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<lactose> Anyone know what m1n1-tools are for?
<tpw_rules> probably the proxy-client stuff
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<lactose> r0ni I sketched up a boot logo for U-Boot, what do you think? I made the Slackware logo flat because the gradient looks a little dated in my opinion.
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<r0ni> lactose_ looks nice
<r0ni> many slackware logos out there look really, really bad
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<mps> is it possible from macos to remove linux and partitions to clean state. to be in state before linux install
<mps> i.e. remove stub, efi and rest
<lactose_> mps: you can use diskutil or even the graphical disk management
<lactose_> I want to customize the u-boot boot logo but I can't figure out how to do it. I'm looking in menuconfig but it's all very confusing
<lactose_> I tried to see what Fedora does but I couldn't navigate their package sources
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<j`ey> lactose_: are you sure you dont want to customise the m1n1 logo? thats the one thats displayed in the middle of the screen
<lactose_> Fedora still has the m1n1 logo, but it changes to the Fedora logo during boot
<lactose_> Not m1n1, the Asahi logo
<j`ey> u-boot is just the logo in top right, not the middle of the screen
<tpw_rules> would not recommend graphical disk management
<sven> yeah, the diskutil ui is really only made for very simple operations
<sven> the moment you try to do something more complex it gets very confusing or will just refuse to do something that should be possible
<lactose_> j`ey: I see, then I guess all I have to do is change the stage 2 logo to my own logo if that's the case
<j`ey> lactose_: yup
<j`ey> you can change the u-boot logo too, but I dont think thats what you want
<lactose_> Also r0ni, do you use u-boot as provided in Slackware ARM or do you build it yourself
<j`ey> lactose_: you have to build it
<j`ey> there's patches you need
<lactose_> oh okay, I'll build from the asahi source tree
<mps> tpw_rules: thanks. also thanks to lactose_
<mps> I was tempted to change m1n1 and even u-boot logo long ago but decided to left them as they is
<lactose_> Which tag do I pull? I see asahi-v2023.07.02-4 but there's a newer openbsd-v2024.01
<lactose_> I'm guessing that's an upstream tag?
<mps> u-boot 2024.01 is released today
<j`ey> asahi-releng I think lactose_
<tpw_rules> i don't know if that openbsd one is quite upstream. but asahi-whatever is the one in fedora
<mps> apple m1 u-boot can be build from upstream but I doubt it will work
<lactose_> the openbsd tags seem to correspond to the release tags from
<lactose_> So I'm assuming that those are upstream
<mps> parts are upstreamed but not all
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<lactose_> Yea I'll use the asahi tags just to be safe
<lactose_> That's what I used last time and it seemed to have worked
<lactose_> I think I might disable the u-boot logo, I don't see the point in customizing it, but I think a Slackware m1n1 logo would be nice
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<mps> tpw_rules: I have to repeat 'diskutil eraseVolume free free disk0s4' few times because I have more linux partitions
<mps> I guess volume is partition in macos
<tpw_rules> diskutil kinda can't tell the difference between the two. it's weird
<tpw_rules> there is and it does know. you have to say "free free" to tell it to delete the partition and not create a new volume there
<r0ni> lactose_: yeah, gotta build it, reminds me i had a script around somewhere for it, but its wildly out of date at this point
<tpw_rules> but it's not like in linux where the partitioning tools and the volume tools are totally separate things
<tpw_rules> (volume is really much closer to filesystem)
<lactose_> Ah, that's fine, I'll just get some more practice writing a SlackBuild r0ni haha
<mps> tpw_rules: thanks
<tpw_rules> actually maybe it's between a partition and a filesystem.
<tpw_rules> but to answer your original question, yes. as long as it's not an APFS container partition; you have to use deleteContainer for that
<r0ni> lactose_ yeah anything i'd have would likely not be relevant today lol
<r0ni> huh i just found it uboot 2022-7-3 so yeah... lol
<lactose_> The funny thing is I learned way more about Slackware while trying to port it than when I actually ran it on hardware lol
<mps> tpw_rules: not much intuitive for me but looks better than complete reinstall
<r0ni> yeah it kinda "just works" and unless you want to go wild, you'd never have to dig into it
<mps> and it worked, thanks again
<mps> I prepared first part of asahi installer for alpine, now have to create zip image
<mps> should the m1n1.bin be put to image or it will be downloaded by installer
<mps> m1n1.bin for ESP
<j`ey> it needs to be part of the image you provide
<j`ey> (see the .zip from before, the esp folder has esp/m1n1/boot.bin)
<mps> j`ey: I added boot.bin to to image
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<mps> I mean m1n1.bin for stub partition
<j`ey> oh right, no installer does that
<mps> thanks, lets try
<tpw_rules> are alternate install images being accepted or something?
<mps> tpw_rules: no, I'm building it locally for alpine
<mps> ah, got
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<mps> hm, got 'grub rescue' prompt
<mps> ohm, rootfs is wrong root FS 'nvme0n1p5 bad block size 1024'
<mps> and wrong gpt partition number in BOOTAA64.EFI
<mps> but I'm ok for now, learned what have to fix
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<janneg> there was talk about accepting alternative install images but there are no clear requirements for that. one thing mentioned was some sort of official association with the distro/project
<sven> I think something like curl might be even better since that gives the distro full control over what they are doing and hopefully also funnels the users to the usual support channels
<sven> I’m not again adding alternate images either as long they’re associated with the distribution though
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<j`ey> some could make an 'unofficial' mega installer
<j`ey> but also it's pretty normal to have to go to a specific distro for an installer
<sven> yeah
<sven> We could always just list the distributions that have their own installer someone on the website
<sven> *somewhere
<mps> this is ok imo
<mps> there are many distros on the net
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<lactose> to build u-boot, i just need `make apple_m1_defconfig && make`?
<mps> yes
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<lactose> where should i put u-boot.bin in my package?
<lactose> Not sure where I should be putting it
<j`ey> u-boot.bin is part of the stage2 m1n1
<j`ey> so somewhere in /usr/lib64 I guess
<tpw_rules> it gets gzipped then concatenated onto the stage2 m1n1.bin