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<i509vcb> Not sure how VkEvent would be implemented. Assuming there isn't special stuff in agxv I'd guess a buffer you write to after some stage finishes?
<i509vcb> Self contained things like a vk_meta implementation could be a cool idea but you'd probably end up writing hundreds of lines of unsafe Rust with ash which wouldn't be much better than C
<i509vcb> On Rust until meson supports crates from cargo we'd probably need to vendor some rust stuff...
<i509vcb> Mainly ash
<i509vcb> Speaking of which the vk_meta discussion for layer_id seemed inconclusive from what I recall?
<i509vcb> I'm tempted to throw a hack commit to just make it work and revisit in the future
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<i509vcb> hmm now to figure out why the palm trees are uhh weird
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<chadmed> they have been attacked by fusarium :)
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<ella-0> i509vcb: i think vkevent might need some uapi changes? at least what's currently used for implementing explicit synchronisation could be exposed more for implementing vkevent to some degree.
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<ella-0> the other option is just a basic compute job that handles vkevent which I think v3dv does
<i509vcb> alyssa probably has an opinion how to do this
<ella-0> as for crates it might make sense to vendor ash (because it doesn't really have any other subdepednencies) but I personally wouldn't want to depend on much else; the dependency hell that crates can cause if one is not careful makes my other job (maintaing Iglunix) a bit of a pain.
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<i509vcb> Although if someone wanted to use proc-macro in mesa then it would be pain
<ella-0> Wouldn't have thought so; It's included in rust-src
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<i509vcb> Well for writing proc macros
<i509vcb> Although the kernel figured it out so *shrug*
<i509vcb> (although needing to build tokio for mesa just sounds like an npm nightmare)
<ella-0> I didn't think you needed anything else really wo write proc macros