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<rosefromthedead> i looked once again at timestamp queries and it's doable as soon as i regain the brain power i once had
<rosefromthedead> i think the two main confusions for me are a) the current query code assumes only one batch is involved in a query (ref agx_query.c:179) and b) all currently supported query results seem to be written into a bo by the gpu whereas timestamps are written into a struct by the kernel
<rosefromthedead> so the challenge isn't in making it work but rather in making the code still be intelligible once it does
<rosefromthedead> and i have a feeling it might be easier to wrap my head around if i remove a) by making queries have a list of writers instead of a single writer but my first glance at doing that was a bit scary
<rosefromthedead> so that's where i am atm
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<i509vcb> Wondering about EGL_IMG_context_priority, I'm guess the kernel uabi would need to allow specifying a priority for the drm device?
<i509vcb> Similar question for VK_KHR_global_priority as well
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<i509vcb> drm_asahi_queue_create:: priority seems to cover that?
<i509vcb> Although 0-3 feels a bit meaningless, is it expected to map to VkQueueGlobalPriorityKHR values or something else?
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<RPAnimation> Hello, are there any ongoing issues that needs work on agxv Mesa driver?
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<i509vcb> there is definitely some stuff that can be done
<i509vcb> Uhh let me recall what is still low hanging fruit
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<i509vcb> (And quit...)
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<i509vcb> oh okay you came back
<i509vcb> CmdDrawIndirect, CmdDrawIndexedIndirect are probably two easy things, you just need to adjust the stuff for Draw and DrawIndexed, look at Dispatch and DispatchIndirect for reference. There are also extensions that can be implemented
<RPAnimation> Ok, noted
<i509vcb> Running the dEQP-vk is probably a good sign of what needs work as well
<i509vcb> image copies are a bit dependent on something else in mesa
<i509vcb> blits I am currently working on
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