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<alyssa> i509vcb: rebased agxv/main, that branch has layered rendering now
<alyssa> smoke tested with vkcube but did not CTS
<alyssa> good luck / have fun :)
<i509vcb> neat, I guess I'm wondering what mistake I was making during rebase as to make every commit be "click incoming changes" in editor
<i509vcb> I guess I'll try to see if the layered rendering stuff gives me working blits
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<alyssa> i509vcb: keep in mind i didn't do agxv integration, I just mean that the core compiler/common support is merged in by virtue of the rebase :)
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<i509vcb> Yeah I suspected that
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<ella-0> layered rendering!!! cool. Currently in the process of moving to uni so not gonna be able to do much for a couple weeks. If no ones got to that by the time I'm settled I'll look into agxv integration.
<ella-0> Also anyone got some advice on how I should handle occlusion query availability? I'm assuming it'll be an extra compute pass that fills in an availability buffer but not sure.
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<i509vcb> ella-0: I think part of implementing CmdBlit with vk_meta requires layered rendering, so I guess I'll probably get a lot of that done
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<ella-0> Yeah it does
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<i509vcb> Still patiently waiting for collabora to fix image copies in vk meta of course
<i509vcb> (alyssa said that was something still wip)
<Mary> Will queue another CTS run tonight and diff stuffs a bit compared to my last run
<i509vcb> I'm not 100% familar with layered rendering in vk, how would you typically indicate that to the pipeline?
<i509vcb> s/pipeline/shader
<i509vcb> CmdBeginRendering will know the number of layers because of binding the framebuffer
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<i509vcb> descriptor set binding of VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE with descriptorCount > 1?
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<i509vcb> this is going several layers deep in vulkan CreateInfo types...
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<alyssa> i509vcb: it doesn't look like you necesarily have that information but you dont really need it
<alyssa> when compiling frag shaders, just asssume the framebuffer is always layered
<alyssa> the only case where it would matter is for spilled render targets
<alyssa> but if you just always use a 2D Array PBE descriptor for that (with layers=1 if necessary) that should still work out fine, at a slight cost to instruction count in the spilled path
<alyssa> but if you're spilling attachments you're already screwed so that seems like a reasonable tradeoff to me lol
<alyssa> the layered bool matters a lot more for the background and EOT programs, but those are independent of pipeline and you should have that information available for them just fine, I think
<alyssa> I should probably simplify this in the gl driver but whatever, it's not really hurting anything there..
<alyssa> kapeesh? :)
<alyssa> 5
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<i509vcb> Sure I guess that makes sense
<alyssa> :+1:
<i509vcb> Although I am definitely still confused as to why agx_nir_predicate_layer seems to never lower load_layer_id in the blit meta shader
<i509vcb> The meta shader uses an actual raw load_layer_id
<alyssa> i509vcb: run nir_lower_sysvals_to_varyings with the appropriate modification to support layer
<alyssa> before the predication pass etc
<alyssa> for us LAYER is a varying, not a sysval
<i509vcb> sysvals_to_varyings has no layer option?
<i509vcb> Or I guess I am adding new things
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