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<lactose> Is there a list of options for installer_data.json? To my knowledge there's no documentation in the installer repo
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<lactose> I'm checking the installer_data.json in the asahi-installer repo as well as m1-debian. I can figure out what most of these options mean but it makes me wonder if there's a list somewhere... I'm probably looking in the wrong place
<j`ey> dont think its documented
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<ncopa> bom dia! mps: pong
<mps> ncopa: could we add message to warn user that speakersafetyd should/must be run when linux-asahi kernel is installed and upgraded
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<mps> is it normal that with all asahi audio things installed alsamixer doesn't see pulse device
<mps> pavucontrol see it
<leio> I don't know why one would look at alsamixer, but is the pulse or pipewire alsa plugin enabled/installed as a first guess? Former is in alsa-plugins, latter in pipewire
<leio> wait, I have the former and I don't have pulse device in alsamixer either
<mps> leio: yes, pipewire-pulse is installed
<mps> and run
<leio> I was referencing -Dpipewire-alsa meson option, not pipewire-pulse
<leio> but I don't know if that will help
<mps> no it wont, tried
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<lactose> I'm trying to get the installer to install my own image but I get an error during image extraction. I edited the production bootstrap script by changing `REPO_BASE` to `.` and copying my image and `installer_data.json` the relevant locations.
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<lactose> From what I could gather, it's trying to read the URLCache, but there isn't one as the image is local
<j`ey> yeah that looks like a bug from 7e62bcb93079479c74f4ed2013b4d2348349cd6b
<j`ey> you can start a python web server, python3 -m http.server
<j`ey> to try work around that (and use http://localhost..)
<lactose> j`ey: I was hoping to not do that but I came to the same conclusion haha
<j`ey> or fix the code :P
<lactose> I checked in the browser so not sure what the problem is here
<j`ey> how did you create the zip?
<j`ey> can you curl it and check it's not malformed
<lactose> zip -r9 and yes I can curl it
<j`ey> try again with -1 instead of 9, just in case it's some weirdness there
<lactose> Also earlier when I did it locally it went past this
<mps> hm, looking at installer, is it possible to prepare some other distro image and add it installer_data.json to be included in official installer
<j`ey> yep
<lactose> That's what I'm trying to do haha
<j`ey> mps: that's how fedora does it and debian etc
<mps> j`ey: I mean, prepare rootFS image and add it main installer at
<j`ey> lactose: you might have to do some debuggng to figure out why it claims not to be a zip
<lactose> Anyway when I made the installer read the image locally it didn't have any problems
<j`ey> mps: ah, well I think they'll want to keep the 'main' installer to stuff that's supported by them I guess
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<j`ey> maybe in the future
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<lactose> The only hangup is it tried to use a nonexistent URLCache
<mps> j`ey: aha, thanks. understand. for now if I want to make alpine isntaller I have to make changes and put it somewhere on the net
<mps> like lactose trying now
<j`ey> lactose: you could just try revert 7e62bcb93079479c74f4ed2013b4d2348349cd6b
<lactose> how do i do that? i've never done that
<j`ey> git revert 7e62bcb93079479c74f4ed2013b4d2348349cd6b
<j`ey> but I think it'd be better to figure out why it thinks it isnt a zip file, instead of reverting random commits
<lactose> j`ey: I mean curling doesn't really reveal anything so I don't really know what else could have gone wrong
<lactose> also -r9 was what debian used
<j`ey> I can't really guess what went wrong, my only suggestion would be to try add some extra logging/prints into the urlcache code to see if it looks like the data is valid
<j`ey> (or just try the revert and ignore the issue for now to get futher, and just hope it's somethng weird about localhost)
<mps> is there guide how to prepare asahi-installer, I tried to run ./ but it fails at trying to make m1n1
<lactose> the strange thing is that the line in question says passes a URLCache to the ZipFile constructor
<j`ey> that's fine?
<j`ey> URLCache 'acts like' a file
<j`ey> mps: that's how you do it, maybe you dont have rust in your env or something/
<lactose> the error is telling me otherwise
<j`ey> lactose: well sure, there's some kinda bug..
<j`ey> this works for markan etc, so thats not the bug
<mps> I have rust installed
<mps> will wait till lactose finish and ask how to do this
<janneg> but ptobably not the softloat toolchain
<lactose> also you need rust for the installer to work?
<janneg> *probably
<j`ey> lactose: for m1n1 to build
<janneg> you need rust to build m1n1 for the installer
<j`ey> mps must have the softloat toolchain, since alpine has stage2 m1n1 builds
<j`ey> (but maybe not in this env)
<janneg> it builds m1n1 with `make RELEASE=1 CHAINLOADING=1`
<lactose> Well that's something I can deal with later, I haven't even gotten past parsing the image
<mps> does download all components or they must be downloaded and put to proper dirs
<lactose> which the parsing of the zip was fine when done locally
<j`ey> mps: it downloads everything (not rust..)
<lactose> but when i switch to an http server it claims that its not a zip
<j`ey> lactose: well Ive given you options to try, not sure if you have yet
<janneg> stage2 builds are without chainloading
<mps> j`ey: hm, not in my case
<j`ey> mps: oh: git submodule update --init
<mps> ah, ok
<janneg> lactose: does the http server support range-requests?
<mps> j`ey: now it is better
<lactose> janneg: how do i check that?
<j`ey> janneg: ah, that might be it, it's just python -m http.server
<janneg> `curl -r 1024-2048 ...`
<mps> but now I've got "error: failed to load source for dependency `bitflags`"
<j`ey> yeah, from googling it seems that's the issue, sorry lactose I didnt realise python didnt support that!
<mps> Unable to update /work/m1/asahi-installer/m1n1/rust/vendor/bitflags
<j`ey> just realised that looking at /private/tmp/asahi-install/installer.log might have shown that
<lactose> Ah, it's all good! I honestly wasn't expecting to get much help here (my past IRC experiences weren't great) but you and ch4dmed particularly have been incredibly helpful
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<j`ey> so either run a more 'real' server, or you have to revert that commit, or try to hack around that commit
<lactose> This supposedly supports ranges, not sure if it's any good
<lactose> alright it seems to have worked!
<j`ey> yay
<lactose> anyway you mentioned m1n1 earlier? does the installer build stage1 or something?
<lactose> because i already have stage2 deployed in the image
<j`ey> yup
<lactose> i see
<j`ey> (hence the need for rust)
<j`ey> you could just nab the m1n1.bin from somewhere too, rather than rebuilding *shrug*
<lactose> oh it looks like i already have rust on this machine
<lactose> Anyway not being able to work with local images is probably considered a bug, I should investigate that further
<lactose> Though to be fair, this only really applies to people like me who are insane enough to try to install Slackware haha
<j`ey> if not, make a GH issue
<lactose> > This will only report what kind of machine you have, the OS you're installing, basic version info, and the rough install size.
<lactose> Ah yes, I'm sure my install report will be very useful
<mps> I remember that something extra is needed to build m1n1 in chainloading mode but I forgot what
<j`ey> ohh
<j`ey> mps: oh: git submodule update --init --recursive
<j`ey> I forgot/didnt know the rust crates were submodules
<mps> j`ey: thanks, some progress
<lactose> actually now that i think of it i probably shouldn't send the install report
<mps> j`ey: actually I come to conclusion to build all this on musl system is to cumbersome
<mps> too cumbersome*
<lactose> a musl system? what are you on, alpine?
<mps> and installing alpine from usb is realy easy
<mps> lactose: yes, on alpine
<lactose> you're making your own image?
<mps> yes, on above url is a script
<lactose> i see
<mps> outdated though
<lactose> im also making an image, taking heavy inspiration from the debian scripts
<mps> yes, I know for this
<lactose> i see
<lactose> im about to reboot my mac, wish me luck
<j`ey> gl
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<lactose> alright so good news is i made it to grub
<lactose> bad news im in rescue mode
<lactose> it says it cannot find normal.mod
<lactose> ah im missing modules, no wonder
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<mps> ah, I've got installer.tar.gz built on alpine
<mps> now have to read how to adapt it to use for alpine
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