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<i509vcb> alyssa: the sr2 response is interesting, so the workgroup index in agx is not strictly a compute thing?
<i509vcb> Well if you consider a tile to be a workgroup of sorts?
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<alyssa> i509vcb: tiles are morally workgroups yeah
<alyssa> tile memory is the same physically as workgroup shared/local memoty
<alyssa> metals "tile shaders" make the correspondence fairly explicit
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<alyssa> i509vcb: addressed your comments and merged
<alyssa> I don't think i'll get to the rebase this weekend, though maybe you'd like to give it a try?
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<i509vcb> I can give it a try
<i509vcb> Although I imagine there is a better way than mass cherry-picking the entire branch from where it diverges