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<i509vcb> I'm not sure if I am doing a really naive rebase
<i509vcb> I thought it would be something like this:
<i509vcb> 1. Find the point at which asahi/main and agxv/main forked
<i509vcb> 2. rebase --onto asahi/main
<i509vcb> I feel I am doing something wrong if the vast majority of the conflicts are occuring in the gallium driver
<i509vcb> which agxv really isn't supposed to be touching
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<jannau> i509vcb: that probably tries to rebase commits from the previous asahi/main onto the current one
<jannau> if easy to determine `rebase --onto asahi/main asahi/$prev_main` should work better. asahi/$prev_main could be a tag or commit id
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<alyssa> i509vcb: lmk if you still need help with the rebase next week and hopefully I'll be well enough to take care of it then :-)
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