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<RoundDuckKira> lactose how is the slackware project going
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<lactose> RoundDuckKira: It's going well! I'm currently writing a slack-desc for U-Boot
<lactose> I'm also going to update my SlackBuild for m1n1 to include my custom logo
<RoundDuckKira> ooooh
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<mps> I've got alpine installed with installer but problem which didn't solved is how to embed proper root partition in EFI/BOOT/BOOTAA64.EFI
<mps> and I don't have idea how to do this with installer, if possible at all
<ncopa> Do we even need grub when we have u-boot?
<mps> ncopa: good question
<mps> but end users like grub
<ncopa> I mean u-boot is able to load kernel specified in extlinux.conf?
<mps> right, that is how I used M1 in beggining, with extlinux.conf
<mps> and iirc j`ey also used it for long
<mps> and also to boot alpine
<ncopa> only reason for grub is if you have your kernel and initramfs on lvm or zfs or similar
<mps> we can try again with extlinux.conf but then we will be different from all other distros
<mps> also maybe we could ask Dermot Bradley (alpine dev) because he have good understanding of grub
<mps> anyway, good thing (news) that we are nearly 'there'
<mps> also with extlinux.conf we will have to keep vmlinuz, initramfs and dtbs on ESP
<mps> in new installation root partition will be usually 5 so we can prepare EFI/BOOT/BOOTAA64.EFI with this number embeded
<j`ey> mps: I tried to understand that, but didnt, I asked on the fedora channel to see if someone knows
<janneg> it uses root=UUID=...
<ncopa> I don’t know if I completely misunderstand, but why does grub need root partition?
<ncopa> I thought grub only needs partition with kernel and initramfs, eg boot partition
<j`ey> janneg: if that root is 'randomised' (or generated) how does that actually get into the image? (for multiple installs)
<janneg> it's updated after 1st boot randomization and I think it's a random (at image generation time) UUID to begin with
<mps> janneg: BOOTAA64.EFI 'must' have embeded partition on which it will search for grub (but I'm sure you know this, so maybe I was not clear with my question)
<mps> prepared root.img which is then installed on linux root partition with installer 'keeps' UUID, this is not problem
<mps> I could prepare few BOOTAA64.EFI files with different gpt partition numbers and tell users to copy proper one to ESP from macos. Ugly solution but I don't have better idea for now
<chadmed> how are you creating the ESP?
<mps> chadmed: `grub-install --target=arm64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --removable`
<mps> well, ESP created with parted and mkfs.vfat
<chadmed> pass --boot-directory to grub-install too
<chadmed> and point it to /boot on your image
<mps> chadmed: on different partition?
<mps> isn't --boot-directory default to /boot
<mps> chadmed: forgot to mention /boot/grub is not on ESP but on root partition in alpine case
<chadmed> dunno but that should basically be all you need to get BOOTAA64.efi to loog for grubaa64.efi in the correct place
<chadmed> yeah exactly
<chadmed> thats literally all you need to do
<chadmed> when your rootfs image is dded into the free space the uuid will go with it
<mps> interesting, will try
<chadmed> so your bootaa64.efi image will find it
<mps> thank for hint
<mps> thanks*
<mps> chadmed: yes, dd preserves uuid
<mps> is there guide for tags in installer_data.json
<mps> I had to guess from fedora and debian ones
<chadmed> i dont think any part of the installer is documented right now lmfao :p
<mps> heh, right
<chadmed> when i and/or leio have a crack at a gentoo image i will probably document some stuff
<chadmed> or at least write a guide
<mps> 'use source, Luke' :)
<leio> I've built such an image already, yeah, but need to add all the dracut and other fun and automate it
<leio> we ought to aim putting this out to official builders, just like weekly stage3's
<leio> but now work is picking back up again, so I'm struggling catching up with the other stuff I wanted to do and then the existing nvram ::gentoo PRs even :(
<chadmed> my plan is to use catalyst to build an asahi stage3 and then basically follow what does
<mps> macos 14.2.1 is offered right now for upgrade
<mps> would it work with asahi
<cy8aer> I am running 14.2.1 - and the asahi stub is - and stays 13.5
<mps> on new install stub is also new, i.e. will be 14.2.1?
<j`ey> no, the stub stays at a particular version
<mps> j`ey: even if I do clean install?
<j`ey> (because some firmware interfaces can change between versions)
<j`ey> yes
<mps> ah, so stub is not taken from installed macos?
<j`ey> nope
<mps> good then, thanks
<j`ey> some firmware, NVMe, SMC, is global, and that shoudl stay backwareds compatible
<mps> ok, lets upgrade
<mps> while I'm preparing and building new alpine files
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<mps> chadmed: sorry to bother you again, '--boot-directory=/boot' or '--boot-directory=/boot/grub'? grub is installed in /boot/grub on root partition
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<mps> whatever I try grub embeds '(,gpt6)/boot/grub' in BOOTAA64.EFI, and this is root partition on system where I'm trying to fix this in chroot
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<chadmed> mps: its just /boot. maybe see what does if youre trying to do it from a chroot
<mps> chadmed: yes, I do this from chroot
<mps> but it didn't helped
<chadmed> look at
<mps> chadmed: sorry, where is
<chadmed> AsahiLinux/asahi-alarm-builder
<chadmed> yeah thats it
<mps> thank you
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