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<i509vcb> alyssa: poke on question above
<i509vcb> for GL you don't seem to record what sysval is at what offset or which ones were encountered?
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<i509vcb> Was the intention that when I lay out uniforms I just reserve a spot for a uint64_t that is a gpu pointer to the uploaded agxv_sysvals_graphics/compute? and then just have the buffers to be bound just appear after than in the uniform registers?
<i509vcb> s/than/then
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<alyssa> i509vcb: The details are up to you
<alyssa> That's the absolute easiest approach
<i509vcb> ok
<i509vcb> I've been working through it and I feel I have something nearly done
<alyssa> The optimization would be what the GL driver does, analyzing the ranges that are used and binding those ranges
<alyssa> saves a few instructions from the preamble, might not be any faster in practice.
<i509vcb> I heard that -Dbuild-type=debug causes gcc to build without optimizing out stuff, but that seems to do nothing?
<alyssa> IDK
<alyssa> I only ever do debugoptimized (default) or release
<i509vcb> s/build-type/buildtype
<i509vcb> I've got to be doing something wrong here if qsort fails with garbage but a loop to check my sanity is fine:
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<i509vcb> This is very similar to what parts of nir do, but it seems to not work in agxv
<i509vcb> nvm I figured out that I did something wrong in sort_sysval
<i509vcb> (lhs and rhs in the sort function actually need to be cast to a const type *const*)