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<i509vcb> alyssa: do you know if the hardware supports taking an indirect draw call count from a buffer ( or would implementing that require some shader magic?
<i509vcb> (If I am going to implement indirect draws may as well turn every stone)
<i509vcb> I don't know what the gl equivalent of that is but I definitely saw a capability related to that in the documentation
<i509vcb> (the gl equivalents are in ARB_indirect_parameters)
<alyssa> ttbomk it is not supported, I have a plan for it but please totally ignore it for now
<alyssa> (if we try to implement it now, we'll fail, there are a bunch of pieces that are needed first. luckily it won't be required for a while yet.)
<alyssa> ("Do you have a plan for everything?" "Yes.")
<i509vcb> okay for later
<alyssa> +1
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<i509vcb> can't test indirect draw, meta copy is still broken...
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<alyssa> womp
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<i509vcb> alyssa: compressed tiling doesn't seem to be allowed for an image that's used as a render target? I guess in vk I'd need to forbid compressed tiling with a color attachment usage
<i509vcb> and the other things mentioned in gallium
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<alyssa> ?
<alyssa> compression is fine for render targets
<alyssa> just no SHADER_IMAGEs
<alyssa> in vulkan speak, compression is good for COLOR_ATTACHMENT but not allowed for STORAGE_IMAGE
<alyssa> (also good for SAMPLED_IMAGE but not for MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT)
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<i509vcb> Must have misread something then elsewhere