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<lactose> alright so im now past grub but now i'm stuck in initramfs it looks like
<lactose> "mount: can't find /mnt in /etc/fstab" and "ERROR: No /sbin/init found on rootdev (or not mounted). Trouble ahead."
<lactose> Maybe I'm missing something in my initrd, I'm not sure what though, I've never generated one myself
<chadmed> what are you using to generate it
<lactose> I used the one that was included with the kernel in Slackware ARM, I don't know how to generate one
<chadmed> please use dracut
<lactose> dracut isn't packaged, I'm not sure if that's a problem
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<chadmed> if slackware has some other initramfs generating infrastructure _probably_ not
<chadmed> so long as you cna specify things to add to it
<chadmed> look at the dracut config files in asahi-scripts for what the initramfs needs to be able to do
<chadmed> i think the easiest solution would be to get dracut packaged in slackware first and take it from there
<chadmed> it just makes this so much eaiser
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<lactose> chadmed: Where are these drivers located? do I compile them myself?
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<chadmed> lactose: theyre part of the kernel..
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<lactose> chadmed: then what exactly is being included here? also how am i supposed to run dracut on a system i can't boot into yet?
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<chadmed> that file is telling dracut to explicitly add those kernel modules to the initramfs so that they can be loaded and the machine can boot successfully
<chadmed> if youre trying to bootstrap a rootfs then you need to do that from a distro which works first
<chadmed> youre supposed to run dracut to build the initramfs _before_ you zip up the root image
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<lactose> Wait so even if it's baked into the kernel it's still called a module?
<mps> lactose: I guess chadmed talking about kernel package (not vmlinuz - kernel) where are modules
<chadmed> its not baked into the kernel. all of those drivers are/should be modules
<lactose> Where can I find them? Because I certainly didn't put them in my image
<mps> but nowadays some call drivers as module even when they compiled in kernel
<chadmed> if you installed your kernel properly they will be in /lib/modules/
<lactose> Well I probably didn't
<chadmed> please just use dracut though it takes care of all of this automatically
<chadmed> you dont need to/should not be trying to build initramfses manually
<lactose> I understand that but what's the proper way to install a kernel?
<lactose> I just took the source tree, checkout the latest tag, and compiled it
<chadmed> make install && make modules_install assuming youre building from source
<chadmed> then all the grub updating etc
<mps> lactose: proper way should be how your distro does this
<chadmed> but yeah thats a good point the correct way to do this is to use slackware's packaging infrastructure to do all this
<mps> ah, maybe asahi kernel isn't packaged for slackware
<chadmed> yeah so make the package
<lactose> make install from within a chroot?
<mps> best way would be to make slackware pkg of asahi kernel
<lactose> In order to make a package I'd need to know where all the files need to go
<lactose> Slackware packages are just tarballs with a post install script
<mps> I guess you look at current slackware kernel pkg
<sven> there should be some normal Slackware kernel package, shouldn’t there?
<chadmed> just take whatever slackware does for a normal kernel and point it at the asahi sources and a valid config
<lactose> What? Slackware isn't source based
<chadmed> the package manager will have some sort of instruction or infrastructure for building your binary packages though
<chadmed> slackbuilds or whatever
<mps> I didn't used slackware for more than 25 years but I bet it is still binary distro
<chadmed> r0ni's repo has slackbuilds for m1n1 and an old version of libunwind
<chadmed> upstream slackware will have something similar from which they build the kernel binary package
<lactose> If I make a slackbuild that will take ages to build
<chadmed> yeah but at least it will be correct lmfao
<chadmed> i dont think theres any point doing this if youre not going to do it properly
<chadmed> youll just end up with an unmaintainable mess of bs
<sven> right, and there should be some slack build or something that generates that kernel package
<chadmed> yeah but do you understand that gets built by slackware maintainers on the backend
<chadmed> and automatically packaged up
<chadmed> like folks arent sitting there manually building package tarballs
<sven> and building a kernel shouldn’t really take hours :/
<chadmed> distro specced kernel might on a base m1
<sven> hours??
<mps> lactose: does slackware have developers IRC channel? if yes then you can ask there how to build package.
<chadmed> but my gentoo kernel takes like 15 mins on a 15" m2 air
<sven> even a bloated kernel config took maybe 20 minutes on my m1 air
<mps> looks like here aren't any of slackware devs (or they still sleep)
<lactose> Is it possible to do this on my AMD64 desktop? I'm not sure if I wanna work on this with my M1 MBP
<chadmed> youd have to set up a cross toolchain
<lactose> I do have that, but I was moreso asking if it's possible to chroot into an ARM root
<Guest12859> of course it is
<sam_> not sure "of course" is really right there
<sam_> it's not obvious
<sam_> with qemu-user it is possible, yes
<sam_> just slow :)
<chadmed> this isnt really something you can do "properly" in a chroot
<chadmed> our drivers will not get loaded for instance
<chadmed> you need to be doing this on hardware to make sure it actually works
<sam_> yes, sorry, to be clear, answering the specific question about chrooting, and not the rest of it
<chadmed> you could get away with building the images in a cross environment
<chadmed> but you still need to be using your mac to make sure it works
<lactose> Okay then, how should I go about building the packages?
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<chadmed> we dont know we're not slackware devs
<lactose> Since you need Slackware to build a slackbuild
<sam_> i generally recommend using a distro where you're comfortable with its packaging and how to use it
<sam_> especially if trying to port to new hw...
<mps> my first builds of asahi kernels were on arm64 LXC
<chadmed> you can just chroot into a slackware root from fedora asahi and do it there
<lactose> I understand how slackbuilds work
<sam_> so surely there's a slackbuild for the kernel you can use to start with?
<chadmed> but the images you build therein need to be tested on bare metal
<lactose> I'm asking about the logistics of actually building a slackbuild
<chadmed> you can just do that in a chroot then exfil the packages or whatever needs to happen to get them installed in your prospective root image
<lactose> I'm not sure if slackbuilds allow me to create a binary package, that I'll have to look into
<chadmed> ugh... so apparently slackware packages _are_ just built manually
<chadmed> and the tarball is just a tarball of DESTDIR...
<lactose> slackbuilds are yes
<lactose> Oh you wanna be looking at this
<sam_> amazing
<lactose> slackbuilds are unofficial but afaik most slackware users use it because it beats having to compile and install stuff manually
<lactose> They are essentially build scripts
<mps> sometimes I built tar.gz kernels with this simple script and run mkinitfs manually, on alpine
<chadmed> lactose: yeah so is the output of a slackbuild a package?
<lactose> I'm pretty sure it is?
<lactose> I'll have to do some more reading
<chadmed> yeah so surely somewhere in the official docs/repos will be a slackbuild for the kernel
<chadmed> you just take that and rework it to build the asahi sources
<lactose> Alright then, I'll do that then
<lactose> But first I probably should delete the Linux partitions since they aren't useful to me right now
<lactose> How do I do that?
<mps> lactose: btw, you can run qemu on macos probably with slackware current arm64 image and build kernel in it. it is quite fast
<lactose> hmm? I've never run straight QEMU, let alone on MacOS
<lactose> Also while I couldn't find an "official" kernel slackbuild I found something that's good enough to work with
<mps> lactose: this could give you some hints
<j`ey> lactose: you can use UTM instead of qemu, for a GUI
<lactose> I see, can I pass a drive with UTM as well?
<j`ey> I couldn't get that working, you can with qemu though
<j`ey> (well an interntal partition I tried to get working, not sure about a USB drive)
<mps> j`ey: safest method is to use CLI, IME OFC
<mps> btw, is there some tool to control bass/treble on speakers, like equalizer
<chadmed> you can use easyeffets
<mps> chadmed: thanks
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<r0ni> this guy does not really know slackware if compiling the kernel isn't something they have figured out yet
<u154ss> Revisiting this theme again.. is there a definitive and current Gentoo/Asahi install guide? My goal would be to install Gentoo alongside (dual boot) my existing Debian setup. I have seen Jared's version, bit I am note sure as to it's currency. Chadmed?
<r0ni> i'll look around for a asahi kernel config and add slackbuilds to my repo
<j`ey> but I dunno if it needs updating
<r0ni> ... and packages for that matter
<chadmed> j`ey: its still current if youre swivelling from ALARM which still works
<j`ey> chadmed: make a useless edit so the page date looks recent :P
<mps> slackware is still popular? (I'm surprised)
<u154ss> Thanks j'ey. Will have a look.
<r0ni> slackware is not flashy nor full of bullshit packaging ideas and is not corporately sponsored... it's rock solid and for linux pros, stays out of the way. You can't get that with fedora or these other systems. Its for boomers who dont want their hand held and want to do what they want to do with their system. it's not for everyone, and many dont want that level of control
<r0ni> for someone who needs to "read up" on a slackbuild trying to get asahi to run.... isn't likely
<r0ni> a build script is a build script, a slackware one is simpler as the system doens't do anything, it's all done in the slackbuild.... except for the ARM port, that's almost totally different than the x86 base
<j`ey> why is it totally diffeerent?
<r0ni> the arm port author has crafted a system to do things... but one could still use a plain slackbuild on it... he's just coming at it from defining things each package does and make a devkit for it. scripts can be much simpler
<r0ni> where is the kernel config for asahi-gentoo?, im not finding it in the repo, is it in main gentoo somewhere?
<chadmed> we dont ship a kernel config
<chadmed> i can dump mine somewhere if you want
<r0ni> really? huh wow i always steal kernel configs from gentoo bootdisk but it's on 6.1 right now on arm64
<chadmed> yeah thats just because the kernel install script puts it there when the images are built
<mps> r0ni: I didn't want to say anything bad about slackware, it was my first distro on which I started to use linux seriously for work
<r0ni> chadmed that would be cool, would make a package much easier to make
<chadmed> gentoo has two approaches to kernels: sources and distkernels. distkernels are your traditional distro-supported canned configs (still built locally but automated from a known-good config) where as -sources packages leave everything to the user
<chadmed> we only ship asahi-sources atm
<mps> and I was easy for me to switch to alpine 'rebasing' my knowledge about slackware
<u154ss> @Chadmed/j'ey will try this and report back..
<j`ey> u154ss: good luck!
<r0ni> mps: no hard feelings, it's def not for everyone. Its just where i'm comfortable. I use plenty diff distros, but slackware is the one i use the most
<u154ss> ..
<mps> r0ni: and I was positively surprised that slackware is still popular
<chadmed> r0n1:
<r0ni> i think theres a group of hardcore enthusiasts keeping it alive
<r0ni> chadmed: thank you sir!
<chadmed> no worries :)
<chadmed> its probably a bit barebones to ship as a distro package though
<mps> if the slackware switch to musl I will again test it
<chadmed> i build only the stuff i actually use
<r0ni> well for being asahi specific, i assume it'd be ok
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<chadmed> probably not tbh
<chadmed> i dont build any drivers for things that can be attached externally
<chadmed> usb devices etc
<r0ni> slackwarearm ships a generalized kernel and machine specific ones cuz arm
<chadmed> except the like 3 things i actually plug into these machines
<r0ni> hrm well I'll look at the config and add some things in that they ship
<r0ni> i know the basics it needs, i just havne't build one in quite some time
<chadmed> the only things you need to keep from mine are the apple related ones
<r0ni> they are about to switch to 6.6 i might be able to even get it into the base config for booting support in kernel at least
<chadmed> everything else can be however slack does it
<r0ni> ya i see a lot of "is not set" in there ;)
<chadmed> told ya
<mps> hm, so alpine is the best distro for asahi, everything (or nearly everything) is in official repo
<chadmed> sam_, leio: that sounds like a direct challenge to me
<mps> r0ni: btw, alpine also doesn't have any commercial entity behind it, only build/CI machines are sponsored but we don't accept any influences from the sponsors. And we don't package any closed or non-free software
<r0ni> really huh? i've tried it out a few times, and it seems decent. i have a vm on my intel mac running gnome but i still have very little idea how it works as a system
<r0ni> i was going to do a vm on my arm mac just lazy and haven't gotten to it.. i like how speedy it is, even in a vm on decade old hardware
<mps> yes, it is fast and lean thanks to musl
<mps> if you ever want to try alpine on 'strange' hardware here are some my short guides
<r0ni> one reason why i haven't bothered with asahi-slackware was I found how well it ran on vmware... and i couldnt find a reason for all the trouble to run natively
<r0ni> gentoo boot disk is a magic key to installing anything in vmware
<r0ni> that and any rootfs and you're golden
<r0ni> only qemu i use is with nbd to mount disks but i've not had so much fun with utm and such. never get any networking to work
<mps> I'm probably boring now, but when I started to use M1 I simply copied rootFS and home dir from one of my arm64 chromebooks, build m1n1 and kernel and installed on M1. nothing more
<r0ni> add mesa and thats basically how i roll, but i do a fresh installation usually
<mps> installing and configuring everything from start is boring for me, easier is simply copy what I already have and tweaked for my workflow
<r0ni> about all i copy is my sway config... really all i need
<r0ni> if i'm using gnome, the default stuff is fine for me, but sway is my norm
<r0ni> i maintain repos and package sets for slackware tho, so ensuring sane defaults is what i'm after and i do a lot of clean installs etc
<leio> chadmed: you know I think that should have been all in main tree long ago besides mesa! :)
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<chadmed> it's been finding the time and energy thats the challenge
<chadmed> work is... getting unpleasant
<j`ey> what about uboot?
<chadmed> u-boot is a whole discussion that needs to happen
<chadmed> because of the approximately eleventy bagrillion boards that all have slightly different versions
<leio> ok, maybe besides u-boot initially too
<leio> but that's something that might be possible to package under an asahi name, unlike mesa
<leio> as nothing else depends on it
<chadmed> initially i was going to try and make the version in ::asahi easily generalisable for different flavours but i think that discussion needs to happen further upstream because i dont want to make assumptions about the Correct Way to do things
<chadmed> i think upstreaming it as uboot-asahi or something similar would open the floodgates for 99999 different uboot-* packages in the tree
<chadmed> which iirc was something we really, really wanted to avoid
<leio> I think practicality trumps it, especially if we figure out a way to deal with mesa as well without needing an overlay.
<leio> or once the uapi is made stable
<chadmed> the mechanism i thought of could be used for both
<chadmed> but i think with mesa the smart play is to just wait
<j`ey> what about the kernel sources?
<leio> there are numerious sys-kernel/*-sources
<leio> numerous*
<leio> is asahi u-boot built from upstream?
<chadmed> no its our fork
<leio> then it can be a separate package for the time being
<mps> if you want u-boot with (clunky) cursor and bigger fonts look at
<mps> I would like to make something similar for alpine and have few questions for debian people who made this
<mps> Glanzmann is rarely here and I don't know if someone else works in this
<mps> cy8aer maybe?
<j`ey> others can probably answer
<mps> j`ey: my bets are on you ;-)
<cy8aer> mps: I just switched in and need to read first
<j`ey> and others!
<mps> cy8aer: ah sorry than, I misunderstood some of your previous messages about subject
<mps> j`ey: ofc, I'm just kidding a little
<cy8aer> Ah ok..
<mps> I see that script use installer from and have tailored installer_data.json for debian and zipped rootFS somewhere
<j`ey> yup
<cy8aer> And - as I understand There is a complete debian distribution in a zipped file and downloadable. Then there is a json which describes the partitioning and al the downloadable files defined.
<mps> my question is: is it enough to put installer_data.json somewhere and zipped alpine rootFS and use same scripts as debian uses
<j`ey> yup, since that script is what alarm/fedora uses too
<j`ey> just modified to point to the debian stuff
<mps> and also put these scripts somewhere on the web
<cy8aer> right.
<mps> so I don't need to build installer and put it on the web
<j`ey> nah
<mps> nice, looks easier than I thought
<mps> j`ey: cy8aer: thanks for explanation
<chadmed> nah you can swing the asahi installer and just feed it the json pointing to your images
<cy8aer> Though it has disadvantages (why I actually try to create a debian network installer iso for mac): No self configuration stuff, likle disk encryption and changeing file system...
<mps> alpine installer could be excepted next weekend if something doesn't need more work
<cy8aer> both - asahi installer and alpine installer for efi would be the best solution.
<mps> yes, but first step first, later we will see
<cy8aer> on the debian side: It is quite difficult to build the installer - that takes time too.
<mps> it took me little time last night on alpine after j`ey explained me what is needed
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<cy8aer> yeah, but in debian they have another packaging format inside the installer and I need to repack my kernel to this format. I will ask the bananas people if they have experience with the installer.
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<r0ni> ok, kernel building, updated m1n1, need to upload packages, mesa, and figure out what is needed for dracut and thats bout all outside of an installer I reckon is needed
<r0ni> welp it failed at modules, and it's past my bedtime, so i'll have to look after work tomorrow... no slackware pkgs going up as of yet
<leio> mps: it's not like gentoo hasn't had asahi u-boot for 1.5 years already ;)
<mps> leio: I know, but I wanted to say about cursor and bigger fonts
<leio> aha, ok
<mps> alpine u-boot-asahi had cursor and terminus fonts from the start
<mps> and about month or two ago Simon Glass added cursor to u-boot
<mps> u-boot mainline*
<mps> Andre Prziwara (if I wrote last name correct) made fist versions of cursor patch and terminus fonts for u-boot which I took later and refactored
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<u154ss> @j'ey/chadmed the Asahi installer's OS choice is now exclusively Fedora. This guide - is Arch-oriented. Are there any gotcha's here?
<j`ey> u154ss: ah right. you need to export EXPERT=1
<j`ey> then run the installer
<u154ss> @j'ey fairenough. Like so - EXPERT=1 curl -L |sh ??
<u154ss> fair enough
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<tpw_rules> does it still have the uefi only option without expert mode?
<j`ey> yup
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