey> markan made a post a bit about this recently
<mps> aha, I see.
<mps> but grub on EFI is bad idea IMO
<j`ey> you can do something different if you want, but that's how fedora does it
<mps> yes, I wiil try to follow standard grub installation
<mps> j`ey: thank you for help
<mps> or use pure extlinux.conf for boot ;-)
<j`ey> mps: I forgot, can extlinux.conf show a menu?
<mps> yes, but not enable edit parameters
<mps> only numerics to select boot option
<mps> and descriptions, ofc
<j`ey> I see
<mps> for some time at the beggining I used extlinux.conf to boot asahi
<mps> problem for me is how to embed boot partition in created zip rootFS and now thinking maybe asahi installer does this when create and populate ESP
<mps> do anyone have rootFS zip for download to look at it
<mps> j`ey: thanks again
<mps> (and they call 1GB minimal :-) )
<j`ey> thats just /boot :P
<mps> but there is root.img insided
<j`ey> that seems to be about 3G
<mps> unzip -l shows '3561992192 01-06-2024 16:11 root.img'
<mps> do you know what installer does with this zip file? simply unzip on root partition or something else
<j`ey> it depends on the stuff in .json
<mps> I looked in asahi installer source but couldn't conclude anything useful
<j`ey> eg: "name": "Boot", "size": "1073741824B",, "image": "boot.img"
<j`ey> so that will create a partition with that size, and "dd" boot.img onto it
<mps> aha
<j`ey> there's similar entries for root
<j`ey> and for esp, "source": "esp", it just copies the folder onto the partition
<mps> here is output of the unzip -l
<mps> so boot.img is extracted to boot partition, root.img to root and other to ESP
<j`ey> that relates to
<mps> and installer cannot chroot in root partition and run some scripts there, I guess
<j`ey> dont think it does
<mps> eh, this would be good feature
<chaos_princess> root is ext4, no? so macos can't even mount it
<sven> keep in mind that the installer is still running on macos
<sven> yeah, that
<chaos_princess> tho, i might have a solution :P
<j`ey> that's when we launch qemu!
<mps> yes, forgot it runs on macos
<mps> if the ESP/boot/root partitions number is predictable maybe then build rootFS image with these number and copy BOOTAA64.EFI to main zip image with proper path
<chaos_princess> those are not predictable, use uuids
<chaos_princess> then on first boot regenerate uuids and fstab
<mps> uuids is ok for grub.cfs
<mps> grub.cfg*
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<mps> it confirms my POV about SecureBOOT
<mps> what is 'export REPO_BASE=' url in
<j`ey> that's the base of the zip files
<mps> place where m1n1.bin, m1n1/boot.bin and should be put
<j`ey> well, the zip files will be in REPO_BASE/os/*.zip
<mps> j`ey: thanks, now I understand all this little more
<j`ey> for example REPO_BASE=, then:
<mps> aha, so I have to add 'os' subdir in my repo for alpine
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